The ensuing endless chaos made the eastern part of Huahai unrestful. As security forces were dispatched one after another, a man in a skull mask had already sneaked into the military cabinet.

"Who is it?" An old man who was responsible for guarding this place and no fewer than dozens of military area guards trembled in his heart. Looking at the masked man who suddenly appeared here, his eyes flickered with uneasiness.

The man did not speak, but with a flick of his sleeves and robes, countless red rays of light came overwhelmingly toward the guards.

"Ah!" There were screams one after another, and dozens of dead bodies completely wrapped in gray light were seen on the ground...

"Judai!?" The old man stared at Ye Muchen not far away in horror and shouted tremblingly.

"We are from Qingchen!"

Ye Muchen had arrived in front of the old man in a blink of an eye. A bright dagger had already been inserted into the other man's heart, and the other man had no chance to resist.

At present, the eastern part of Huahai has already become chaotic. Countless people are looking at the most important blocks with thick smoke billowing and huge mushroom clouds rising from time to time. One can imagine how terrifying the battle there is. 407 However, no one knows who is so bold and dares to attack the military area and psychic armed forces. Many people have already collapsed to the ground in fear, because no one knows what this means.

Cabinet of Huahai Eastern Military Region!

In the guarded area of ​​​​the cabinet of the military region, hundreds of guards were dressed neatly and armed with firearms.

Each one of them was guarding this fortress with great concentration. For them, it was another way to enter the important area of ​​the cabinet! There were three roads into the depths of the cabinet, two of which were external and one was a secret passage.

Inside are some big shots from eastern Huahai, as well as confidential documents and some rare objects.

The calm days in Huahai seem to have made the guards here feel a little tired.

Although they devoted themselves wholeheartedly to it and paid attention to all the goings-on in the past, they did not think that anyone would dare to trespass into the restricted areas of the military area!

After all, such a thing cannot exist at all. Naturally, they don't know what is happening in the outside world. This place is deep in the forbidden area of ​​the military cabinet [the sound insulation and the hardness of the street hangings are well deserved].

Although the eastern part of Huahai has not been peaceful recently, the guards who have been guarding this forbidden area all year round do not think so.

After all, in various cities, as long as top-level forces such as psychic armed forces and military districts exist to maintain order, what will happen even if there are blind people?

Only those living here can feel the strength of the military generals and psychic high-ups, that kind of thriving power!

Just when the few patrollers responsible for guarding the frontmost here were bored and maintaining their daily work, suddenly, several figures of extremely fast figures appeared in their sights in an instant!

"Who are you!?" Several patrol officers, before they had time to react, saw that the approaching figures had dispersed and broke into them one after another.

"Not good! There's an enemy attack."

One of the guards reacted quickly and pressed a bright mechanical button on his arm. Basically all the guards here wore this kind of thing. It was obvious that this was a message conveyed by an alarm.

"Come on!" A cold low voice came from my ears, and I saw a man in black robes, his scarlet eyes showing a menacing and terrifying aura.

Waving the dark and strange black sickle in his hand, it is like a wind, flower, snow and moon-like artistic conception, dancing gracefully to kill!

"Ah...!" A guard in the forbidden area of ​​​​the cabinet was directly pierced through the chest by the sickle in the man's hand, and fell in a pool of blood.

Behind the man, several guys who were very skilled in killing methods also launched a violent and terrifying offensive.

(bcac) Before these so-called forbidden area guards had time to react, they were defeated by these unknown intruders in seconds!

"Hoo!" A man in black robe quickly devoured the corpse left on the ground. After cleaning up the traces of the murder, he made a gesture and several people quickly broke into the cabinet of the famous military region.

"According to the plan, the main character should have entered the cabinet."

The leading man is clearly a demon, and behind him are several other clones!

However, the outside world has cut off the situation and his men have joined in, so the personality clones do not need to pay attention to other things. Now they join the main personality and kill several important bosses. The mission is completed!

"Time is running out. It's very likely that those bastards will discover our actual plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain later, so we must act quickly."

The killer said something serious, quickly broke away from the team, and rushed towards the denser crowd area ahead.

"Haha, don't worry, no one can get away from this!" The Judgment personality responded with a smile, and then after the personalities dispersed to various places, they began an orderly invasion plan!

Thick smoke billowed and the house collapsed!

In just an instant, the eastern part of Huahai fell into darkness. With the addition of Duanqing, his men, and several other high-ranking psychic armed forces who were good friends with Duanqing and had already defected, everything seemed to go smoothly.

Of course, everyone's purpose is completely different, but one thing is the same, which is to reshuffle the order in the Eastern Conference.

At present, the damage they have caused to the east is incalculable, and the damage they have suffered is quite huge.

In a dark living room in a high-rise building in the east of Huahai.

Wearing a trench coat and with yellow skin all over his body, the furious man roared angrily: "What a bunch of useless trash, they actually allowed intruders to successfully sneak into the forbidden area of ​​the cabinet!?"

At the same time, as soon as he finished speaking, the man suddenly stood up, grabbed the stone chair behind him with his hands, and slammed it on the floor, as if to vent the endless anger in his heart.

"General Keyu, what do you think we should do now?"

A military commander from the military region who was in charge of reporting knew that the second-in-command of the eastern military region in front of him was angry, so he asked tremblingly.

Kouyu glanced at the subordinate who was in charge of the report, and waved his hand impatiently: "Notify me, go and call Wang Gou immediately, we have to rush in there before they find Tong Ying!"


The young man in charge of the report breathed a sigh of relief and quickly exited the dim living room, which was in an extremely heated atmosphere.

After his subordinates left, Keyu punched the table made of golden-grained stones and looked at the chaotic scene outside the window. .

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