But he was holding a small knife in his hand and kept moving around the woman's body. From time to time, the woman would be cut with shocking wounds.

The blood in the wound continued to flow slowly outward, and when faced with such a scene, the man would let out an almost perverted growl of excitement.

However, just when the man wanted to go further crazy, the closed door was kicked open.

Mu Fei admired their perverted behavior, but he naturally had to abide by his master's tasks and could not waste too much time.

However, such an action frightened several people in the room.

The bald man was the first to stand up and look at the door. Just as he was about to speak, he found that he could not open his mouth.

I don't know when the young man came to him, and had already pulled out his tongue with one hand.

A large amount of blood spurted out from the mouth.

It looked very bloody and cruel, and the other people were so frightened that they froze on the spot.

They didn't see clearly when the other party took action.

With the sound of the door, the other party suddenly appeared in front of them like a ghost.

The panic in several people's eyes had already betrayed their current thoughts.

Mu Fei was naturally merciless in taking action, not even giving the other party any chance to speak.

After all, Ye Muchen's mission is to eradicate everyone in this building, and you must know that everyone naturally includes that woman.

No matter good or bad!

Perhaps it was because Mu Fei's murderous voice suddenly sounded in this slightly silent building, quickly attracting the attention of other floors.

One of the men heard a frightened cry.

Then he tremblingly picked up two machetes and slowly went up the stairs in the direction of the sound, his calves trembling visibly to the naked eye.

Behind him were several young men with guns. They were not warriors.

It's just Ma Zai who lives here and is taken over by the big boss Kun.

If people like them didn't form a small group with a powerful person, they would probably have died outside long ago.

The young men behind them were holding spears in their hands, almost all of which were armed weapons.

Everyone looked at the stairs warily, not daring to be careless.

They were worried that alien species had invaded, which was a common occurrence in skyscraper media buildings.

The leading man finally arrived on the upper floor. He looked around nervously but did not hear any noise.

The team he leads is one where he has some martial arts foundation.

So I bravely walked out and scanned the office rooms.

However, when he came to a corner, he found a long-dead headless body and two cleanly chewed thigh bones, which made him shudder.

The younger brothers behind him were also frightened and couldn't figure out when the alien species would eat so cleanly. This was beyond their previous understanding of the alien species.

It looked more like it had been removed with a knife, and it looked very smooth, but the strong smell of blood around it reminded them that the person had just died.

Soon, the leading man found a line of fresh blood drops on the ground, which was obviously left by the other party.

The man gritted his teeth and said softly: "Fuck you, follow me closely. If you scare me, I will pull out your skin!"

"Don't worry, brother, we will definitely follow you and not run around. However, this is indeed a bit unsettling. Is this trace more likely to be left intentionally?"

One of the young men said something puzzled.

"You bastard pig-brained low-level aliens don't have any mind. You have a crow's mouth. Stop talking nonsense. Come with me and take a look!"

Song Qiang finally couldn't help but said angrily. In fact, he also doubted in his heart that the end of fear is anger!

Song Qiang and others slowly followed the blood stain extending deep into the corner of the corridor, and walked in the corridor on the 28th floor holding two machetes.

The footsteps of their group sounded particularly loud in the now empty corridor.

"Brother, I think we should inform Big Brother Kun. I really can't stand it and want to vomit!"

The young man walking at the end looked extra panicked.

After all, the back is actually more dangerous than the front. Who knows where the alien species will suddenly appear from.

However, Song Qiang didn't have the intention to lock them up. It didn't last long, and he stopped suddenly when he reached the corner of another corridor.

He saw the figure lying in a pool of blood in front of him, and the dripping blood was dripping on the figure.

Song Qiang's nerves suddenly became extremely tense. He raised his machete and slowly approached the body.

…Please give me flowers…

Big drops of cold sweat slid down his cheeks. He finally walked to the body and raised the democratic machete suddenly.

He saw that the face of the corpse had long been deformed. It was more terrifying than the appearance of the alien species. The eyes, nose, and tongue were all gone, and there were some signs of depression.

"Isn't this Brother Du? I'm telling you it's fake, the appearance of death is so horrific!" The dog tag around the other person's neck really proves that he is Du Nan!

Song Qiang's expression suddenly changed. He suddenly thought that this was probably man-made. Could it be...


Song Qiang, whose expression kept changing, didn't have time to react before he was kicked hard in the back of the head.

He was thrown away by this huge force and knocked down against the wall beside him, blasting a big hole in the wall.


The rest of the younger brothers had already died on the spot, and even Song Qiang had not noticed this before.

He looked up with great difficulty, and was shocked to find a man standing behind him, staring at him with cold eyes.

"Fuck!" Song Qiang subconsciously wanted to swing his knife to hit the opponent, but Mu Fei was very fast and stepped on Wei Qiang's arm.

The other foot kicked the opponent's throat, forcing him to stifle the scream that was about to come out.


The bones of the arm that Mu Fei stepped on made a clear cracking sound. Song Qiang groaned, and his arm weakly let go of the machete.

Seeing this, Mu Fei had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he didn't show any emotion. He grabbed the other person's neck and carried him into the private room, and suddenly knocked his knee on the other person's abdomen.

Song Qiang felt as if his lower abdomen was rolling like an ocean.

Mu Fei picked up the opponent's machete and put it on his neck: "How many people are there in this building, and where is your boss? It's too slow for me to find them one by one!"

Song Qiang shook his head in horror, gritting his teeth to hold back his cry of pain.

"Very good, it seems to be a tough bone!" Mufei liked people like this, and then he cut the machete across the other person's arm and started to pick the flesh.

The indescribable pain almost made Song Qiang faint for a time.

But there was no sound from his throat, just because the other party's hand was tightly squeezing his throat. .

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