Sandora, the land of gold, used to be a golden city, but Anilu removed all the gold here and prepared to build a ship that could fly to the moon.

When An Yun and Nicole Robin came to Sandora, there was no gold in sight.

In this city, the most conspicuous thing used to be the golden bell, but now, the golden bell is also missing.

Nicole Robin didn’t see the golden bell she was expecting, and couldn’t help but be a little disappointed: “Captain, what about the golden bell I want to ring, why is there only a base?” ”

“The golden bell is still somewhere else, I’ll get it back for you right away.”

An Yun probed the location of the golden bell.

Although Nicole Robin wants to ring the golden bell, she wants to read the text of history more, and heard the words: “No hurry, let’s read the text of history first!” ”

On the history of the empty island, there is also the One Piece Gore · D. Roger once stayed.

After Nicole Robin read the surface content of the historical text, she said to An Yun: “Captain, it’s okay, let the hidden content of this historical text be revealed.” ”


An Yun took out the ring and walked towards the text of history, and when he walked over, he asked in passing: “On this text of history, the information of the sea king is recorded, right?” ”


Nicole Robin admitted, and then asked rhetorically: “Captain, are you interested in Aquaman?” ”

“Not interested!”

An Yun directly denied it.

For An Yun’s denial, Nicole Robin did not have any doubts in her heart, since An Yun said that she was not interested, she was not interested.

Although the names of the three ancient weapons are big, An Yun himself is much more terrifying than the ancient weapons.

“You two have violated the laws of the empty island, and you dare to come here with such swagger, can’t wait to accept God’s punishment?”

An Yun had just walked to the main text of history when a lofty voice suddenly sounded.

An Yun and Nicole Robin followed the direction from which the sound came and saw that on the top of an abandoned building not far away, the god of the empty island, Anilu, was standing there.

Anilu was a tall, young man with a white turban on his head, long earlobes, and gold ornaments hanging from the earlobes. Behind him, there are four three-hook jade drums.

At this time, he was looking at An Yun and Nicole Robin indifferently.

With the ability of the Thunder Fruit, Anilu used the domineering power of seeing and hearing to a fairly powerful point, although he could not foresee the future, but the wind and grass of the empty island could not hide from him.

In the absence of An Yun’s intentional concealment, when An Yun and Nicole Robin entered the empty island without paying the toll, Ainilu knew.

Like this kind of intruder, usually his priests can be dispatched, but after An Yun and Nicole Robin entered the empty island, they went straight to Sandora. This made him a little concerned, so he just came over by himself and saw An Yun and Nicole Robin with his own eyes.

“God’s punishment? Haha-”

An Yun laughed slightly when he heard Ainilu’s words.

The Thunder Fruit is known as the strongest fruit of nature, and on the empty island where there are not many strong people, Ainilu can indeed dominate for a while, and it is normal to be regarded as a god by the people of those empty islands.

However, Ainilu’s current strength is actually not strong, although there is a thunder fruit to rely on, but he will not be armed with domineering, and he cannot compare with those top powerhouses at all.

The top powerhouse here refers to the top powerhouse on the great voyage.

The four emperor-level sea thieves, whether they have the ability of the devil fruit or not, have developed their domineering and physical abilities to the extreme.

Kaido can almost be said to be immortal, known as the strongest creature on land, sea and air.

The strongest man in the world, Whitebeard, in addition to the ability to shock the fruit, his own domineering and physique are very powerful to a terrifying degree.

Charlotte Lingling’s body is also almost indestructible and infinitely powerful, if it is not a special situation, even if Charlotte Lingling does not fight back, the sea thief with a bounty of more than 100 million will not be able to hurt her.

Ainilu’s current strength, against these sea thieves, there is no power to fight back.

I didn’t even see how big this world was, so I compared myself to a god, for such a character, An Yun saw it, of course, it felt funny.

Others think that He is God, and claiming to be God are two different concepts.

“What are you laughing at?”

Ainilu saw An Yun laughing out loud and asked coldly.

“I can’t help but laugh when I see that you think you are a god.”

An Yun smiled gently and said naturally.

If there is a god in this world, then only he, the immortal king giant, can be called a demon fruit ability, but Ainilu, who calls himself a god in front of him.

It really made him feel funny.

“Think of yourself?”

Ainilu smiled indifferently and cruelly, “So, you have doubts about the fact that I am God. ”

“It’s not a question.”

An Yun looked at Ainilu calmly and said softly: “Because in my heart, I don’t think you are a god at all, and naturally I can’t say anything questionable.” ”

Ainilu is a ruthless person who personally destroyed his hometown, plus he looks like he is looking for trouble after he appears, An Yun naturally will not give him face.

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