The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1003: rupture

"No matter what, this is the territory of the human race. I am not considered an outsider now, and will not be counted in the future. The Black Flame City is not far from the Giant Yuanzong. I||in the future can move more with Sect Master Jiang."

Liu Ce said with a smile but a smile.

The expressions of Gu Feiming and Jiang Chao were slightly embarrassed.

At noon, Gu Feiming and Jiang Chao started hosting a banquet in honor of Liu Ce. They all hinted at Liu Ce, hoping that the other side would retreat when he saw difficulties.

If it wasn't for Liu Ce's displayed strength that made Gu Feiming and Jiang Chao also a little jealous, they wouldn't have to spend so much time and effort and just shoot. But Liu Ce is the domain owner of the unified domain after all. Now they have defeated the demons strongly. This had to make them a little jealous. Although Yunlongyu belongs to a very barren place in the image of martial artists in the blue sky.

"Emperor Han, this time you come to Blue Sky Territory, thank you Yunlong Territory for your help."

Gu Feiming raised his glass and smiled at Liu Ce: "Emperor Han, I respect you with this glass."

Liu Ce didn't pick up the cup, but just smiled and said, "This cup does not dare to be the leader of the ancient alliance toast. Now this blue sky region is also my second hometown. It is also what I should do to fight the demons."

The expressions of Gu Feiming and Jiang Chao suddenly changed, and Liu Ce seemed to be unable to understand what he suggested. It seems that you need to talk to the other party straightforwardly.

"Emperor Han, there is something I want to tell you clearly."

Gu Feiming said.

"What's the matter? Ancient leader, don't be polite, I am also a very generous person, as long as I can do the Tao, I should not be mean."

Liu Ce smiled.

"Doing so well, this leader hopes that the Emperor of Han can return the Black Flame City. Of course, our Blue League also knows that the ancient leader has paid a huge price for this battle, and we can compensate for the loss of the big man."

Gu Feiming said.

"Return the Black Flame City?"

Liu Ce looked very surprised. He looked at Gu Feiming and said, "Where did the ancient leader say this? This Black Flame City is a contract in black and white. Sect Master Jiang was already in front of the major forces of the Black Flame City. He abandoned Black Flame City. This contract was signed by both parties. Does Sect Master Jiang want to shame?"

Gu Feiming looked a little ugly when he watched Liu Ce Shi Shiran take out the contract.

"Emperor Han, this contract was signed by Jiang Chao with you, but it doesn't mean our blue alliance. Therefore, this contract is invalid."

Gu Feiming's expression was serious.

"Oh, when did this Giant Yuanzong become the domain of the Blue League. What I know does not seem to be the case."

Liu Ce smiled, his expression disdainful.

"Emperor Han, after all, our Giant Yuan Sect is a member of the Blue League. The strategic position of the Black Flame City is extremely important. Although our Giant Yuan Sect is an independent sect, we also need to abide by the Blue League on top of such major events. Before this, due to the urgent situation, my giant Yuanzong directly crossed the Lanmeng and signed the contract separately. This is invalid. I hope the Emperor of Han can understand."

Jiang Chao said.

"Oh, but when I signed the contract with you, didn't you say that?"

Liu Ce Shi Shi Ran's way.

"Di Han, let's just say so now, can you let this Black Flame City come out?"

Gu Feiming also seemed to be a little impatient, and his eyes fell on Liu Ce like a knife.

"How about handing it over, what if not handing it over?"

Liu Ce was sipping tea and said calmly.

"If Emperor Han is willing to surrender the Black Flame City and withdraw all the troops from the Blue Sky Region, then Emperor Han, you and our Blue League will remain friends in the future. Our Blue Sky Region and your Yunlong Region can still watch and help each other. But if Emperor Han You are unwilling to hand over the Black Flame City, then from now on, your Emperor Han will be the enemy of all the forces in our Blue Sky Region. Emperor Han, I hope you can consider it clearly."

Gu Feiming said.

"I can tell you, this Black Flame City, I am going to make a decision. You have the ability, just come and get it."

Liu Ce's eyes were deep, expressionless, but with infinite domineering.

"Emperor Han, you have to consider the consequences carefully. Don't think that you can ignore everything if you defeat the demons. There are some things that you are still far behind."

Hearing Liu Ce's refusal, Gu Feiming's expression was also a little ugly.

"Then try it."

Liu Ce finished. To Lu Dongbin, Feipeng and Zhonglou Road: "Let's go."

"Since you are here, do you still want to go?"

Jiang Chao stood up with a cold expression.

"Why, this time is really a Hongmen Banquet?"

Liu Ce smiled.

"Emperor Han, your wolf ambition, don't think we don't know. After the Yunlong region is unified, you will stare at our blue sky region. What do you intend? Don't you think we don't know?"

Gu Feiming said coldly.

"I want to go, no one can stop it."

"Let's go."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Emperor Han, is it too late to leave now?"

The warriors of the two giant Yuanzong flew up and slapped them with one palm.

The terrifying palm prints swept towards Liu Ce's body like mountains and seas. The terrifying palm power seemed to burst the entire void.

