The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 535 Domineering Onee-San


"Come again!"

"No, the fire control is not enough o"


"The speed is too slow, the spiritual fluid is too slow o"

"Can't control it, stop it, stop it..."


again fryer o

Fortunately, the grade of the magic elixir furnace is not low, otherwise it would have been bombed to pieces.

just like that

The two continued until late at night o

In the end, Mandala fell into a drowsy sleep because she was too tired. She now has a strange poison in her body. In addition to the running around in the past few days, her physical strength could not support it.

Long Fei split his coat on him, picked up the pill stove and walked to the deepest part of the mountain.

"Ancestor, how is her pill refining?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said four words, "Talent is amazing!"

Long Fei smiled lightly, "Sure enough, her understanding of pill refining has surpassed the general level. Is this the power of the natural immortal root?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said lightly: "The only weakness of this girl is Xianli, her Cultivation Base is too big, and Xianli can't support it. If he grows up, it must be a miracle in pill refining Realm."


"Natural Immortal Roots!"

"If this kind of person becomes a member of my team, it will be the logistics captain. With her here, you don't have to worry about Medicine Pill supplies."

Long Fei's heart is boiling

If you want to mix well, brothers are indispensable

The eight Vajra are just tasks triggered by the system. How can these eight people be enough?

What is he facing at Immortal Domain?

Pass Celestial Immortals Hall!

The strongest strength of Immortal Domain

Ancient Promise!

The super powerhouse of the seventh-grade immortal root o

Long Fei needs a strong team, a perfect team that no one can shake, if Mandala can become a member of his team, then this team will be even more perfect o


Long Fei exhaled heavily, his mind moved, "Heavenly Devil order!"




Long Fei incarnates Heavenly Devil into Heavenly Devil space and begins to cultivate. In Heavenly Devil space, he only needs a little bit of immortal power, and the cooldown time of pill refining is also a little bit. More importantly, his proficiency is doubled and doubled!

"here we go!"


"Refining failed!"

"proficiency 5"


"Refining failed, proficiency 5"

The system beeps frantically

To refine a high-grade Medicine Pill, Long Fei cannot rely on luck every time, even if he now integrates the ninth-grade Immortal Soul to improve the success rate of pill refining

but o

The most basic is the level o

Just like Cultivation Base, relying on trolls alone is not enough for the power of the ancestors. After all, it is not your own real power. If you want to be strong, you must constantly break through with your real power.



"Refining failed..."

From midnight to dawn o

Long Fei did not rest for half a second, and kept refining o


"Congratulations to player Long Fei for the upgrade of pill refining, the current profound level is eighth-levelo"


"Heavenly Devil space cultivation time is over"

The voice fell o

Long Fei was sent out by the Heavenly Devil space powerhouse. At this moment... he was like spending seven days and seven nights in an Internet cafe, with disheveled hair, black face, and incomparably haggard.


"I've raised the third-level, it's not enough!" Long Fei exhaled heavily and poured all the Medicine Pill he had successfully refined into his mouth.


Immortal power quickly recovered o physical strength also recovered a little o

"Restore the deity o" Long Fei's thoughts moved, he recovered his body, and secretly said in his heart: "Ancestor, is there a way to break through the levels in the Heavenly Devil space?"

He's only on the third floor now

too slow!

And the farther back the pill refining technique is, the more proficiency it becomes, and the harder it is to make breakthroughs.

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "Your power cannot break through now, but... I can rely on my strength to break through a few times, but it can only be temporary."

"How many floors can you break through?" Long Fei was excited.

Ancestor Yanhuang said, "How many floors do you want?"

Long Fei was excited, "Can you rush to the ninth floor?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said with a smile, "Yes, but your body can't bear it, so let me break through to the sixth floor for you at night. This is the limit of your physical body."

Long Fei said: "Yes!"

at this time o

Mandala put his hands on his waist, the two peaks on his chest trembled, trembled, fluctuated up and down, looked at Long Fei's excited look, and said, "How dare you be lazy?"

that tone o

Absolute Onee-sano

Absolute domineering!

Long Fei was startled and turned around abruptly.

just o

The distance between him and Mandala is less than five centimeters, mouth to mouth, nose to nose, eyes to eyes, if it weren't for the huge mandala that held Long Fei's chest, the two would have had a close contact.

Also at this moment

Mandala cheeks slightly red o

Long Fei was also a little uncomfortable, because his nose was inhaling the powerful fragrance of the natural immortal root on the mandala, and his mind began to be a little bit out of control.


"Stinky hooligan, bullying our young lady again o"

Sakura walked in with a roasted hare.

Long Fei flicked his body, quickly backed away, and quickly calmed down. He secretly said, "It's too evil, it's too evil, that picture is too evil o"

Mandala coughed lightly and said, "Be lazy and have breakfast? I'll punish you for not having breakfast."

"Start giving me pill refiningo"

"If you dare to fry the furnace again today, hum, I want you to look good," Mandala said domineeringly, the aura of Onee-san Fan.


"What's the situation today?"

"The three of them are still in the mountains and haven't come out yet," a disciple reported.

Yao Shi's eyes sank slightly, and said, "I can't believe that I really didn't escape."

Although it's a bit different from what he thinks o

but o

The result will be the same, and Yaoshi is not worried, just wait for two more days.

immediately o

Yao Shi asked, "What's going on in the Elder Pavilion?"

"The Elder Pavilion is negotiating the new Valley Master, you are the first person to be chosen."

Hearing this news, Yao Shi laughed and said slightly: "Do they still have a second candidate?"

The disciple hesitated for a few seconds, then said: "There are three elder prescriptions, he is the second candidate, and... this time the pill refining challenge into the valley will decide who is the new valley owner o"


Yao Shi's brows tightened and he said, "Use pill refining into the valley to test us?"


"it is good!"

"A mere prescription is not my opponent at all." Yao Shi was full of confidence, and immediately dispersed the disciples in the hall, leaving Yao Lang behind, and asked, "How's the Mu family?"

Yao Lang said: "I have already met the head of the Mu family, he promised to support you, and then he will enter Yaoshan in the name of the Mu family exchange group."

"I'm afraid someone won't let them enter the valley now."

Yao Shi's eyes were shocked, and he immediately said angrily: "Hey, who dares to stop my distinguished guest? I don't want to mix it up. When that time comes, you will be my ambassador. If anyone dares to stop me, I will slap him."

There was a ferocious look in Yao Lang's eyes, and he immediately said: "Disciple obeys!"

chapter Five,

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