Kissed twice in one night

The first time is an accident, even if it is o

but o

The second time is a forced kiss o

what is this?

Zhang Xinyue's heart was a little broken, she always cherished her first kiss, just wanted to leave it to the man she cherished the most, but now...

Looking at the hooligan in front of her, and with a dark face, he is still a man with a tendency to neurosis. Although he is a little handsome, it is completely different from what she imagined in her mind.

heart is broken o

However, Long Fei did not give her time for treatment, so he quickly calmed down and said, "The ancient golden corpse has already been placed in front of you. Regarding the deaths of Chen Tou and the others, I can only say sorry, and I can do nothing."

Chen Tou died at the hands of the black knife, this matter must not be known to Zhang Xinyue

Long Fei continued, "Can you show me what's inside the coffin?"

he always wanted to know o

Sending the ancient golden corpse to Barren Mountain City is also for this, just want to know what is inside?

Is it an ancient golden corpse, or a pile of secret treasures?

Zhang Xinyue said slowly: "I can't open o here"

She also calmed down, looked at Long Fei and said, "Thank you for helping me transport the ancient golden corpse back, I will pay you double the escort fee, please forgive me, I can't open it here, and I can't fight it alone. Open three enchantments o"

Long Fei knew that this would be the result, but he didn't expect that even Zhang Xinyue couldn't open it, and asked, "You are the head of the Huangling Family, why can't you open it?"

"If you can steal the ancient golden corpse, you should be able to open it too, right?"

Zhang Xinyue looked at Long Fei with dark eyes, "Do you know the Huangling family?"

At this time o

Long Fei brightened his identity and said, "I am a student of God Emperor Academy. I have read the family rankings on Tianwu Continent."

"A family of wild spirits, a family of tomb robbers"

"The Tianwu Continent family is ranked 30th. Because of stealing the dragon's tomb, it was suppressed by the Long family, and it has disappeared since then. It is rumored that the Huangling family was exterminated by the Long family."

"You are the only tomb robber family in Tianwu Continent."

Zhang Xinyue looked at Long Fei and said in amazement, "Are you a student of God Emperor Academy?"

At this moment, her eyes are full of envy o

When she was young, her dream was to enter the God Emperor Academy for cultivation, but now... her life is trapped by this barren mountain city.

She now bears the fate of the entire family o

Zhang Xinyue said slightly: "Since you already know the Wildling Family, then I might as well tell you that this ancient golden corpse is divided into three enchantments."

"It is opened by three keys, one less will not work."

"One on me, one on the elder Zhang Qitian, and one controlled by the Elder Pavilion. These three keys were the first to be stolen and have been sealed in the forbidden area of ​​the Huangling family. The ancient golden corpse took three generations of hard work and finally After excavating it, the three keys are also divided. If you want to open the sarcophagus, you must get three keys." Zhang Xinyue did not hide it.

The excavation of the ancient tomb took a hundred years

The first thing that was stolen were the three keys to open the barrier.

As for what's inside the coffin?

no one knows o

It's just that the old man of the Wildling Family deduced from the few intelligible words on the key that it was an ancient golden corpse, but he did not fully confirm it.

Long Fei muttered in his heart, "Three enchantment keys?"

Ancestor Yanhuang said: "She probably didn't lie to you. During this time, I have been looking for the weakness of the enchantment, but I couldn't find it. It should be like she said, it needs the enchantment key to open it."

Long Fei said: "The ancient golden corpse was transported to the Huangling family, what do you want to do with it?"

Zhang Xinyue frowned and said, "No matter what, I won't turn on o"

She had already thought about this.

I will never give Zhang Qitian any chance to integrate the ancient golden corpse.

As long as she doesn't take out the key, Zhang Qitian can't open it

Long Fei was puzzled: "Why? Don't you want to see what's in the sarcophagus?"

Zhang Xinyue said: "I don't want to know, people's greed is endless. The more you want to know, the more you want to do it, and the deeper you will sink. That's how the wildling family is."

"If I hadn't stolen..."

Having said that, she didn't go on, looked at Long Fei and said, "All in all, I won't open the sarcophagus, and I won't bring the wildling family to destruction."

Zhang Xinyue's eyes are extremely firm.

This is not a good thing for Long Fei o

She didn't want to open it, but Long Fei wanted to open it. He wanted to know what was inside.

What if it was a pile of fairy crystals?

Isn't that a fortune?

Isn't the Yin Soldier able to break through madly?

But Zhang Xinyue insisted, Long Fei didn't say much, and said, "Your position as the head of the family should also be in jeopardy, right?"

It can be inferred from Zhang Dadi's words when he was at the gate of the Huangling family's mansion just now.

Zhang Xinyue suddenly looked at Long Fei and said, "Can you help me?"

Long Fei said: "How to help?"

Zhang Xinyue said: "Help me transport the ancient golden corpse into the Desolate Spirit Palace."

Long Fei said: "Don't you want to open it? What are you doing with the ancient golden corpse?"

Zhang Xinyue said: "I don't want people to open the ancient golden corpse, and I don't want to lose the position of the head of the family."

Anything like this can't be lost at the moment

Long Fei was a little confused, but... he readily agreed: "Yes."

He doesn't know what Zhang Xinyue's ability is, but he knows that someone from the Huangling family must want to open the sarcophagus, and Long Fei also wants to open it.

and o

Zhang Xinyue has the key, Zhang Qitian has the key, the Elder Pavilion has the key, and he also has the key.

Because, the current sarcophagus is not only the three barrier, but also the fourth barrier set by Yanhuang Patriarch, which cannot be opened without the strength of Yanhuang Patriarch!

Zhang Xinyue said, "Thank you!"

"Tomorrow morning, the Huangling family will hold a family meeting in the ancestral hall. At that time, you can transport the ancient golden corpse to the ancestral hall. I will give you a hundred immortal stones as a reward!" Zhang Xinyue said.

She did not immediately ask Long Fei to transport the ancient golden corpse into the Desolate Spirit Mansion, but now that it is transported in, Zhang Qitian will definitely do it overnight.

Never give Zhang Qitian any chance o

To turn a defeat into a victory, Zhang Qitian must be caught off guard, so that he has no chance to react.

and o

Zhang Xinyue has no one to trust in Huangling Mansion except Orchid.

She can only trust Long Fei o

there is no other way

Zhang Xinyue looked at Long Fei and said, "I'll leave everything to you."

Zhang Xinyue is gone

Scar and Montenegro came up and said, "Boss, do you really want to help her? The Cultivation Base of those killers in Sunset Canyon is not simple. Since the Wildling Family is an ancient family, it must be very strong. Are we really going to get involved? ?"

Long Fei looked at the huge sarcophagus beside him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said, "Wealth and wealth are in danger, this trip must go!"

Chapter Four,

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