After the disappearance of the naval headquarters Marin Fando, An Yun’s Noah’s Ark headed towards Chambord Island.

Chambord Island, in order to see the excitement, a large number of lawbreakers gathered on this island, the navy because of An Yun, there is no chance to trouble these lawbreakers.

Marijoya’s Draco people were all hung on the sacred tree, and the world government was unable to save them, which was naturally a damage to prestige and a very bad thing for the world government. However, the civilians on Chambord Island all celebrated.

Such a great scourge as the Draco people can be said to be so disgusting in this world that even the navy is not used to them, let alone these civilians.

For ordinary civilians, there is no difference between meeting Draco people and meeting An Yun.

The ones who really grieve the situation of the Draco people may be those slave traders on Chambord Island, because the Draco people are not bad for money, and if there are no Draco people in the world, it will be difficult for them to meet the big fat sheep who throw thousands of dollars.

The disappearance of the naval headquarters Marin Vandor has not yet been known to outsiders.

When Noah’s Ark approached Chambord Island, the people on Chambord Island were unaware.

“Attack with the whole army and slaughter half of the people on Chambord Island!”

On Chambord Island, many people were talking about the events that happened in Marijoya, when suddenly, a voice sounded on Chambord Island.

Everyone on Chambord Island heard this voice clearly.

The people on the dock were wondering when they saw the Valkyrie Legion coming down from Noah’s Ark, and then the Valkyrie Legion all attacked Chambord Island.

“Hancook, you go, I’ll warm half a jug of wine for you here.”

When An Yun sent Boya Hancock off the ship, he stood on the deck and said lightly.

Boya Hancock was about to step off the boat, when he heard An Yun’s words, he paused his feet and turned back suspiciously: “Why give me warm wine, and there is only half a pot of wine?” ”


An Yun was speechless for a while.

When playing with memes, the other party not only does not understand, but also serious, which is really embarrassing.

Although he was embarrassed in his heart, An Yun looked serious on the surface, and said majestically “When I finish warming wine for you, I hope that half of the people on Chambord Island have been eliminated by you, and it takes less time to warm half a pot of wine.” ”

“The concubine will live up to the trust!”

Boya Hancock heard An Yun’s explanation, smiled, and left from Noah’s ark.

For the civilians on Chambord Island, Boya Hancock was not interested in making trouble for them, and when she arrived on Chambord Island, she first led the troops to find trouble with the slave traders and the slave auction hall.

All slave traders, as well as those who have relations with the slave auction venue, Boya Hancock saw one kill one, saw two kill two, her methods were so fierce that she really scared many lawbreakers.

The slave auction hall that used to be extremely beautiful on Chambord Island and made people dare not provoke ushered in the end after the arrival of Boya Hancock.

“Sweet and sweet wind!”

Every time Boya Hancock exerts his abilities, he petrifies a group of people.

After killing the slave traders and the people in the slave auction hall, Boya Hancock did not receive An Yun’s order to stop, and ordered his subordinates: “Let’s deal with those pirates!” ”

On Chambord Island, a large number of pirates gather, all of them are lawless, and in the original plot, together with Luffy, the group of pirates known as the Extremely Evil Generation is now all on Chambord Island.

The Valkyrie Legion accepted Boya Hancock’s orders and left the slave auction venue.


The Valkyrie Legion killed on Chambord Island, and An Yun, as he said before, warmed half a jug of wine on the deck for Boya Hancock.

“Captain, you are such a good boy who does what he says!”

Nicole Robin saw An Yun’s performance, a helpless expression appeared on her face, and praised An Yun’s side.

As An Yun’s ultimate licking dog, Nicole Robin will definitely not spare her praise when she holds An Yun.

An Yun said the meme when Boya Hancock disembarked, Nicole Robin did not understand, but with Nicole Robin’s performance of An Yun, it was very clear that An Yun was flirting with Boya Hancock at that time.

Seeing Boya Hancock’s serious inquiry and An Yun’s funny words, Nicole Robin also felt a little funny.

However, Nicole Robin did not expect that An Yun’s casual joke would actually be done now.

“I always feel weird about you.”

An Yun turned his head, looked at Nicole Robin’s stiff smile, and said very bluntly.

“What’s wrong?” Nicole Robin’s eyes were like crooked crescent moons, and after she heard An Yun’s words, she almost didn’t calm down.

When flattering An Yun, he was actually seen by An Yun as a problem, how is this possible? She was devoted to An Yun, and every word she said when flattering An Yun came from the heart.

“It’s weird anyway!”

An Yun said jokingly, when the words fell, his face suddenly became serious, looked at the right side of the hull, and said loudly: “Since Your Excellency is here, why haven’t you shown up yet?” ”

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