Either don't do it, do it and do it best!

Long Fei owes Fu Yunshan too much

If it wasn't for her life extension pill, Long Fei's grandfather would no longer be in this world.

If it wasn't for her help, Long Fei might not be able to make it to where he is today.

It is also o in Tianfeng Tower

Fu Yunshan paid for him like this, can he see Fu Yunshan being bullied?

Absolutely not!

down one day o

The backyard is divided into two parts, one is pill refining and the other is refining device.

The refining device was set up in a secret room, this is what Long Fei requested o

Mandala in the pill refining room o

Long Fei looked at the refining ore, "refining what?"

"Knife? Sword, stick?"

"These are not enough, these are the weapons. If you want to win in terms of rank, I'm afraid it will be very difficult, and with my refining skills, I still can't reach the level of gods, let alone refining immortal weapons." Long Fei Crazy thinking in my mind, what weapon is the big move?

What exactly are you going to build?

As a heavy treasure, it is necessary to crush the audience and make people excited, so as to help Fu Yunshan and make Fengyuan Business Alliance famous.

Long Fei's mind kept constructing o

But after the whole day, Long Fei didn't make any progress.

I even thought about breaking my head, but I didn't even think about what kind of weapons to refine.

But o

He is not idle, but incarnates Heavenly Devil into the space ordered by Heavenly Devil, and uses crazy cultivation techniques to o

this time o

He is desperate to rush into the highest level of Heavenly Devil space, the ninth floor!

The strong crushing of Heavenly Devil's space made his body in an extremely tense state, while improving the refining technique, he was trying to make something out.

past one night

Long Fei has no clue...


"What is Fu Yunshan doing?"

Futianlong's exquisite courtyard

The three elders were sitting together sipping tea and chatting. When they saw a Futianlong bodyguard entering the courtyard, Futianlong immediately asked.

"Report to Elder, she is looking for help everywhere, borrowing things, and basically she has gone to all the families that have business dealings with the Fu family."

Fu Tianlong held back his smile and asked, "What's the result?"

The man replied: "I didn't borrow anything. These people don't give her any Faceo at all."





The three elders couldn't help but laughed loudly.

Fu Tianlong laughed and said: "Of course she can't borrow it, because as long as the three of us have a relationship with the Fu family, it's only been a few days since Fu Yunshan came to Shendi City? How long have we been here? It's been ten years, if she can borrow something, it's really a ghost o"


"Fight me?"

"Little girl, you are the only one who deserves it?" Fu Tianlong was very proud. Originally he was the person in charge of God Emperor City, but he never thought that Fu Yunshan would be directly airborne and his position was above him. Finally got a chance this time o

I will never let Fu Yunshan go

"Do you really think of yourself as an onion when you poop and pee while riding on our head?"

"It's o"

"If it wasn't for her father, would she be able to come to God Emperor City? Women are always being played by men, she should know this o"

One of the elders said o

"Dage, the Fengyuan Business Alliance will inevitably fail in this auction. The Fengyuan Business Alliance will definitely be hit by the other nine business alliances. What should we do?"

"yes o"

"It's a foregone conclusion that Fu Yunshan will be forced away, but what about us?"

Fu Tianlong smiled faintly: "You don't have to worry about this matter, as long as you force Fu Yunshan away, I will have a way to make Fengyuan Business Alliance rise again." "Hehe..."

"Don't forget, we have a strategic partnership with the royal family of the God Emperor Dynasty. The three of us know about this, and even the president doesn't know about it."


The three of them were stunned and laughed at the same time.

this time o

Fu Tianlong asked, "What is the waste of Nantian Territory raised by Fu Yunshan doing?"

"He's been behind closed doors all the time"

"However, the woman named Mandala is a bit complicated. I have investigated and she seems to be a member of the medicine family, and she is also a poison alchemist. Just yesterday, she refined ten groups of poison pills, all of which are of high grade and quality. Yes, this is probably the only thing Fu Yunshan has o"

Fu Tianlong's eyes turned cold and he said, "Poison pill, right?"

"Agui, find a way to steal all the poison pills she refined, I don't have the slightest chance to turn Fu Yunshan over, I just want to make her doomed!"

Fu Tianlong's eyes reveal fierce light

His methods are extremely ruthless, even his own niece, as long as he gets in his way, his six relatives will not recognize him!


another place o

Murong Palace o

Murong Fenglei got excited and said, "As you expected, the Jin's business alliance has succeeded, and there is also infighting within the Fengyuan business alliance."

"The owner of Tianfeng Tower can't take it anymore"

"As for the trash from Nantianyu who has been hiding in the room and dare not come out, it is estimated that he is afraid that people from God Emperor Academy will find him."

He now admires his own son more and more

You are young, but you can count everything

Cultivation Base is important, but... the brain is more important o

not to mention o

Murong Tian has both a Cultivation Base and a brain. Even if he is not a demon slayer with such strength, he will be able to soar into the sky at the Murong Palace.

Murong Tian smiled proudly and said, "I've already heard about the Divine Emperor Academy, Fu Yunshan can't take out five thousand immortal stones, and once the deadline expires, her Tianfeng Tower will be closed. o”

this thing o

It is also very beneficial to him. When his master's illegitimate son dies, he is the only disciple of First Stage and will get all the resources, including third rank Xiangen.

Everything is perfect!

Murong Tian grinned and said secretly, "Boy, what are you fighting with me now? I only need to do a little trick, and your backer, Fengyuan Business Alliance, will be finished. Do you still have any support?"


Murong Tian smiled proudly.


"What exactly?"

It's only two days

The Alchemy Technique has been elevated to the Heavenly Rank by Long Fei Realmo

But... he hasn't figured out what kind of Lingbao he wants to build.

at this time o

There is a loud noise outside the yard

Sakura was shocked and flew out, "There are assassins!"

Mandala climbed out of the room, "Uncle Lei, Uncle Lei, Judu Pill... Judu Pill has all been taken away o"

Tobacco Lei went out just now o

I heard the voice and rushed to the backyard, but... it was too late, the strong man had long since disappeared.

Fu Yunshan also walked into the backyard, looking at Fu Yunshan and the mandala in her hands, her heart was already dead, "Why does this have to be?"

"Is God going to kill me?"

She hates!

She clearly knew who was stealing the Medicine Pill refined by the mandala, the person who was Futianlong!

the same family

A business alliance, why fight infighting?

Fu Yunshan was extremely hated!

Long Fei also knew what happened just now, and at this moment, a light flashed in his mind.

immediately o

He opened the door to Uncle Lei and said, "I need ore, a lot of ore, how much is needed!"

finish o

Long Fei turned around and walked into the room, excitedly saying, "I want to create a battle armor!"

"Transform Vajra's armor!"

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