The Strongest Villain Personality At The Beginning

Chapter 186: Know Yourself And The Enemy

"Yang Cheng, you are an old man, you can't say that. I never asked you to rescue me. You have no military discipline and you came here with wishful thinking. What can I say? Haha. If it weren't for you, how could I lose an arm!"

The sinister look on Yu Degui's face can be said to have played the villain to the extreme.

However, the generals from other military regions on the high platform had a look of contempt on their faces. For them, if they could get more of the pie, it would be more beneficial.

It can be said that resources are in short supply now, and the supply within the city is getting less and less.

The periphery has long been occupied by alien species, and it is extremely difficult to obtain more materials.

The best option is to annex some territory from other military regions.

Obviously Huahai has given them such an opportunity now. If you want to blame it, it's their unlucky position in the outer garrison area of ​​Huahai.

Yang Cheng's face looked very gloomy. Now that he was being attacked from both sides, he was naturally having a hard time.

He was not afraid of death, but no one could understand the pain in his heart.

He has a distinguished record and has been in the armed forces of the military region for more than 30 years.

From a low-level soldier to a military commander today, people who have never experienced this will naturally not understand it.

After so many years of life and death, I didn't expect that I would end up like this in the end. My brother betrayed his subordinates and turned against him. This was like a bolt from the blue.

Yang Cheng changed the topic, and in an instant he was extremely cold and domineering and roared in a loud voice: "If you want to see my Yang Cheng's jokes, you are not qualified!"

His voice was a little heavy, with a solemn evil aura, which made the leaders of the various military regions who came here look ugly.

This is no longer a provocation, this is simply a challenge.

No one knew where Yang Cheng got the courage to be so arrogant now that he was in this situation.

He thought it would be a joke to fight so many military region personnel with his own strength.

Li Yunsheng was silent for a moment, stood with his back on his back, and said with a cold smile: "Old man, you are no longer a member of the military region. I just said clearly that you have been fired!"

"In the past, I, Li Yunsheng, always regarded you as my elder brother. I never thought you were so ignorant. Also, I thought you were smart and smooth, but I didn't expect you couldn't distinguish between formalities and you were so ignorant!"

"You actually provoke authority like us in public. Not to mention that you are not the leader of the 16th Military Region now. Even you are not qualified to do so. How many benefits did that brat from the Ye family give you to make you do this? It's ridiculous!"

"Old ghost Yang Cheng, I, Li Yunsheng, really don't understand where your confidence comes from. Did you eat the heart of a bear or be deceived by lard? If you keep doing this, I can only brand you a traitor in the military region and behead you in public. , what do you think!"

Yang Cheng laughed disdainfully and said: "Haha, you are so impatient to take action? To tell you the truth, the alien species have now settled in the area not far from District 16. I think as long as there is turmoil here, they will attack!"

"You must know that no one knows the area and terrain here better than me. You don't dare to do anything to me. As long as I die, you will be fighting like a trapped beast. I dare not be so arrogant without a backup plan!"

"To be honest, I have seen through each of your natures, and I also know that following the upper class will not end well. There are too many examples. Although I am old, I am not confused. If you don't believe me, you can try it, but I have to remind you. In one sentence, if you can't take me down within three minutes..."

"Haha, you know what will happen. The worst I can do is risk my life and blow up my life, and you won't get anything good to eat. You must know that the aliens waiting outside are very fond of internal fighting between human warriors, and there are no high-level ones. Do you think it’s possible for aliens to lead you!”


Such words were not only incomprehensible to everyone, but even the generals in several military regions seemed a little unbelievable.

The people watching in front of the TV all looked very uneasy, not knowing what was going on.

Why did internal strife in the military region come to the fore?

Li Yunsheng heard this and shouted: "Old man, you are scaring me!"

"Haha, if you don't believe me, you can give it a try, but I wouldn't have the guts to do it!|Yang Cheng has already risked his life.【

Just because Yang Cheng is not afraid of those who wear shoes does not mean that others are not afraid of bare feet.

This is an obvious truth, and everyone is still fantasizing about their own career in the future.

"Tsk, tsk, I have to say that you, Yang Cheng, do have something, but I have already had someone check it out. Except for some large-scale alien activities in Military Region 8, it seems that there are no large-scale organizations within ten kilometers of other military regions!"

"As for the self-explosion of Qi and blood, do you think you can have room to struggle in front of so many people? Don't be stubborn. It seems that we have to wake you up!"

Li Yunsheng finally couldn't bear his fiery temper and said, "I will take action within ten steps."

The form can be described as explosive.

At this time, Ye Muchen and Mu Fei Scar Man had already arrived at the outskirts of the 16th Military Region base. They looked at the blockade in front of them with extremely cold eyes.

Ye Muchen immediately activated the Demon Eye Technique and locked his sights a thousand meters away.

In an instant, the situation can be clearly scanned, and some sounds can even be detected by shaking the ears.

After hearing Li Yunsheng's words, his already extremely angry mood became even more violent.

It's just that you can't detect Ye Muchen's current emotions from the outside.

Then he shrugged, his face darkened, he put on his hat, and his face quickly darkened.

"If we want to break through the blockade in front, Mu Fei and I can do it. As for you, Scar, go back. You have nothing to do with us here. I promise that if we can succeed, I will take you and Motian with me when I leave." People from Crazy City, go out and live the life you want!"

Ye Muchen's eyes kept wandering forward, trying to detect every flaw. He knew very well that only by knowing yourself and the enemy could you be victorious.

After hearing this, Scar Man's face was full of excitement and then turned to worry. After all, no matter how powerful the two of them were, they were not facing some generals.

It was impossible to defeat them, at least that's what he thought. After nodding slightly, he ran away in the direction he came from.

But he didn't go far before he stopped.

Then he took out his communication device and dialed a satellite number, "Lao San is going to call people to the 16th Military Region Base. We are going to take action!"

If anyone were here at this moment, they would definitely find that this scarred man was unusual. You must know that there are not many communication equipment covering such an area.

Based on his words just now, it is obvious that Bi Ren's identity is not simple.

Ye Muchen took a deep breath and then looked at Mu Fei and said with a smile: "Let's get started, you find a way to create chaos and break through, I will be there soon!"

Although Mu Fei didn't know what Ye Muchen was planning to do or what his plan was, it had nothing to do with him.

His mission at the moment is simple, create chaos and kill the guy who blocks their progress!.

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