Feipeng and Chonglou snorted coldly, and greeted them with one palm.

"Bang!" "Bang!" twice.

The two warriors snorted. It flew upside down like a broken kite, and smashed to the ground fiercely.

"Damn it, stop him for me."

Jiang Chao roared.

Countless warriors of the Giant Yuanzong gathered around Liu Ce and others.

But Liu Ce never stopped. Because all the warriors who came from the surrounding area were blocked by Fei Peng and Zhonglou. The two warriors in the early stage of the Emperor Realm burst out with great power.

Although the strength of the warriors killed from all around is also very strong, but compared to | Fei Peng and Zhonglou, they are much weaker.

"Divine Emperor Realm?"

Jiang Chao shouted angrily.

With a kick on the ground, the whole person turned into a series of lights and shadows, rushing towards Liu Ce and others.

"Mingyue Fist!"

Jiang Chao roared. A punch blasted towards Jiang Chao's place.

A terrifying punch, like a huge black wave, blasted towards the flying pennant.

"Heaven Tribulation Nine Swords."

Fei Peng swept out with a sword.

This sword is like substance. It seems that the entire void can be torn apart.

"Boom!" A sound.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void.

Jiang Chao snorted. Feeling a terrifying sword intent broke his punch from it.

"Kendo rules?"

Jiang Chao looked serious. I feel the power of the opponent's sword is very powerful.

It has been more than three hundred years since Jiang Chao entered the Divine Emperor Realm. The realm has long been stabilized, but at this moment it was discovered that this young man who seemed to be too much younger than himself was not weak. In other words, not much weaker than yourself.

Seeing Liu Ce and others were about to get on the flying boat.

Jiang Chao was also anxious.

"The Shadow Kill Squad is attacking."

Jiang Chao shouted.

The Shadow Killing Squad, but the secret guard of the Giant Yuanzong. Together, this is a warrior who can fight in the early stage of the Emperor Realm. Because although there are only thirty people in this shadow killing team, each one is a half-step warrior in the Emperor Realm. Together, combined with the Killing Array, this power is strong

Thirty members of the Shadow Killing Squad rushed towards Liu Ce and the others. The terrorist attack swept towards Liu Ce and others like a tide.

This time, even Gu Feiming, the leader of the Blue League, was somewhat astonished. It seems unexpected that Ju Yuanzong still has such power. Thirty half-step Divine Emperor Realm, this is not a small force anymore. If Jiang Chao hadn't really sensed that the big man was a huge threat, I'm afraid he would really not send this secret weapon.


Scaboo swept out again with a sword.

The terrifying sword light formed a terrifying sword field and stood in front of Liu Ce. Although the attack of the Shadow Killing Squad was strong, there was a scaboo, which still could not threaten Liu Ce.

Jiang Chao said to Gu Fei next to him: "Leader, absolutely can't let the other party escape here, otherwise when he returns to Black Flame City, we will be in danger if we want to touch him again."

The reason Jiang Chao was so nervous was also because he knew very well that if Liu Ce was allowed to go back, the first person Liu Ce would retaliate would be Ju Yuanzong. After all, Black Flame City was originally the territory of the Giant Yuanzong.

"Don't worry, he can't leave."

Gu Feiming narrowed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chao immediately rushed towards Liu Ce.

"Your opponent is me."

Chonglou, who had been on the side without any hands, suddenly shot.

This knife contains the supreme domineering sword energy, and it seems that at that moment, it can tear the entire void. The terrifying sword aura swept towards Jiang Chao like a stormy sea.

"Break it for me!"

Jiang Chao used a punch with ten percent of his power.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

In an instant, the two forces collided fiercely in the void.

The endless air wave swept out in all directions centered on the two of them, and the earth trembled slightly. The ground cracked in all directions like a cobweb.

"What, you are also in the Divine Emperor Realm?"

Jiang Chao looked at the heavy building in front of him with a somewhat shocked expression.

In his information, Yunlong Domain did not have a Divine Emperor Realm. Not even a half-step Divine Emperor Realm. But now there are not only the Divine Emperor Realm, but also two. This made Jiang Chao a little surprised.

At this moment, Liu Ce walked to the side of Feizhou.


Liu Ce pulled out the Demon Slashing Sword.

The horrible sword light swept out.

It was like a real sword light, directly beheading the seventeen warriors guarding the flying boat.

Just when Liu Ce was about to board the flying boat.

"Where to go."

A roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Feiming pounced toward him like lightning.

Liu Ce squinted his eyes, but his expression remained unchanged. Still walking towards the flying boat.

"court death."

Looking at Liu Ce who has boarded the flying boat. Gu Feiming terrorized himself with this palm. Already used ten% of the power, under this palm, it seemed that the void was about to be shattered.

"Choke!" A sound.

Lu Dongbin, who had been guarding Liu Ce, quickly drew out his sword.

The horrible sword light seems to be able to tear everything apart. Like lightning, he slaughtered the past towards Gu Feiming's place.


Lu Dongbin's sword was like lightning, and it directly shredded the palm shot by Gu Feiming, which was extremely terrifying. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1003 is broken), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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