Finally, from Xu Banxia's affirmative eyes, Long Fei learned about what happened.

"It should be that my power remains in your body." Long Fei said.

subversive power.

Since he took the eye of pure goodness from Xu Chuqiu's body, the power of subversion also left the power of Long Fei in his body, drinking and pecking, as if it was a kind of bearing Karma.

Xu Chuqiu's face became excited, and he shouted: "Hahaha, Brother Fei, according to what you said, I am also very good now? Can I be the savior?" Xu Chuqiu looked at Long Fei expectantly.

Long Fei was speechless for a while.

That's it?

Teenage dreams are not daydreams, okay?

However, seeing Xu Chuqiu's earnest eyes, Long Fei couldn't bear to attack, so he had to say: "It's almost, but it's not a big problem, follow me, there will be a day when you become the savior of the world."

Hearing Long Fei's words, Xu Chuqiu's eyes brightened.

But Xu Banxia's eyes showed some worry.

There are too many unknown fears in this world. If Xu Chuqiu is really involved, he can't say whether it is good or bad.

But in all fairness, she didn't want Xu Chuqiu to be involved.

Just seeing Long Fei who was full of confidence, all the worries in her heart disappeared.

"What shall we do next?" Xu Banxia asked.

She has been waiting for Long Fei to wake up. Now that Long Fei has woken up, she must be handed over to Long Fei to be the leader.

"Do the task." Long Fei said without hesitation.

"What?" Xu Banxia and the two were taken aback.

Task? They came without any task.

"It's okay, you can almost understand that I'm going to overturn the world." Long Fei said.


Two days later, the three of them crossed thousands of miles.

Along the way, Long Fei was shocked.

Xu Chuqiu's power was stronger than he imagined, and many of the Spiritual Roots he encountered didn't need him to deal with it.

As for Xu Chuqiu's power, Long Fei also had a perception.

It is probably equivalent to the level of Li Hanyue and Mu Nanyou.

But this was enough to shock Long Fei.

They were all cultivated by their own hands, but Xu Chuqiu only had a power transformation with himself, and he was able to have this kind of power, which is evident.

But this is also Xu Chuqiu's good fortune.

But when we got here, the road was cut off.

Among the previous system rewards, there were incomplete maps. And now that I have come here, the map has come to an end.

And the sight is even more strange, and there will be no way to go. In front is a towering mountain, blocking everyone's way.

"Brother Fei, what do you do next?" Xu Chuqiu was in high spirits, and he killed so many along the way.

"Make a road when you meet the mountains, and build a bridge when you meet the water. Since there is no road, let's find a way." Long Fei said lightly.

At this level, he would never believe that the road was broken.

Since there is no way ahead, just kill it.

When Xu Chuqiu heard this, his face suddenly became excited.

It seemed that he was waiting for Long Fei's decision in time.

"Okay, Brother Fei, just look at it." Xu Chuqiu said with a firm face, and the killing intent was also on his body.

Long Fei looked in his eyes and nodded lightly.

The next moment, Xu Chuqiu took the lead and launched an indiscriminate bombardment at the mountains in front of him.

"Long Fei, what are you going to do? My brother seems to be addicted to killing now, is this good for him?" Xu Banxia finally expressed the doubt in his heart.

Along the way, Xu Chuqiu was completely slaughtering madly, and it was almost mad. As long as he encountered evil creatures, he would be wiped out without a word.

Although she did not encounter any danger, this mutation made her a little worried. For fear that Xu Chuqiu would be overwhelmed by the kindness in his heart.

"Have you heard a word?" Long Fei asked.


"Remove evil and promote good!" Long Fei said.

In his cognition, eradicating evil is promoting good. Once in his mind, maybe there should be a third color in the world, but after so much, the thoughts in his heart have changed.

The mainstream of the world should have only two colors.

It must also be black and white.

Otherwise, there will be a grey area.

As for the rest, it's just an embellishment.

If good is compared to white, then black is evil.

Needless to say, if the white is submerged, the world will become black, and the darkness will remain forever.

In other words, black and white should never be compatible. In other words, good and evil are not supposed to coexist. Just like now, Xu Chuqiu slaughtered wildly, but that's all.

Xu Chuqiu once had kind eyes, so in his eyes, the world did not tolerate evil at all. It is precisely because of this that the mad killing is happening now.

Because this is an inherent opposition.

like a natural enemy.

Xu Banxia didn't speak anymore. Although she didn't know much about what Long Fei had explained, she understood that good and evil should not coexist.

As soon as she thought of this, she no longer stopped her.

At this time, Xu Chuqiu was still bombarding frantically, like a madman, he hit a real fire, and the power surged out of his fist. The mountain range in front of him also collapsed crazily in this instant.

It's just not enough.

The mountain range in front of him was unusual. After being infected with evil energy, it had already become strange. Even if Xu Chuqiu's strength was very powerful, it was still not enough in front of this.

"Come back, let me come." Long Fei said.

According to Xu Chuqiu's speed, it is too slow. When he completely collapses the mountain range in front of him, he is afraid that he will have to wait for two days.

Long Fei couldn't wait.

Now that his strength has recovered, of course, he wants to clear the world as soon as possible.

"Brother Fei, I can do it." Xu Chuqiu was already sweating profusely, but he still didn't want to retreat and said to Long Fei.

"I know you can, but it's not enough. I'll do it." Long Fei didn't say much.

Taking a step forward, Long Fei pulled Xu Chuqiu back.

But at this moment, Long Fei was a little confused.

Because there are too many means, I don't know how to make a move for a while.

In the end, Long Fei decided to use Dao Qiquan.

After all, this is a fusion of the power of the system and its own combat power.

He wanted to see how powerful this punch was.

With a thought, Long Fei directly brewed his strength, and then in an instant, he raised his hand and punched out.

"Dao Yi!"

Long Fei shouted loudly.

In an instant, a fist shadow roared out. But in this punch, it seems to contain some unknown power, and the light of rhythm is contained in it.


The next moment, a roar suddenly erupted.

The mountain range in front of him was directly cracked, and the speed visible to the naked eye was directly turned into powder.


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