
"Master, is there really nothing wrong with our young lady? Now that such a big thing has happened at Jida Academy, we have always been worried about Miss Ruoxi's safety."

A man bowed to a middle-aged man in front of him and asked with a slightly anxious tone.

"I have received all the news. There is no problem. There is just one thing I don't understand very well. How did this girl Lan Ruoxi get together with that scum of the Ye family? Why has no one ever told me before?"

When the man said the last sentence, his tone was obviously much higher, and he shouted angrily: "What else are you hiding from me, and who is the head of this family!"

"Tomorrow we will send someone to bring that girl Lan Ruoxi back. If anything happens to me, you can ask me! Also, please send me an order to the nearest family members not to move around without anything else, so as not to cause any trouble. No, if there is any disobedience, the family rules will be dealt with."

"Hey, today's Lan family is really suffering from this girl. You said you know who is not good, but you know that bastard. Ye Muchen, Ye Muchen, I don't care if you kill me, but you just provoke me, Lan Mougen. daughter."

"The senior executives of Huahai must have been keeping an eye on the Ye family. Ye Muchen, you really are the one who can't live anywhere!"

At this moment, all the respectable families in the eastern part of Huahai have begun to take action. The reason is that they are afraid that if they accidentally fall into this vortex, the Soul Clan cannot afford to offend them!

They can't afford to offend those high-level officials, so acting according to the prevailing situation is the best choice at the moment!

Huahai, in Youxian Residence, a man in gray clothes and a mask looked out the window at the lotus pond not far away, and sighed to himself: "It's time to take action...!?"

"Aragonite!" The man in gray shouted softly.

"My subordinate is here." I saw a burly young man with a fierce face beside the man and quickly bowed and replied.

"Immediately take people to Lingtian and Jida Academy to investigate what happened recently. Don't miss a single step. Remember, you must take people to conduct a thorough investigation in person. If you have any news, you must report it to me immediately, but Be sure not to alarm other aristocratic families."

"Yes, I understand." After saying this, the young man named Wenshi hurriedly walked out of Youxian Residence.

The expression on the face of the man in gray became extremely serious at this time, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

"It's time to act. Maybe Ye Muchen is just an opportunity to start a war."

"It seems that the peace between various forces and organizations will soon be broken again! But who will be the final winner of this deadlock?"

Noon the next day!

Ye Muchen slowly woke up from fatigue. When he came to the garage door, he glanced at Utana beside him.

It's just you today. Yu Jiawen, I will never spare you. Emma has a headache. Can this car be driven? It seems that she will go to the college later.

When Ye Muchen entered the car, he felt as if he had entered a hell on earth, and many of the servants of the Ye family froze in place.

"What happened to the young master today?"


"I think this car is good. The young master is so elegant and can drive anything."

"Hey, my ability to flatter you is getting better. If the servants of the Ye family were as eloquent as you, I'm afraid they would have been upgraded to my position long ago!"

Uncle Qin had a smile on his face and couldn't help but cover his mouth. This young master has really become a little different. He couldn't believe it. Where did this car come from? Uncle Qin had a look of doubt on his face.

Ye Muchen took a deep breath, scratched his messy hair, and after turning on the devil eyes, he roughly knew the opponent's location, but the specific location was unknown, and slowly drove towards Yu Jiawen's location.

"Hey, brother, how are you doing? Do you want to have a race with me?"

A young man driving a Wuling Hongguang van shouted to Ye Muchen as if he had found an illusion of sympathy.

Ye Muchen was too lazy to respond, but he felt that the car was pretty good and it was quite amazing to drive it for the first time.

Could it be that I have already integrated into this kind of life in my bones?

But this car, of course, would not let her off lightly, and even now he couldn't help but find it funny.

"Ding, host, please don't be too impatient to be happy. There is a very strong and mysterious aura in front of you. It's hard to say what it is!"

The sound of the system made Ye Muchen pause for a moment and drive the car slowly, staring at the intersection not far ahead.

After a moment of hesitation, a loud roar was heard.

A tanker truck crashed into the Wuling Hongguang just now, flames burst into flames, and the sound of the explosion could be heard even far away.

Ye Muchen hurriedly got out of the car and stood there blankly. He knew very well that he must have been hit if he had not hesitated just now.

This is definitely not a coincidence. He couldn't help but think of what his grandfather said. He rejected the three parties. Now it seems that he is really being regarded as someone's prey, but why do innocent people die?

Is this the result of not being ruthless enough, thereby persecuting the lives of others?

Thinking of this, Ye Muchen's eyes gradually darkened, looking at the blazing fire not far ahead, he rushed over in an instant.

"Host, please be careful of the danger ahead?" the system still reminded, not understanding what the host was going to do.

"Let me go over and take a look!" Ye Muchen was very determined, because the person lying there should not be any of them, he just wanted to find some clues.

"Ding, there's nothing to see there, just serious explosions!"

"Ding, someone obviously did it on purpose. Even if it means the life of an innocent person, they will not let it go. Someone wants to cause this death traffic. There is just an ordinary person inside, not a warrior. He can only be burned alive! "

The system still prompts.

However, Ye 207 Mu Chen still rushed over, and immediately after the second explosion suddenly sounded, a violent airflow and flames instantly rushed towards Ye Muchen, and Ye Muchen dodged the violent explosion in a flash.

Today's strength can easily resolve the past. If you think about it, the other party is not those people armed with psychic powers at all, it should be a certain family.

The focus should be on the Lin family, otherwise who would be so stupid? Even if it really explodes including himself, the flames will not hurt him at all.

Ye Muchen looked helplessly at the blazing fire in front of him and shouted: "Whoever wants to be my enemy will find you out and brutally torture you to death!"

However, the people gathered around thought this kid was a fool who was yelling in broad daylight. If he had that time, he might as well call the emergency phone for help!

Otherwise, they were just ordinary people. They never thought about whether they had called to save people.

Perhaps the dark side of people is unintentionally aroused in this way, and thus becomes greedy food and the spokesperson of hell!

Ye Muchen shrugged casually, his eyes fixed on the blazing fire in front of him. He could clearly see the mocking face rising in the lingering flames, as if smiling at him.

This made Ye Muchen particularly angry, clenching his fists with both hands [However, the mental realm seemed to be constantly collapsing. Then the whole person became even more gloomy. .

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