Qingzhi pursues lazy justice, but at this time, he shows the initiative to take responsibility.

In the battle of Marijoya, only two of the three generals of the navy remained, and the general Akainu was beaten into lava by An Yun with the same lava fruit ability, and there was almost no possibility of recovery.

As one of the two remaining generals, Qingzhi holds a very important voice in the navy.

The childish words made everyone present silent.

The navy is different from pirates, pirates can flee without a fight when they encounter an enemy that cannot be defeated, which is not a shame.

But the navy, with its own duties, if it is only part of the scum of the navy, it does not matter, but the headquarters of the navy can represent the entire navy.

If the naval headquarters flees without a fight, there will also be very serious consequences.

At that time, in the eyes of the people, the navy will be no different from the pirates, and once such a perception is formed, it will be terrible, and the world order will collapse.

“In any case, the Navy must preserve part of its strength.”

When Sengoku said this, there was no doubt at all.

“The old man will stay in Marin Vandor and die together with the headquarters of the Navy.”

The firmness of the Warring States is very obvious, he is the one who supports the abandonment of the naval headquarters Marin Fando, but when it is time to fight, he will die together with the naval headquarters.

This is the consciousness and responsibility of the admiral.


When Karp heard the words of the warring states, he was about to persuade.

Although he supported the legion war brought by An Yun, as an old comrade-in-arms for decades, he did not want the Warring States to pay for his life here.

“Karp, I have decided that this is the duty and responsibility of being a naval marshal.”

Sengoku knew that Karp wanted to persuade him, so he directly interrupted Karp and showed his mentality, and after the words were behind, Sengoku looked at Qingzhi.

“Qingzhi, after my sacrifice, you are the supreme commander of the navy.”

“Marshal, what do you mean by that?”

Qingzhi was stunned when he heard this, and his face was very serious.

Who will take over the commander-in-chief of the navy is not the decision of the Warring States, but the speaker of the world government, the five old stars have the final say, and the Warring States only have the right to recommend at most.

So in the original plot, Sengoku recommended Qingzhi to become a naval marshal, but because most of the high-level officials of the world government supported Red Inu, it later led to a duel between the two generals, and after that, Red Inu became the marshal of the Navy.

The Warring States now directly designated Qingzhi as the next naval commander, and everyone present sensed that something was wrong. Warring States now, do you have other ideas?

Facing everyone’s doubtful eyes, Warring States sighed sadly, and then said very seriously: “The world has changed greatly, and our navy must also find a way out for ourselves and for this world, and cannot just exist as a violent organ of the world government.” ”

“The position of our navy is justice.”

Sengoku, this is to let the navy stand on its own.

Among the people present, they all had different thoughts, but at this time, no one questioned the words of the Warring States.

The world nobles Draco are now all hung on the sacred tree, and the situation in the world is changing abruptly, if these high-ranking people of the navy have no other ideas, it will be strange.

“Marshal of the Warring States, inside the navy, there is someone more suitable than me to take over as a marshal.”

Qingzhi heard that the Warring States had the intention of letting the navy stand on its own, and he did not express his opinion on this special topic, but said with some humility.

As he spoke, Qingzhi looked at Karp.

If it is the hero of the navy – Karp to take over as the marshal, it is far more suitable than Qingzhi, although Karp is a little out of tune, but compared with the youthful who pursues lazy justice, the two are really half a pound or eighty-two.

Karp is admired by many people in the Navy, and after he takes over as Marshal of the Navy, it will be a great boost to the morale of the Navy.

Sengoku looked at Karp and said, “The Navy doesn’t need outdated character leadership. ”

“That’s right, changing from one old man to another old man is too unusual.”

Karp agreed with Sengoku’s words.

He just didn’t become a general of the navy because he was too troublesome, and now let him be the marshal of the navy, wouldn’t it be embarrassing him.

“The navy of the new era needs young people like you to lead.”

Karp is also quite optimistic about youth.

In fact, Qingzhi’s age is not young, but compared to Warring States and Karp, Qingzhi can indeed be said to be a young man.

The top brass within the navy held two opinions, no one could convince anyone, and finally reached a consensus, part of the corps that remained in the navy headquarters Marin Vandor and An Yun’s corps went to war, and some left, retaining the strength of the navy.

The Warring States remained in Marin Fando, and Qingzhi, as the next marshal, left with part of the navy.


When the navy was preparing, the four emperors of the pirates on the sea were also fighting in armament.

Marijoya fights, three of the four emperors, Whitebeard, Kaido the Beast, and Redhead are all involved, but when they leave Marijoya, everyone is wounded.

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