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“Captain, this is my mother, Olbia, an archaeologist.”

Nicole Robin pulled Olbia to An Yun, introduced Anyun, and then let Olbia know An Yun: “This is my captain – An Yun, although he is a criminal wanted by the world government, he is a gentle person. ”

“I was also wanted by the world government before.”

Olbia heard Nicole Robin say this, and said very gently.

As she spoke, she looked at An Yun.

The daughter suddenly grew so big, so that Olbia was not mentally prepared at all, and then, a daughter who grew up in the blink of an eye said that she had chosen a man, although Ol’s “zero two three” Biya was psychologically uncomfortable, but she felt the need to help Nicole Robin palm the eye.

Nicole Robin is a young woman, but as a twenty-eight-year-old royal sister, compared with An Yun, she looks like the older one.

An Yun looks like a teenager, but for such a teenager, Nicole Robin said that she would follow her all her life. Olbiah’s heart was strange.

“Mom, he’s in a different situation than you.” Nicole Robin smiled.

Orbia has become a wanted criminal in the world government just because he studied history, and to be honest, some innocents, like An Yun, are the people who should really be wanted.

Nicole Robin thought so in her heart, but she would not say this to her mother, so she changed the topic and said to An Yun: “Captain, from today onwards, I want O’Hara to be my guardian’s territory.” ”

An Yun looked at Nicole Robin gently: “You are the fifth emperor above the sea, and it is very simple to protect an island that has been abandoned for twenty years. ”

“You go to the newspaper and make a statement, and that’s it.”

“O’Hara happens to have a lot of newsbirds right now.”

Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, wanted to fight a war with the enemy of mankind, An Yun, and in time for this big news, more than a dozen newsbirds came to O’Hara.

It’s just that Charlotte Lingling didn’t fight An Yun at all, and was singled out by Nicole Robin, and then the entire BIGMOM pirate group was completely destroyed.

Later, those news birds fell from the sky under the threat of the dragon of Shenlong, but fortunately were saved by An Yun.

Now those newsbirds have not yet regained their ability to fly and are paralyzed weakly on the ground.

“Captain, even if the sea launches the Demon Slaughter Order this time, it can’t do anything?”

Nicole Robin was supported by An Yun and smiled on her face.

Her strength is stronger than Xia Lingling, one of the Four Emperors, and there is no problem at all in guarding O’Hara.

An Yun smiled, admired Olbia, and said to Nicole Robin: “Your mother is also a good woman!” ”

“You won’t be evil, will you!”

Nicole Robin raised an eyebrow.

Olbia died in her twenties, and after coming back from the dead, she still looks the same as before she died, and now she looks like a pair of sisters to Nicole Robin.

For some people, mother and daughter are a plus, and a combination like Nicole Robin and Orbia is even more valuable.

“Do you think I’m going to be evil?”

An Yun pouted.

“I’m kidding!” Nicole Robin smiled: “I know you’re not that kind of person.” ”

“But I’m really moved, after all, I’m also a man.” An Yun quipped at Nicole Robin, with a playful smile on her face.


Nicole Robin was a little dissatisfied.

“Okay, I’m kidding…”

An Yun saw that Nicole Robin was really dissatisfied, and immediately admitted defeat.

Then, An Yun asked Olbia again: “Olbia, you used to be a scholar of history, and now you are resurrected, do you have any plans?” ”

An Yun originally wanted to call Aunt Orbia, but seeing that Orbiana and Nicole Robina had some similar faces, after thinking about it, he chose to call her by her name.

“I’ve died once, and now I just want to be with Robin until I see her get married.”

Olbia was silent for a while, and then said very seriously.

For the former Orbia, the pursuit of historical truth is the most important thing, but she has died once, and there is nothing she can’t look at.

Nicole Robin is more important to her than that history is in the past.

When Nicole Robin heard Olbia say this, a smile appeared on her face: “Captain, can there be another member on the ship?” ”

“No problem.”

An Yun naturally would not refuse, he hesitated, and then asked Olbia: “However, Ouer 1.8 Biya, do you need a new research project?” ”

“What do you need me to study?”

Olbia is a scholar and does not have much scheming, and when he heard An Yun’s words, he asked straight to the point.

Since it is the person Nicole Robin decided to follow all her life, as Robin’s mother, she has nothing to do for An Yun.

Nicole Robin saw that An Yun had a research project to ask her mother to help, and immediately emphasized her identity: “Captain, I am also an archaeologist. ”

As a gifted child, Nicole Robin became an archaeologist at the age of eight, and her knowledge of the professional field may be much better than that of Orbia. _

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