
Tianshui Huihui master Zhan Tao shouted loudly.


Changsun Wuji coldly looked at Zhan Tao, the leader of the Tianshui Club.

"Suitable, didn't reveal his identity. Do you know who is standing behind the Lord of the Association?"

Zhan Tao looked at Changsun Wuji triumphantly.


Changsun Wuji faintly looked at Zhan Tao in front of him.

"Do you know that the deputy master of the Tiansheng Temple is my cousin's husband, you dare to move me. Are you not afraid of Tiansheng Temple's revenge?"

Tianshuihui will master Zhan Tao's arrogant way.

There was a smile on the faces of the leaders of the major forces around.

This is also the reason why the heads of several major forces are preparing to advance and retreat together with Zhan Tao. The deputy master of the Tiansheng Temple, who dares to move?

What is the Temple of Heaven? Even the current leader of the Blue Sky Region, Gu Feiming, needs to be respectful in front of others, and dare not offend him at all. Even the assistant master of the Tiansheng Temple is not as good as Gu Feiming.

But the terrible thing about the Temple of Heaven is not the cultivation base of the palace master, although the palace master who is in retreat is the real strongest person in the blue sky domain. But everyone knows that what everyone is really afraid of is the temple that stands behind the Tiansheng Temple.

Legend has it that the temple is strong like a cloud. Gods, gods, and even stronger ones all exist in the temple. It is said that the temple holds the secret to the highest road.

No one thinks that a big man dared to offend the Temple of Heaven, and that offending the Temple of Heaven is no different from offending the Temple of Heaven.

Now the heads of these major forces want to know. How will the big guy react when he knows the background of the other party? Almost everyone thought that after knowing the identity of the opponent, the big man would be like a clown in turn to curry favor with each other.

At that moment, almost everyone was replenishing this picture.

Even Zhan Tao thought so.

"take away."

Unexpectedly, Changsun Wuji was not as good as everyone thought. Coldly ordered to Lu Ming.

"You... how dare you?"

Zhan Tao was shocked, and his calm face showed panic for the first time.

The look of the guards standing behind Zhan Tao changed. Just about to move.

A terrible breath enveloped them, suppressing them to death.

Those guards were not weak in their cultivation bases. They could serve as the personal guards of the Tianshui Huihui Master. Their cultivation bases had at least reached the early stage of the Divine King Realm.

But at this moment, facing this terrible pressure, they felt that their breathing seemed to stop at this moment.

No one dared to move. Jumang stood in front of them. The horrible gaze was locked on their son. Make them feel like they are facing a terrible storm. The opponent is definitely the cultivation base of the late Divine King Realm, even stronger.

"Let go of me. Let me go, what do you want to do. My cousin-in-law is the deputy head of the Temple of Heaven, don't you know?"

Zhan Tao yelled hysterically.

After tearing off these protective clothing, Zhan Tao found that his heart was far from being as strong as he had imagined. He is also so helpless and weak.

The heads of the major forces below looked at each other, their expressions extremely pale.

After Zhan Tao was taken away.

The scene fell silent.

The leaders of the major forces, especially the White Wolf Society, and the Black Sand Society, are even sitting on pins and needles at this moment.


There was another screaming scream outside.

"Everyone, you can think about it again, my great man, I want to convince people with morals."

Changsun Wuji smiled|sit down.

The corners of the mouths of the leaders of the major forces present slightly twitched. You are also called to persuade people with virtue. So what if you don't convince people with morality.

I just felt the face of Changsun Wuji that looked like a smiling tiger, and the faces of the leaders of these major forces were a bit ugly. After all, there are not a few private armies of their major forces. If there is no private army, it is equivalent to no deterrence, as if a tiger has no teeth.

Just when the leaders of the major forces were still hesitating.

The door was pushed open.

Lu Ming walked in carrying two black packages.

It's just that these two black packages are still dripping blood.


The leaders of the major forces were seeing the two packages still dripping blood. My heart was cold, and my complexion was earthy. Although the package was sealed, they did not see what was inside. But just by the appearance of dripping blood and the shape of the package, you know what is inside.

The other party really dared to kill people, and one of them was the younger brother-in-law of the deputy head of the Tiansheng Temple, although it was a show.

Now the leaders of the major forces have given Changsun Wuji an adjective of a lunatic. It was crazy, I dared to kill the younger brother-in-law of the deputy hall master of the Tiansheng Temple. Then they are also dangerous.

"Well, just now my people have met with the Tianshui Club, and the money helper has discussed it. They have agreed to disband the private army."

Long Sun Wuji said leisurely.

The corners of the mouths of the leaders of the forces twitched. The human head is still there, do you discuss it with the ghost.

Even so, no one dared to say much. People are under the eaves. They can only sign a contract with Changsun Wuji for their lives.

However, this time, Changsun Wuji gave them five days to disband all private troops. After all, this thing can't be done right away, it always needs a process.

After the leaders of the major forces have left. Changsun Wuji came to the room where Liu Ce was.

