The new world described by An Yun is very beautiful, but most people will not buy it, let alone kill half of the world’s existing population, and the new world is a fantasy world, which many people cannot accept.

The reason why Nicole Robin became partners with An Yun was not moved by the new world described by An Yun, she first followed An Yun because of the text of history, and later because of the affection between her and An Yun.

Nicole Robin is a person rejected by this world, and Kalifa is not much better than Nicole Robin.

Although the two of them, one is a staff member of the world government, and the other is a criminal wanted by the world government, both women have felt pain because of this world.

Kalifa has been brainwashed by the world government since she was a child, as well as a series of espionage education, and her acceptance of the new world described by An Yun is far higher than that of Nicole Robin.

Because the person who implemented the Eye of the Moon Project is An Yun, Nicole Robin helped An Yun, but Kalifa is different, and Kalifa’s heart yearns for the new world.

“Lord An Yun, from now on, Kalifa is our true own person.”

Bai Xing saw the conversation between An Yun and Kalifa and smiled happily at Kalifa.

On Fishman Island, when An Yun and Bai Xing first met, An Yun also specifically reminded Bai Xing that he must be careful with Kalifa, but now, Kalifa seems to have An Yun’s trust.

“Pretty much!”

An Yun’s tone was relaxed.

It is hard to believe that a spy who has been cultivated by the world government since childhood is so easy to be anti-water, but An Yun’s heart does not really care about whether Kalifa is really anti-water or pretending to be anti-water.

As long as Kalifa lives up to him, Kalifa is his friend.

An Yun is an immortal king giant, and if Kalifa intends to gain his trust and do something bad, it is simply impossible.

An Yun responded to Bai Xing casually, and looked at Bai Xing’s huge body helplessly: “You are too easy to trust others, no matter what others say, don’t let go of your guard.” ”

Bai Xing’s size is huge, but because she is too cute, there is no deterrent at all. And it is easy for Bai Xing to let go of his guard against others.

If it weren’t for following An Yun, but Bai Xing to break into the sea alone, I’m afraid she would have been sold long ago.

“Lord An Yun! I know. Bai Xing smiled and looked at An Yun gently.

An Yun is the worst criminal in history on the sea, but in the eyes of Bai Xing, he has long become the best person.

An Yun continued: “You’ve been out for a long time, I’ll send you back to Fishman Island!” ”

Bai Xing’s face suddenly became serious, his two fists clenched, and his tone was firm: “Lord An Yun, please let me lend you my power.” ”

“Next you are going to go to war with the world government, I will not leave you at such a time.”

Bai Xing usually behaves gentle and timid, but after knowing what An Yun is facing, this woman who often sheds tears shows her righteousness.

In the world of “One Piece”, there are many big heroes who promise money and put righteousness first, and there are men and women among these big heroes.

Bai Xing’s anger at a critical time is not lost to any man.

“The world government is not worth mentioning! If I wanted to eliminate the world government, I could make the world government disappear completely in a short time. ”

An Yun was unimpressed by the world’s largest power.

His relationship with the human beings in this world is like that of a teacher and a student, the teacher sends a set of papers and asks the students to do the questions, and the students are not qualified to choose whether to do it or not.

There are only two kinds of test results, pass and fail.

After An Yun’s trial comes, if the human beings in this world pass, civilization will go to a higher level, and if they cannot pass, they can only get the results they do not want.

And preventing the trial itself is a part of the trial, and as for how they want to put An Yun, the human being, into the final trial, it is simply impossible.

Even if An Yun suppresses his power to one hundred millionth, he can still push this world.

Bai Xing was worried about An Yun, so he wanted to stay and help An Yun, but he was thinking too much.

However, An Yun was still very grateful to Bai Xing for this kindness.

After expressing his disdain for the world government, An Yun picked things out: “After planting the divine tree, I will kill many people, and you are really not suitable to follow me.” ”

Bai Xing’s personality is too kind, and it is okay to take her to play, but it is not suitable for her to be exposed to killing.

With An Yun’s identity, he is also qualified to raise Sea King, one of the three ancient weapons, as a mascot.

“Lord An Yun, I will help you fight.”

Bai Xing looked at An Yun seriously, and did not waver because of An Yun’s words, and said from the heart.

“A little more strength will always make your situation easier, and I can control my power now.”

An Yun saw a very firm look from Bai Xing’s eyes, and after being silent for a while, he nodded gently.

He regards Bai Xing as a partner, and Bai Xing also regards him as an extremely important partner in his heart, so when he has something, if Bai Xing can’t help, it will make Bai Xing’s heart feel guilty.

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