The ultimate trial of mankind is destined to make the world feel pain.

Although Nicole Robin was rejected by the world, she herself does not have much hatred for this world, and An Yun will also care about Nicole Robin’s mood when she makes the world feel pain.

So, he was going to prepare a gift for Nicole Robin.

When Kudao raised this matter, An Yun always kept it in his heart.

“What kind of gift will it be?”

Nicole Robin smiled, looking very interested, but An Yun did not take the initiative to explain, although she showed curiosity, she did not ask.

Nicole Robin, who had a tragic childhood, learned to act on faces early on.

Even if you know that An Yun is different from those people before, when facing An Yun, Nicole Robin will always show her previous principles from time to time.

A person’s habits are not so easy to change.

“Absolutely—it’s going to surprise you.”

An Yun sells Guanzi.


An Yun and Nicole Robin finished their boat cruise, An Yun returned to his room, and did not come out of the room for the next two days.

Nicole Robin was unimpressed by An Yun’s condition, but Kalifa was quite surprised, and when she had breakfast with Nicole Robin that day, she asked in surprise: “Doesn’t the captain need to eat?” ”

An Yun had something to do and didn’t want to come out of the room, she expressed her understanding, but when An Yun was in the room, she didn’t let people bring him food, and it seemed that she was not ready to eat.

The level of the world of “One Piece” is not high, no matter what kind of strong person is, he needs to eat to get the energy needed for life activities.

If there is no food, even if it is as strong as the four emperors of pirates, it will gradually weaken and even be in danger of life.

“The captain is different from us.”

Nicole Robin said softly, elegantly savoring breakfast.

When Kalifa heard Nicole Robin say this, a look of understanding flashed on her face: “Also, he has so many devil fruit abilities, even the ability to distinguish the identity of others, not to mention the ability to just not eat.” ”

Nicole Robin said casually, and Kalifa answered the doubts just now.

After cultivating to a certain point, there will be a kind of qi eater, the realm of immortality, the immortal king giant has long exceeded that realm, not to mention not eating for a few days, even if it is tens of thousands of years without eating, An Yun will not feel it.


During An Yun’s time in the capital of the seven waters, the ice-stricken areas in the first half of the Great Voyage were all thawed, and everything returned to normal.

The great conscription of the world has been fully publicized all over the world.

The world government collected devil fruits all over the world, and at the same time, the navy six style began to be popularized in the navy.

Before the Gaya Island incident, the Navy Six was the secret of the Navy, and only those who had a certain identity in the Navy, were clean and loyal to the world government, were qualified to learn.

The average naval soldier is not qualified to connect the contact six.

Those navies who came out of the naval school, although all of them can six-type, but those people, from the beginning, are not ordinary navies, they are regarded as the future training of the navy.

In the naval school, they received the best education, and the moment they left the naval school, they were officers in the navy.

Now, the Navy Type Six is open for every navy, and everyone who joins the navy, to learn.

Along with the six styles of the navy, it is popularized in the navy, as well as the domineering spirit of armed colors, as well as the cultivation method of seeing and hearing domineering.

Overlord color domineering is the qualification of the king, rare among millions of people, can not be obtained by cultivation, moreover, if any navy awakens the overlord color domineering, the world government may not reuse him, but will guard against him.

The current Four Emperors of Pirates, BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling, and red-haired Shanks, are all known overlord color domineering owners.

Although An Yun has not seen the hundred beasts Kaido, and Whitebeard, and has not obtained information from the plot, he feels that these two should also be domineering.

With the strong support of the world government, the navy has entered a period of rapid development, and after the world’s great conscription, many unfamiliar names have become famous in the sea.


Carrera Shipbuilding Company built the ship for An Yun within the agreed deadline, because An Yun was busy, Nicole Robin personally went to collect the ship and settled the final payment.

And An Yun in the room, at this time, in front of him, there were seven orange glass beads, each glass bead was the size of a fist, and there were a different number of stars inside the glass beads, the lowest number of stars was one star, and the most was seven stars.

“Just set the spell to, come out! Dragon! ”

An Yun pondered, and then shook his head gently: “It’s too simple, and it’s not appropriate, let’s use the spell of Super Dragon Ball, come out, God Dragon, I want to send it to fulfill my wish!” ”

The seven glass beads placed in front of An Yun shone brightly after An Yun’s words.

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