Coercion, persecution, and overwhelm.

One person directly killed a Mu family, leaving thousands of disciples of the Mu family, but no one dared to say a word of rebuttal.

This is a kind of coercion ingested into the soul, which directly crushed their fighting spirit, crushed their fighting heart, and crushed their determination to resist.

At this moment, all the disciples of the Mu family had endless sorrow on their faces.

It can be said that this is the day when they are on the verge of extinction.

"If you want to kill, kill, I am a disciple of the Mu family, there is no one who is greedy for life and fear of death." As if making a decision, Mu Yao looked up at the void and said calmly.

Countless Mu family disciples looked at Mu Yao.

For the first time, a firmness appeared in the frightened eyes.

"Patriarch is right, the big deal is death, life is the mu family, death is the mu family ghost, my mu family has no cowardice."

"Fight! Fight to the death!"

"Isn't it just death? Who is afraid of who!"

The disciples of the Mu family gritted their teeth and said.

They are also afraid of death. But they are more afraid of lack of dignity, more afraid of being tortured. They can understand the current situation clearly.

This is to drive them out and kill them. Even if they surrender, the final outcome is the same. They will die without a place to die, and they will suffer a humiliation.

"It's a good match."

"Want to die? This seat will not let you. This seat will force your souls out, let them roast in the sun and cry in the dark night. This seat will let you, you can't survive, you can't die." People don't care at all, and in the sneer, the eyes are full of playfulness.

While speaking, his hands were not idle, and his hands suddenly a little.

Boom boom boom.

A huge roar suddenly erupted, and the whole world seemed to be submerged. All the disciples of the Mu family completely lost control of their bodies and lost their self-consciousness. Under the oppression of this power, their bodies began to collapse directly.

Puff puff……

One after another, in an instant, the countless disciples of the Mu family were left with only their souls.

"Ah, kill me, kill me!"

"You bastard, you must not die well, you must not die well."

"Kill me, disciple of the Mu family, kill me!"


Divine soul wailing, pain unceasingly.

The physical body was instantly collapsed, the soul was robbed, and the hardships endured under this power were enough to make them suffer. Therefore, in this cry, there is a desire to die.

At this moment, they would rather die than bear this kind of ordeal again.

"Hahaha, I beg you to die, this seat will not let you die, who can give you a happy, life-or-death thing, even in the face of this seat, dare to speak provocatively. This is your fate, this seat will let you today The soul is suffering."

"And this woman, isn't she your patriarch, isn't she the goddess in your mind? I want to watch her in our crotch in front of your face."


The man in the void continued, causing a burst of laughter.

This madman has completely cut the flesh in the hearts of the Mu family, and every word is a humiliation to their souls.

Mu Yao's face was deadly.

Seeing the tragic situation of the disciples of the Mu family at this time, her heart was extremely painful.

She felt ashamed of what Long Fei had entrusted to her.

She felt that she was not worthy to be the head of the Mu family.

Looking at the children of the Mu family who had been destroyed and turned into spirits, but were still tormented, she made a decision in her heart.

The next moment, she looked at everyone in Kameyama.

"Elder, take some disciples to retreat and go to the sacred mountain. Only by going to the sacred mountain can there be a chance of life." Mu Yao said in a deep voice.

A look of shock appeared on the faces of Mu He Tai, Mu Tianhe and the others.

In this case, how do they go?

How to retreat?

This is a desperate situation, one person, forcing their entire mu family into a desperate situation. Even, let alone retreat, under this kind of pressure, even a single move is an extravagant hope.

It can be said that in the current situation, they do not even have the right to choose.


Only endless despair, can only wait to die!

"Don't worry, Elder, I still have the means to buy you some time." Mu Yao said with a firm face.

The next moment, she stood up suddenly.

There was determination on his face.

"All disciples of the Mu family, fight with me and buy some time for the elder and the geniuses of the younger generation." Mu Yao said suddenly.

At this moment, countless disciples who had been seriously injured but whose bodies had not been destroyed stood up brazenly.

"Hahaha, Patriarch, I'll go first."


Then he shouted loudly, and his body rose to the sky.


The self-destruction of a cultivator is extremely terrifying. Even though their Cultivation Base is not tyrannical, the self-destruction still makes the sky shake.


This is not a self-destruction at all.

It's a family blowout.

Boom boom boom!

One after another, mushroom clouds appeared one after another above the void.


Above the void, the man's face was gloomy, and he put away his means and stepped back thousands of feet.

"Unexpectedly, these ants are really not afraid of death."

"In the face of life and death, you can actually have the courage to make such an act of self-destruction. I have to say that this group of ants is not completely without any merit."

"But it's still useless, ants are ants, even if they self-destruct, it can only delay their Death, it's harmless."

Several people communicated with each other, and the aloof posture was on display. It seems that he doesn't care at all about this emotional change in front of him, nor is he worried at all.

"Go!" Below, Mu Yao also shouted loudly.

After speaking, her figure started to burn directly, and her body and soul burned at the same time.

She...she's going to blow herself up too.

"Yao'er!" Mu Tianhe cried out in pain, with tears in his eyes.

He has experienced more, life and death trials, but never let him show such feelings. The boy didn't cry easily, but he didn't get to the sad part.

After parting from life and death, watching the Juniors blow themselves up and buy him a limited escape time, he was full of guilt in his heart.


"big brother!"

"No, you don't want to die!"

Behind Mutianhe, countless Mujia Juniors wept, watching the blood mist erupt in the void, and their hearts were also extremely sad.

"Go!" Mutianhe said in a deep voice.

Although he was extremely saddened in his heart, he knew even more that their Mu family needed to preserve their living strength so that they would not destroy their clan and live up to the efforts of Mu Yao and others.

"It's so naive to want to leave. Don't say you guys blow yourself up. Even if you all blow yourself up, you still have no chance of life."

But at this moment, above the void, the voice of the man appeared again.

The expressions of Mu Tianhe and the others changed dramatically. They never expected that they could not stop this person even when they blew themselves up.

"And you, this woman, since you want to die so much, then this seat will not let you die. If you want to explode yourself, I will let you watch them and explode in front of you one by one." The man snorted coldly.

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