“It is impossible to disclose the six styles of the navy and domineering cultivation methods to people all over the world. Nor will the world government agree to do so. ”

The childish tone was firm.

The yellow ape looked at An Yun with a distressed look: “You really say something incredible.” ”

In this matter, the views of Qingzhi and Yellow Ape are the same.

The sea is now chaotic, the people with power are lawless and extremely bad, and for those who are really evil, even the navy can only maintain a certain degree of balance.

The announcement of the six styles of the navy and the domineering cultivation method may push the sea into a new era of chaos. The whole people will not only provide enough fresh blood for the navy, but also the pirates.

Especially twenty years ago, One Piece Gore · After D. Roger opened the era of sea thieves, the sea has become a man’s dream and romantic place.

Many people prefer to be free pirates than in the navy.

An Yun saw the reaction of the two generals, but showed a sarcastic smile: “This is Ning and friends, not with domestic slaves?” ”

“What do you mean?”

Qingzhi was a little mindful of An Yun’s words.

“A long time ago, there were two hostile countries, these two hostile countries often went to war, one country is strong, one country is weak, but the royal family of the weak country has great power, this power can be learned, if the royal family of the weak country teaches the strong power to the people, the weak country may be able to defeat that strong country, but the royal family of the weak country, afraid that their people have the strength to rebel against the royal family, would rather be weak in the war with the strong country, Nor do they want their own people to become stronger. ”

“Later, the weak and small countries were defeated, and everything in the royal family was taken away by the strong countries. The royal family of that weak country would rather be taken away by a strong country than have the power of the people they rule. ”

An Yun told a story.

He is humanity’s ultimate trial, and in many cases, he just wants to put some pressure on humanity to change on its own.

However, if he loses patience, he may also force the human to change, or directly carry out trials.

After listening to An Yun’s words, Qingzhi and Huang Ape fell silent.

The two of them do not want domineering and navy six-style announcements, naturally the reason is different from what An Yun said, but they are worried that justice will be undermined, but the world government does not allow domineering and navy six-style announcements, undoubtedly do not want those ordinary people to be beyond control.

The yellow ape lightly tapped the tabletop and looked at An Yun in confusion: “You want to be an enemy of this world, and even plan to destroy half of the world’s existing population, if the navy six-style and domineering cultivation method are announced, you should be distressed.” ”

“Killing countless ordinary people, and killing countless domineering and navy six-style cultivators, there is a difference in difficulty between heaven and earth.”

An Yun is really an unpredictable man.

He obviously wants to be an enemy of the world, but he hopes that the human beings in this world will become stronger.

The yellow ape couldn’t see through him.

“I’m a reasonable person.”

An Yun opened his mouth to explain.

When he said this, not only did the young and yellow apes look at him with strange eyes, but even Nicole Robin next to him looked at him strangely.

Yes, yes, yes, you are a reasonable person, just a word of disagreement will destroy the world. You have the final say when your fists are hard.

Although the three of them did not say such a thing, An Yun could see such a meaning from their expressions.

“Although this sentence is a little strange from my standpoint, I am really a reasonable person.”

“I believe in fairness, killing people who are unable to resist is too much, and I hope that when I do it, they will have some resistance force.”

An Yun spoke very calmly, but gave people the feeling that he was very serious.

The man was determined.

Yellow Ape, Qingzhi, and Nicole Robin’s hearts all appeared this idea.

Qingzhi looked at An Yun in silence for about half a minute before he spoke.

“Before I found you, I kept wondering what kind of person would choose Nicole Robin as a partner.”

“Is it a great villain who wants to destroy the world, or a madman who does not care about being an enemy of the world government, or a speculator who has intentions against Nicole Robin-”

“Now I understand that you are a big hero with ideals, perseverance, and will implement your beliefs.”

“If you don’t have this dangerous thought, your side may be a good home for Nicole Robin.” But now, you’re dragging her into the dark abyss as well. ”

Qingzhi recognized An Yun and determined that An Yun was a person with conviction, but An Yun’s strong belief was implemented in the wrong place.

“For the sake of world peace and the creation of a beautiful new world, sacrifices are inevitable.”

An Yun looked righteous and awe-inspiring, very firm, and after speaking, he turned his head to look at the beautiful face of Nicole Robin next to him.

“My partner, I will protect it, whether it is the dark abyss or the bright avenue, only if she wants to, she can go, if she can’t help herself, I won’t allow it.”

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