“Immortal Valkyrie?”

Hearing what An Yun said, several women became puzzled.

“Is there such a warrior on Nine Snake Island?”

Nicole Robin is well-informed, and as soon as she heard An Yun talk about Daughter Island, she knew that he was talking about Amazon Lily on Nine Snake Island.

Nine Snakes Island is located in the windless zone, and there is a country of women on the island – Amazon Lily, which has a population of about 8,000 people and is a country of pirates.

The current female emperor Boya Hancock is known as the first beauty under the world and one of the seven martial seas under the king.

Because it is located in a windless zone, Nine Snakes Island rarely communicates with the outside world, but people outside still have a certain understanding of the situation on the island.

Nicole Robin had never heard of any undead Valkyrie warriors on Nine Snake Island.

“Originally, there was none, but when I went to Nine Snakes Island, I would have it.”

An Yun said casually.

His arrival has changed the world of “One Piece” a lot, in the original plot, at this time, the navy, and the white-bearded pirates are already preparing for war.

But now, a war on the top is simply not possible.

An Yun walked to the center of the holy land of Marijoya, stopped, and the seed of the divine tree appeared out of thin air above his palm.

Then, An Yun tilted his hand, and the seed of the divine tree fell from above his palm, as if it had no entity, and melted into the dirt.

Where the seeds fall, a small sapling sticks its head out from the ground, and then the small sapling grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the root system expands.

Seeing this, An Yun and the others specially retreated more than ten meters.

It didn’t take long for the small sapling that poked out its head to grow into a towering tree. The diameter of the trunk itself is more than three meters, and the height is straight into the clouds.

With Nicole Robin’s sight, she couldn’t see the top of the sacred tree.

The branches and vines of the divine tree took the initiative to find Marijoya’s Draco.

Those Draco people didn’t have time to resist at all, so they were wrapped in the branches and leaves of the divine tree, and then the divine tree began to absorb their vitality.

Even if someone attacks the branches and leaves of the divine tree with a weapon, it will not affect the divine tree at all.

“Let’s go, the divine tree will grow slowly and then bear fruit.”

An Yun watched the changes in the divine tree and said to several women beside him.

Seeing An Yun preparing to leave like this, Nicole Robin ruffled the hair around her ear and asked a little puzzled: “Captain, don’t you worry, will someone destroy the divine tree after we leave?” ”

The resistance of the Draco people is ineffective against the divine tree, but in Nicole Robin’s heart, the divine tree is just a tree after all, and it is easy to be destroyed by man.

Nicole Robin really didn’t understand how An Yun could leave with such confidence.

“Don’t worry, after the divine tree is planted, only at the moment when the fruit is ripe, there is a chance to be destroyed.”

An Yun explained for Nicole Robin, “In addition, it is absolutely impossible to destroy the Divine Tree by manpower. ”

In the text of history, some record the location of the seeds of the sacred tree, some record the planting method of the sacred tree, and the rest of the modified historical texts also record various information of the sacred tree, and some other important contents.

An Yun is usually happy to see Nicole Robin pursue the content by herself, but at some point, he will also give advice.

The historical texts that were transformed were actually specially prepared by An Yun for the people of this world to see, and the content recorded on them was prompted by trials.

In addition to uniting the power of the four emperors of pirates to deal with An Yun, the navy also arranged a back hand in Marijoya, which is the explosive rock that can make Marijoya ash in an instant.

An Yun is too harmful, and now the legendary sacred tree has also been planted, the naval marshal of the Warring States, struggled, climbed up with his body that was about to fall apart, and at the critical moment, he showed the courage of a veteran.

“Detonate Marijoya’s dynamite rock!”

The Warring States are full of courage and give orders to those who can still move.

“I really didn’t expect that I would die with the navy.”

Whitebeard’s seriously injured body sat up, extremely melancholy, he did not stop the idea of the navy, after the explosion of explosive rock, not only the pirates here, but also the many high-level combat forces of the navy were wiped out.

For a long time to come, there will also be a fault line in the navy’s advanced combat capabilities.

No one wants to die, but if they can drag a scourge like An Yun to die together and destroy the Divine Tree, the source of calamity, most people will have the consciousness of death.

“I also did not expect that I would die with a group of pirates, and still as a comrade-in-arms.”

Karp laughed and looked at Whitebeard.

Who would have thought that the big man of the navy and the big man of the pirates would be a comrade-in-arms when he was about to die.

It’s like a joke.

Just when everyone was preparing to meet death, the explosive rock was not detonated, and under the sacred tree, this weapon of mass destruction was completely ineffective.

“It seems that we don’t even have a chance to die with him.”

The face of the Warring States showed an extremely bitter expression.

He didn’t know that if all the explosive rocks that made Marijoya disappear in an instant exploded, An Yun and his party would have nothing to do, only they would die cleanly.


The Draco people of the Holy Land Marijoya were all hung on the sacred tree, the alliance of the navy and the four emperors of the pirates was defeated, and the enemy of mankind, An Yun, also threatened to launch a demon slaughter order against the headquarters of the navy.

The Demon Slaughter Order is a cruel order of the Navy, and only the general is qualified to launch it, but whether An Yun, a person who is not in the Navy, is qualified to launch the Demon Slaughter Order, no one questions at all.

After all, the Demon Slaughter Order is just a title, an adjective used by An Yun to carry out a massacre of the naval headquarters.

When An Yun directly controlled Noah’s ark and flew to Nine Snake Island, there was also a stunning beauty on Nine Snake Island, chanting his name in the palace.

“In this world, it is really amazing that there is such a big hero as Lord An Yun.”

The Nine Snake Emperor, Boya Hancock, sat on her throne, looking fascinated with nymphomaniac.

She is a stunning beauty, with a slim figure, a beautiful posture, and a peerless style, and an ordinary man, if he sees her current appearance, he will inevitably fall.

If you know that such a stunning beauty is yearning for a man at this moment, it will inevitably hurt your heart.

(PS: Now the daily update is very powerful, every day breaking 10,000 words of update, I admire myself, as if I have found the passion I used to write about Crimson Pupils.)

I wanted to squint for a while in the afternoon, but I slept all afternoon. I don’t know how those big guys come out of 20,000 words a day. )

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