Lian Cang said coldly, she was completely hopeless for the person in front of her.

"You... what kind of thing are you? Don't you say that the deity is not? You know, I was born with the civilization of the universe, do you know that I was born to be a king? You know, from the time I came to this area In the universe, it is destined to be the core of this universe? Did you know..." Zun Zhou was enraged by Liancang's words and began to fight back frantically.

Just before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lian Cang.

"I know what you said. But you seem to have forgotten who gave you all this!" Lian Cang said indifferently.

In an instant, Zun Zhou's expression changed again.

A word that directly set off a shocking wave in his heart.

Who gave it to him?

These four words were like a thunderbolt hitting the top of his head directly.

"You are the spirit of Universe!"

At this time, among the three people in the Promise Temple, someone finally reacted, and the kid handed over the identity of Lian Cang.

So, at this moment, Zun Zhou's pupils instantly widened.

"Spirit of Universe... Spirit of Universe..." He lost his soul and finally knew what kind of existence he was facing. I finally knew why Lian Cang could have such a means as soon as he made a move, and actually collapsed the power of the Realm King Seal that he had worked so hard to plan for countless years.

There was no change in Liancang's face, and it seemed that they didn't care about their identity.

In other words, from the very beginning, she did not intend to hide her identity.

Long Fei looked at Lian Cang with a half-smile.

He could naturally see that Lian Cang did this on purpose to show him. Because this time, even if he doesn't make a move, Long Fei has enough means to crush everything. The reason why Lian Cang took action was to show her will.

She chose Long Fei!

Therefore, what she has to do now is to destroy Zun Zhou.

"Why, why, why did you do this, since you gave me everything, why did you take it away?" Zun Zhou roared hysterically.

He knew that when Lian Cang made his move, all his auras were useless. Because as Lian Cang said, she gave all this.

And she is going to take it back now, who can stop it?

"Because... Long Fei is my man!" Lian Cang said.

When this statement came out, everyone in the field was shocked.

Even Long Fei couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

There is nothing more impactful than having a woman say that she is her man.

It is a kind of trust, but also a kind of belonging.

"He? He's your man... What am I..." Zun Zhou was furious and couldn't help but curse.

"Little Bai Lian, I didn't expect you to be a soft eater, but is this your ability? You would stand behind a woman and be arrogant. Without her, would you dare to shoot at me?" Zun Zhou roared.

He refused to accept it. He felt that it was an insult to him to lose in Long Fei's hands.

Long Fei gently touched Liancang's little head, "I'll come, otherwise some people think I'm a soft eater!" Long Fei said softly.

Eat soft rice?


Lian Cang's identity is extremely special, but it is not enough to let Long Fei eat soft rice.

For his own woman, Long Fei thought it was a domineering possession, not for some purpose.

The same is true now.

Lian Cang was stunned for a while, and knew that because of his own shot, Zun Zhou mistakenly thought that Long Fei dared to appear here because of her.

"Idiot!" Lian Cang gave him a pitying look.

It can only be said that they misunderstood Long Fei too much. Why she became Long Fei's woman, to a certain extent, is because of Long Fei's strength.

That kind of power, even she felt powerless.

But Zun Zhou didn't think so, and there was a wicked look in his eyes.

"Hmph, Long Fei, you'll never recognize yourself. If you didn't have the spirit of the universe, I don't think you would dare to appear here today. Let's fight to the death. I'll let her know that choosing you was her biggest mistake." Zun Zhou said bitterly.

Long Fei looked at Zun Zhou with great interest.

"I'm very curious. It's up to now. What strength is there to support you to say this. I also want to know who it is, and I can't recognize myself." Long Fei was confident.

The crushing strength of Juedu made him not have the slightest fear of Zun Zhou in his heart, and even said that he didn't care about the other party at all.

The current Zun Zhou, in his eyes, is nothing but a lost dog, and he has no power to turn the world upside down.

"You will know soon. Even if you have the strength, you can't escape the crushing of fate."

"What about the Spirit of Universe, the Spirit of Universe, you can take back some power, but some power belongs to me after all."

"Long Fei, aren't you awesome? Today I'll let you know what real terror is."

"You know, the Deva Five Decays, even the Universe will be exhausted one day. As long as you are still a cultivator, it is absolutely impossible to break free from the power of the Deva Five Decays. Today, I will show you what the power of lore is called. "

"Don't worry, today I will slowly torture you to death, let you go through exhaustion, dry up your breath, run out of blood, cut off your soul, and finally die."

"Today, the deity wants everyone to know what is the real control and what is the real master." Zun Zhou almost roared, killing intent in his eyes.

As he spoke, he seemed to have found his support point again, and his expression became proud. It seems that under this power, he can really control all living beings.

But Long Fei was stunned.

He thought that after holding Zun Zhou for so long, there would be some deadly trump card, and in the end it turned out to be the power of Deva's five failures.

For a time, Long Fei felt amused.

Looking at Zun Zhou with a frantic face, he really couldn't bear it.

"I advise you to stop and keep your last dignity." Long Fei said lightly.

Zun Zhou is really poor in his skills, but he also understands that, after all, Long Fei is already strong to this level. If it is really the bells and whistles of the past, it is useless at all. If you want to target Long Fei, you must use the means of pressing the bottom of the box. .

But before, he used the power of civilization and the seal of the king of the world, but he was finally resolved by Long Fei invisibly.

Even that kind of power can't cause any harm to Long Fei. As for his previous methods, there is nothing to say, and it is impossible to pose a threat to Long Fei at all.

However, what Long Fei didn't expect was that this was a big move that had been held back for a long time. He wanted to fight to the death for himself, and the power he used in the end turned out to be Deva's five failures.

"Are you afraid, tell you, it's useless, no matter what you say today, you will definitely die under my power." Zunhou did not believe Long Fei's words at all, thinking that Long Fei had fear in his heart.

"Poor. Zun Zhou, don't you know that I went to Transcend Tribulation before I came to Zun World?" Long Fei sneered and looked at Zun Zhou with pity in his eyes.

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