At this moment, Yang Jing and Shen Honglian were making tea and fan for Liu Ce, making Liu Ce very comfortable.

"How is it?"

Liu Ce didn't look up, just holding the cup in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty, all signed."

Changsun Wuji said.

Then, Changsun Wuji said: "Your Majesty, his subordinates killed Jin Chaoyuan, the leader of the Money Gang, and the leader of Tianshui Huihui, Zhan Tao."


The two goddesses Yang Jing and Shen Honglian changed in color.

Liu Ce glanced at the two women faintly, and then they were silent and afraid to speak.

"I have already handed it over to you to deal with it completely, no need to talk to me any more, I only want the result.

Liu Ce said lightly.


Changsun Wuji lowered his head.

"Go down and get ready."

Liu Ce waved his hand.


After Changsun Wuji left, Yang Jing couldn't help saying: "Your Majesty, the meeting host of the Tian Shui Hui is the cousin of Zhan Tao. Although the deputy host of the Temple of Heaven is just the cousin of Zhan Tao, but the cousin of Zhan Tao. Because there are no brothers or sisters, I still care about Zhan Tao's cousin. Now that you kill him, I'm afraid there will be trouble on the side of the Temple of Heaven."

"Yes, Your Majesty, you need to be prepared for this."

Shen Honglian also followed the reminder on the side.

Now that the two families are tied to the big man, they naturally don't want any difference between the big man.

"Don't worry, it's just a deputy temple master, I don't fear him."

Liu Ceyun said lightly.

If it were in an era of peace, Liu Ce might be a little jealous. But now the demons are raging the world. The Temple of Heaven is overwhelmed by itself, and the Temple is also facing the trouble of the Demon Race. The big man doesn't need to care too much about the Temple of Heaven. Moreover, in the Yunlong Region, it was not that the big man had not dealt with the Tiansheng Temple. The Heavenly Temple, which is extremely jealous of other forces, is just like that in the eyes of the big man.

Although killing Zhan Tao would cause trouble for the Temple of Heaven, Liu Ce didn't care too much. Now he was thinking about what Changsun Wuji would do next.

"Testing you, do you think the major forces in Black Flame City will submit?"

Liu Ce asked with a smile.

"Your Majesty, some will compromise. But a small part may be changed?"

Yang Jing thought for a moment.

"Well, that's what I meant."

Shen Honglian thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Change? Aren't they afraid of death?"

Liu Ce's eyes condensed.

"Your Majesty, it's not that they are not afraid of death. It's just that behind these forces, there are more or less major forces standing. Therefore, they have the confidence to take risks. Perhaps these forces will also assign them other tasks."

Shen Honglian analyzed.

"Well, the strategic position of Black Flame City is very important. Your Majesty, you are an outsider, and the major forces in the Blue Sky Region will never welcome you. That is, the Giant Yuanzong must be anxious now. He will try his best to drive you away. Therefore, these major forces will certainly not compromise so easily."

Yang Jing also followed.

"It makes sense."

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

Seeing Liu Ce's calm and unreliable appearance, Yang Jing and Shen Honglian gave Liu Ce a little bit more evaluation. When they become other superiors, knowing that they are enemies on all sides, they will definitely not be so calm. of.

In fact, the two women didn't know, this time, Liu Ce's plan was to first salute and then fight. After distinguishing the forces that are truly dangerous to him through the banquet in the City Lord's Mansion, he will come and catch them all at once. The remaining forces can be absorbed by the big man and become a force that vassalizes himself.

It is not advisable to completely wipe out all the forces in the Black Flame City, and it will also make the forces in the Black Flame City hostile to the big man. So killing some and releasing some is the best way.

In a huge manor in Heiyan City

The leaders of the major forces gathered spies here, and everyone's face was extremely gloomy.

"Damn big guy, what should we do now? Should we just let the big guy take our private army away? The big guy dared to do things that the Giant Yuanzong didn't do? He didn't take us seriously. "

Bai Wusong, the leader of the White Wolf Gang, looked humiliating. As the powerful leader of the Black Flame City, Bai Wusong was forced to this for the first time. At this moment, his resentment towards the big man reached its extreme.

"Brother Bai, it doesn't matter."

Zhan Kun, the host of the Black Sand Club, sneered.

"Brother Zhan, what do you think?"

Bai Wusong, the leader of the White Wolf Gang, fixed his gaze on Zhan Kun's body, and said solemnly: "I don't think you can hand over the private army so easily. This is our lifeblood."

"Brother Bai, there are people standing behind us. I have sent a message back before, and I believe there will be a response soon. Let's just do it."

Zhan Kun Road.

When Bai Wusong heard the words, his expression moved. Indeed, he had also been sent back before. It should be very soon, there will be a response from above.

Sure enough, the people behind the major forces sent back messages.

"Brother Bai, the person behind you, did you let you..."

Zhan Kun's gaze fell on Bai Wusong's face.

"Could it be that Brother Zhan is also?"

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