The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 597 I'm Still Alive

God Emperor City is lively o

Once a year, the auction jointly organized by the top ten business alliances will start today o

This time quite huge o

unprecedented scale

Not only are there a large number of participants, but there are also many important figures

The Elder of God Emperor Academy alone invited three o

In addition, it is said that an honorary vice president of God Emperor Academy was also invited.

The royal family of the Li family can only serve as a foil.

the same o

The backgrounds of those who are qualified to enter the auction venue are not ordinary.

It's all big shots

Tickets for the auction were sold out as soon as they went on sale, and there were countless people who wanted to go in and watch.

One ticket is fired up to 100,000 taels for one o

That's it, it's still in short supply


In the early morning, the backyard of Tianfeng Tower is depressing.

at the moment o

The yard is already full of people!

Fu Tianlong shouted, "Fu Yunshan, the other nine major business alliances have all submitted the auction items to prepare for the auction, but you haven't handed it in yet"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't pay anything, don't tell me you haven't even got one thing these days? As the person in charge of God Emperor City, what do you eat?" Fu Tianlong scolded heavily.

Yan Guilei couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Elder Fu, isn't that too serious for you to say?"

"Some things you should be aware of, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Fu Tianlong glared and shouted, "What are you? You are only a slave in the Fu family, are you qualified to talk to me?"

"damn thing!"

"Fu Yunshan, if you don't know how to discipline slaves, I can do it for you." Fu Tianlong drank heavily, at this time he was unscrupulous.

because o

He can crush Fu Yunshan to death

Yan Guilei's face sank

Fu Yunshan said: "Fu Tianlong, I don't need you to blame my people. I will take full responsibility for this matter, and you don't need to worry about it."

she has given up

She broke her leg these days, but... no one is willing to help her o

The poison pill refined by mandala was stolen, and she was even more desperate o

The auction is about to start in less than two hours, but she can't take out a single thing now, and there's nothing else she can do o


"You're in charge?" Another Elder said contemptuously, "Fu Yunshan, can you afford to pay? The auction of the ten major business alliances has now become the alliance of their nine business alliances. You can only afford one thing now. If you can't take it out, you have lost the face of Fengyuan Business Alliance. Are you responsible? Are you so responsible?"

Fu Tianlong smiled and said: "If she says she is responsible, let her be responsible, and I will see how she is responsible."

His heart is very proud

When he came in the morning, he knew clearly that Fu Yunshan couldn't take out a single thing.

In this way o

God Emperor City, Fengyuan Business Alliance, and even the Fu family do not have the status of Fu Yunshan!

In this game, Fu Yunshan has been eliminated!

They are winning

Fu Yunshan's eyes sank, her body was trembling, she stood up slowly, "I won't bother you to worry about how I'm responsible."

"Tianlong Shuo"

"I just want to say something to you, infighting will only make the Fu family go down. People are doing it, and God is watching. You know what you have done yourself."

Fu Tianlong glared and said with a sneer, "Little girl, it's not my turn to teach me a lesson, hum!"

"Fu Yunshan, admit defeat?"

Fu Tianlong looked at Fu Yunshan proudly, smiled, and said, "Little niece, let me tell you something, the process is not important, the result is the most important, understand?"

at this time o

Sakura said angrily: "Who said we lost? We haven't lost yet!"

Everyone is looking at Sakura

Xiaoying clenched her fists tightly and said, "Sister Yunshan and Shao Long, Shao Long will definitely not disappoint Sister Yunshan."

The ore in the yard is gone

When the smoke thunder came, I was also secretly surprised o

at this time o


"Hahaha..." The three old men of Futianlong laughed loudly, sneering wildly, and said, "If you don't say I almost forgot, there is another trash in the Southern Sky Territory, where is he?"

"Still at the Closed Door Training?"

"Has a piece of shit come out?"

"I think he escaped long ago, hahaha..."

From the beginning to the end, he never put Long Fei to put in one's eyeso

People from Nantianyu are useless at all!

can't make the climate

So far so good Closed Door Training, it's just waste in waste o

Fu Yunshan snorted and said, "Fu Tianlong, it doesn't matter if you say I am, but you can't say Long Fei!"

Say she can, but not Long Fei!

Fu Tianlong smiled contemptuously and said, "What happened to him? Isn't he a waste? Aren't the people in Nantianyu a waste? Fu Yunshan, if it weren't for him, you would fall back to this point?"

"Speaking of which, I really want to thank him. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have a chance to step on you."


Another elder smiled and said, "Fu Yunshan, is your lover so important? Even more important than the Fengyuan Business Alliance?"


"Women are born to be played by men. Fu Yunshan, do you want to play with him? However, you were played by him, hahaha..."

The three elders are unscrupulous

because o

Fu Yunshan has already lost, from now on they will be in charge of God Emperor City!

Fu Yunshan's face was ashen, her fists clenched, and her joints cracked.

Mandala, Sakura, and Yangulei were all very angry, but...they couldn't do anything o

Auction is the key

They can't come up with things to auction, Futianlong and the others can crush them without limit.

just in time o




A Devilish Qi soared into the sky and turned into a fuse, the whole room exploded directly, making a loud noise, and turned into a pile of ruins in the blink of an eye.



Fu Tianlong laughed proudly again, and he leaned forward and backward, and was about to die from laughing. He pointed to the ruins and said, "Refining? Genius, hahaha... It's really awesome to have lost the house."

"Have you seen the refining fryer?"

"He not only fried the furnace, but also the house, hahaha..."

very proud o

The last chance to turn over is gone!

Fu Yunshan's face became anxious. She no longer cares about the auction, what kind of loss Fengyuan Business Alliance faces, and now she wants to care about Long Fei's safety, "Long Fei..."

Xiao Ying also said loudly, "Young Master Long!"

"Cough cough cough..."

"Cough cough cough..."

A series of coughs sounded in the ruins, and then a figure slowly walked out from the dust, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm still alive o"

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