The sun in Alabastan is always hot, and through Klokdal’s conspiracy, it has not rained in the areas of Alabastan except for the royal capital.

Some areas have been abandoned because of the heat.

Humans can’t survive in those areas, so many people leave their homes.

Where An Yun came over, it was like this, all he saw were ruins and abandoned buildings, and there was not a trace of popularity at all.

However, among the ruins, there is a large pit, from which you can still hear the sound of someone digging the ground.

An Yun walked over with some curiosity.

Inside the pit, there is an elderly man, dressed as a native of Alabastan and his original white clothes are stained and look dirty.

When An Yun came over, he was working non-stop with his tools, digging the dirt in the big pit.

“Young man, what are you doing here?”

The old man noticed An Yun on the edge of the pit, raised his head, and asked with some doubts, he hadn’t seen anyone else for a while.

And An Yun’s appearance does not look like a rebel.

“I’m a passing traveler, and when I find someone here, I come over and take a look.”

An Yun replied gently.

The old man was a little gloomy: “There is only me left here. ”

“Why are you staying here?”

An Yun asked puzzled.

He had already recognized the identity of the old man.

Because of Klokdal’s conspiracy, many people in Alabastan rebelled against the king and rebelled, and this old man was the father of the rebel leader.

However, unlike the son who rebelled against the king, this father trusted the king and always held on to his hometown.

“I will dig up water and revive this land.”

The old man’s tone was very firm.

It may be that he hasn’t spoken to someone for a long time, so in the face of An Yun’s question, he chatted with An Yun as a matter of course.

“If you can’t dig up water in the end, isn’t it useless work?”

When watching anime at that time, An Yun had this question in his heart, but now he has the opportunity to ask it in front of real people.

“Unlike young people who give up because of a little difficulty, I have something I have to do, even if I fight for my life, I will not give up.”

The old man was very firm, his body was very weak, but he still spoke forcefully.

“This is my hometown, the king is my friend, I don’t know if what I do is useless, but I must do it.”

Death to the confidant!

Looking at this old man, a word suddenly appeared in An Yun’s heart.

The old man was a merchant, and his son had a fight with the daughter of the king of Alabastan at a young age, when the king was very generous and did not care about conflicts between younger children.

And now, something is happening in Alabastan and this old man is in a place that the king does not know, willing to be distracted.

What a fierce warrior too!

Although he didn’t have strong force, An Yun couldn’t help but praise in his heart.

“Whether you are doing useless work, I don’t know, but it is not difficult to send you a heavy rain.” An Yun looked at the old man in the pit with appreciative eyes, and said, he reminded: “Come up first, it will rain a lot later.” ”

“I do have to rest for a while!”

The old man said, walking out of the pit.

There are no clouds in the sky at all, how can there be rain? But An Yun has good intentions, and the old man will not tear down his platform.

An Yun stretched out his hand and pulled the old man out of the big pit, and then he gently beckoned to the sky, and the clear sky that was originally cloudless suddenly shrouded in dark clouds, and lightning and thunder.

Then it started to pour heavily.

The old man standing beside An Yun was stunned at this time.

An Yun waited until the old man’s mood calmed down a little before asking: “This heavy rain will fall for a day and a night, which can resurrect your hometown, right?” ”


The old man nodded vigorously, then directly curtsied to the ground and knelt down to An Yun: “Thank you, thank you so much.” ”

“It’s a little offensive, but I have one more thing I want to request!”

“My lord, there is a war going on in the royal capital, and if you have the ability, I hope you can stop the war there.”

The old man looked at An Yun expectantly.

The war that took place in the royal capital, he also knew that the two sides were the king’s army and the rebels led by his son, but he was unable to stop it.

If it is this traveler who can create miracles, he will definitely be able to stop the war in the royal capital.

In the old man’s heart, he thinks so.

Therefore, he seemed to have grasped the last life-saving straw and pleaded with An Yun.

“Rest assured, human life is precious, and I will stop unnecessary sacrifices when I can.”

An Yun said gently, and then asked the old man for the direction of the royal capital.

After saying goodbye to the old man, the big villain system suddenly said: “Partner, you really don’t look like a villain.” ”

An Yun walked, smiled lightly, and said casually: “To be a villain, you don’t have to be a bad person.” ”

“The real villain is just destined to be an enemy of the whole world.”

“Moreover, that old man is a respectable elder, and I am willing to fulfill the wishes of such people.”

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