In the world of “One Piece”, there are three famous ancient weapons, and it is said that these three ancient weapons have the power to destroy the world.

The Heavenly King has only heard the name, its existence and power, unknowable, unheard, the Sea King is on Fishman Island, with the ability to control the Sea King, and Hades is said to be a huge warship, a single shell can destroy an island.

To be honest, compared to the unknowable, unheardable heavenly king, and the sea king who can control the sea king, the style of Hades is too low.

In particular, it is said that a single cannonball of Hades can destroy an island, which seriously lowers the style of Hades.

In the world of One Piece, the destructive power of destroying an island is commendable, but it is not uncommon.

In terms of weapons, the navy has explosive rock, as the three most powerful generals of the navy, all have the destructive power to destroy an island.

As for the whitebeard among the four emperors, he is a superhuman person with the ability to shock the fruit, and it is very simple to punch out, the mountain collapses, the tsunami surges, and destroys an island.

In this case, Hades, as one of the three ancient weapons, is only a cannonball to destroy an island, which is really nothing remarkable.

Nicole Robin is a talent valued by An Yun, and in An Yun’s heart, Hades can’t compare with her at all.

An Yun sneered at Klokdal and looked at Robin gently: “Robin, I need you to read the text of history for me.” ”

“There is more precious information recorded in the text of history, and compared to it, Hades is not worth mentioning at all.”

“Moreover, only I can let you see the true content of the text of history.”

Nicole Robin first heard An Yun’s words, with a noncommittal look on her face, but when An Yun said the end, she was a little concerned: “You mean, I haven’t seen the real content in the text of history?” ”

“That’s right!”

An Yun affirmed, and then specially explained: “Only by using special methods can the real content on the text of history be displayed.” ”

Klokdal looked at An Yun indifferently: “You said that the true content of the text of history has not yet been revealed, do you mean, there is no Hades at all, the worst armed force hidden in this land-”

“What kind of joke are you kidding when you say it doesn’t exist.”

All his plans in Alabastan are for the Hades, and naturally others are not allowed to deny the existence of Hades.

“I’m not saying that Hades doesn’t exist, it’s just a real secret hidden in the text of history, definitely not that kind of boring information.”

An Yun said that he just didn’t like Hades, but he didn’t say that Hades didn’t exist.

After speaking, his eyes looked at the historical text with a bit of joy: “This historical text records the way to make the world permanently peaceful. ”

“Robin, please help me, let’s make the world peaceful together.”

Nicole Robin covered her wounds and said very objectively: “I am an archaeologist, and it is my job to decipher the text of history. ”

“If you let me see the true content of the historical text, I will interpret it for you.”

Although in Nicole Robin’s heart, she feels that there is no hidden content on the text of history, but there is no loss in saying a beautiful word, in case there is really hidden content.

An Yun knew that Nicole Robin was talking about the scene, but his heart was already very satisfied.

“Mr. Klokdal, will you witness the secrets of the text of history with me?”

An Yun was about to let the true content of the text of history appear, looked at Klokdal and said.

The Tomb of the King’s Family is the battlefield between Luffy and Klokdal, because An Yun intervened and let the two temporarily truce, and now Klokdal does not make a move, and An Yun is not interested in finding his bad luck.

“What kind of secrets are hidden in the text of history, I am not interested at all, now that I know that Hades is in this land, I just need to be patient and search, one day I can find it.”

Klokdal looked at An Yun indifferently, and after speaking, he was ready to turn around and leave.

Luffy was highly poisoned and was beaten badly by him, but Klokdal was also uncomfortable, his state was now extremely bad, and it would be very bad if he clashed with An Yun, a person with unknown details.

“Wait a minute! We haven’t finished playing yet-”

Luffy braced his severely injured body, struggled to get up from the ground, and looked at Klokdal with a determined face: “You must be defeated, only in this way, this country, and Vivi, can be truly liberated!” ”

“If I can’t defeat you, Vivi will continue to cry.”

Luffy said as he raised his fist with all his might, his eyes firmly looking at Klokdal.

As the protagonist of “One Piece”, although Luffy’s personality has various problems, sometimes making people think that he is a simple idiot, but he is definitely a real man.

“This unrealistic idea, you haven’t given up yet, do you want to die so much?”

The fierce light in Klokdal’s eyes surged, because of some concerns, he wanted to leave, but as the overlord of the sea, he would never back down in the face of challenges.

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