“Five—five… Five hundred million -”

On the boat of the Straw Hat Pirates, Choiba exclaimed loudly.

The crew looked over, including Luffy, who was sitting at the bow of the ship, and Sauron, a three-bladed swordsman who was exercising.

“Choba, what’s wrong?”

Luffy asked loudly at the bow of the ship.

Qiao Ba looked frightened and said in disbelief: “Remember An Yun who attended the banquet with us?” He turned out to be a sea thief with a bounty of 500 million. ”

“Five hundred million sea thieves?”

Usopp opened his mouth wide, and he also looked difficult to accept, he and An Yun also said two words, feeling that it was a very friendly, very ordinary person.

Not at all like a sea thief with a bounty of up to 500 million.

Luffy took it for granted and said to his partners on the ship: “If it is An Yun, a bounty of 500 million is normal. ”

“Luffy, you already knew he was so powerful?”

Nami asked, looking at Luffy at the bow of the ship.

“When I fought with Klokdal, thanks to him saving me.”

Luffy explained with a big laugh, and after speaking, he added: “He knocked out Klokdal with one punch.” ”

“He actually brought down Klokdal!”

Usopp was shocked.

Nami also looked surprised, she thought that Luffy had knocked down Klokdal.

“Although I am a little unwilling, but Klokdal’s strength is indeed very terrifying, if I let me fight with him alone, I really don’t know what will happen?”

Luffy’s fighting spirit did not weaken, but when he said this, his tone could not help but lower a little.

In the original plot, Luffy defeated Klokdal with a lot of fluke, so now Luffy is not sure what the result will be if he fights at that time.

Almost, he couldn’t protect his partner.

Sauron was a little surprised when he heard Luffy say this: “That man is so powerful, you can’t see it on the surface!” ”

When the words fell, he smiled boldly: “Next time we meet, we must fight with him and see his true strength.” ”

“I want it too.”

Luffy laughed and raised his hand to press the straw hat on his head: “I want to become One Piece, no matter who it is, I will defeat it.” ”

Seeing her companion make a declaration like a battle maniac, Nami shook her head helplessly, put the wanted warrant aside, and began to read this issue of the newspaper.

The wanted warrant with a bounty of up to 500 million shows An Yun’s strength, and after reading this issue of the newspaper, Nami only had one thought left in her heart: “An Yun, what a ruthless person!” ”

At the same time, she also had some doubts: “Is this really my own brother?” ”

If you meet again, be sure to ask him! Nami made a secret decision in her heart.


“Current villain points: 8346.”

An Yun and Nicole Robin drifted on the sea for two days, and when An Yun checked the villain points again, there were already more than eight thousand villain points.

Although Newsbird wrote An Yun’s words and deeds into the newspaper, the current An Yun only implanted the concept of being a villain into people’s thoughts.

Apart from defeating Klokdal in the Seven Martial Seas under the king, An Yun did nothing else.

After watching the news, many people just think that he is a person with ideas, and they will not regard him as an enemy from the heart.

In the final analysis, it is all the current An Yun, and nothing has been done.

“Partner, does the big villain system have no other functions except to open the villain template?”

An Yun checked the existing villain points and asked the big villain system.

An Lan is a supervillain, and to open this super villain template, it takes 100 billion villain points, and An Yun, who already has an Anlan template, does not need to open other villain templates for a long time.

What those weak villains can do, he can do, those things that weak villains can’t do, he can still do, he really can’t think of a reason to consume villain points and open the villain template.

“Buddy, what features do you want?”

The villain system asked rhetorically, and then said: “There are no other features now, but I can update it.” ”

If you want any features, update it.

The implication of the big villain system is exactly what it means.

This system, pay attention.

An Yun’s heart couldn’t help but secretly praise.

“It would be nice to have a feature that allows me to consume villain points.”

An Yun said casually.

He is the final trial of mankind, and the strength of the Immortal King Giant also makes him have no dependence on the big villain system, just the villain points obtained by the way, but there is no way to consume, which makes him a little depressed.

“Partner, let me think.”

The villain system is in thought.

“You think slowly!”

If the villain has enough points, he can do anything and fulfill his wishes, but what wishes An Yun has now, he can fulfill them himself. So he hopes that the big villain system can be updated with a function that allows him to consume villain points.

The transformation of those ten historical texts is also because An Yun wants to consume villain points, so it is handed over to the big villain system to handle, otherwise An Yun himself can.

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