The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1017: Tianyun Tower

"How to obtain this qualification?"

Liu Ce couldn't help asking.

"After entering the Sky Cloud Tower and defeating the nine warriors of the Fire Cloud Tower, you can successfully qualify. Of course, the time can only be within three days, or even if you pass the Sky Cloud Tower three days later, it will be considered a failure."

Gu Feiming looked at Liu Cedao.

"Oh I got it."

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

"How are you thinking about it, Emperor Han, are you planning to break through?"

Gu Feiming looked at Liu Ce.

Liu Ce did not immediately answer, and said to Gu Fei: "Can you allow me to think about it for a day?"

Liu Ce hadn't discerned whether the assessment was fabricated by the other party, so naturally he would not agree to it so easily.


Gu Feiming is very generous.

"Emperor Han, I heard that the great master is like a cloud, can you compete with the guards around me at the same level?"

A sound like a silver bell rang.

Liu Ce looked around and found that it was the goddess Jiang Xue from the Heavenly Mystery Hall who was talking.

A man in his early thirties stood beside Jiang Xue. Obviously this is the one who is going to play.

"Which of you is interested?"

Liu Ce looked at the big Han gods and demons around him.

Lu Dongbin also seemed to see that the other party was only in the early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm, so naturally he had no interest at all. However, the few big Han gods and demons on the side are eager to try.

"Let me do it."

Chonglou was the first to stand up.

"it is good."

The eyes of the guard next to Jiang Xue burst into endless fighting spirit.

After half a cup of tea

People from both sides came to Feiyunzong's performance platform

"Han Zheng."

Jiang Xue's guard looked at the heavy building.


Chonglou said lightly.

"The contest begins."

An elder Feiyunzong who was in charge of being a referee shouted.

Almost at the moment of breathing, the two sides moved.

The weapon used by Jiang Xue's guard is a sword, while the weapon used by Zhonglou is a wrist sword. This is the collision of the sword and the sword.

Jiang Xue's guards mastered the rules of ice and snow.

A sword swept out, and the void burst out with white sword light. The terrifying cold current seems to freeze everything. The heavy building masters the rules of space. Shenfa is fascinating.

And relying on the fierce body law. Every sword in Chonglou would almost be killed in the most unexpected place of the opponent. Let Jiang Xue's guards be invincible.

With the passage of time, Han Zheng's situation has become increasingly unfavorable. If at first, Han Zheng could be regarded as evenly matched, now Han Zheng is almost always suppressed by the heavy building.

Jiang Xue, who was watching the battle at the moment, looked a little gloomy, just because she was wearing a veil, and others couldn't see her look clearly.

But at this moment Jiang Xue's heart was already a little shocked.

Earlier, Gu Feiming had said that Dahan's top martial artist was very strong, but Jiang Xue didn't care too much. A force from the barren land, no matter how strong the warrior can go. Therefore, one of the purposes of her engagement this time was to test the strength of the top warriors of the Han. If you can defeat the opponent, you will build confidence in the strength of your camp. But things seem to be counterproductive.

"Frost Wind Snow Sword."

Han Zheng's figure shook, and dozens of white afterimages erupted in the void, killing him towards the heavy building. At the same time, Yijian slammed the place of the heavy building.

With this sword, the terrifying cold current seemed to freeze the entire void.

The endless cold current rushed to the heavy building, and the heavy building was inevitably affected. He felt that his body seemed to be frozen by the cold current.

Chonglou was expressionless, and quickly condensed the magic element in his body to expel the cold current that poured into his body.

"Xuankong cut!"

Chonglou expressionlessly, he slashed out.

This knife contains infinite spatial rules. In an instant, the sword light burst out from this knife, directly cutting the sword light in front of him into countless fragments.

"What, is this?"

Han Zheng was a little shocked.

Han Zheng felt that the opponent's power was mysterious and mysterious, a little elusive.

Han Zheng felt that the space in all directions was cut off by some kind of power in an instant, and an invisible force surged toward him from all directions. As if to freeze myself.

"Damn it, what power is this?"

Feeling the restraining force slowly surging into his body, Han Zheng suddenly felt a little creepy.


This is Han Zheng's first thought now.

However, Han Zheng just prepared to escape. Suddenly, an invisible force caught up with him.

It is a sharp knife light.

Han Zheng didn't see when the heavy building appeared behind him, as if the knife appeared out of thin air.

Han Zheng had only time to use the protective gas shield to the limit. The knife had already hit him.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The protective gas shield on Han Zheng's body was directly exploded, and when the knife from the heavy building struck him, a strange pattern flashed on his body. The appearance of this pattern has weakened the strength of the heavy building knife by 30%.

Even so, Han Zheng's whole body was still thrown off in an instant, and fell to the ground outside the battle platform. He vomited blood in a big mouth, and looked extremely wilted.

Fortunately, after several defenses, Han Zheng's injuries were not serious. However, being beaten out of the battlefield, this battle can already be regarded as his defeat.

"His Royal Highness, her subordinates are incompetent."

Han Zheng looked bitter, returned to Jiang Xue's side, lowered his head.

"It's okay, take care of it."

Jiang Xue said flatly.


Han Zheng retreated silently.

"Good job."

The empty son looked at Han Zheng and said with a slight smile.

"Send Emperor Han to the VIP Building."

Gu Feiming was not too surprised.

After Liu Ce and others left.


Gu Feiming walked in front of Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue glanced at Gu Feiming faintly, and said with a slight nod: "You are right. This big man is indeed capable of coming out in large numbers. If it is safe, we will still act according to the original plan."

"it is good."

Gu Feiming nodded, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Inside the VIP building

It's already late at night

A man in black appeared in front of Liu Ce.

"Xichang Factory Wei pays respects to your Majesty."

The man in black looked at Liu Cedao.


Liu Ce nodded slightly and looked at the black-clothed man and said, "Have you found out what you asked?"

"Your Majesty, I have found out that there are indeed such traditions and rules in the entire Blue Sky Region. This is the information collected by the humble duty."

The man in black handed a piece of information to Liu Ce.

"Well, you go down."

Liu Ce is humane towards black.

"According to the purpose."

The man in black nodded slightly.

After the man in black left, Liu Ce began to check the information in his hand. This information is very detailed. Records the rules established by the early forces in the blue sky domain.

It is said that the first generation of blue sky was filled with many forces, and these forces fought against each other. In the end, after the survival of the fittest, several major forces were left.

However, at the same time, a tower appeared on the Tianjie Mountain in the blue sky domain. In the eyes of a few witnesses at the time, this tower was descended from the sky.

The boundary monument in front of the tower says that only through the Tianyun Pagoda can you get the luck of this world. Of course, only by becoming the biggest power in this world, the star power will be affected.

"Is this true? There are such rules. Is this Fang Tiandao wanting to survive the fittest?"

Liu Ce thought secretly.

"System, do you think this is real?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

It's not that Liu Ce doesn't trust Xichang, it's just that this is a bit weird. In general, the ways of heaven are high above, and rarely interfere with the operation of the world. In Liu Ce's eyes, it was really unimaginable to drop a Tianyun Tower directly to assess these star powers.

"Is there such a chance? Host, the world is very big, and there are all kinds of possibilities. It is not too strange to drop an assessment tower for assessment."

The system explained.

"Well, it makes sense."

But Liu Ce still felt a little puzzled, and asked the system: "System, then what does the Dao of Heaven mean by doing this?"

"Host, there is also competition between the heavens, and sometimes, the heavens will swallow each other. Therefore, the heavens hope that the warriors in this world are stronger than anyone else. Only when this world is strong, the power of the heavens will be strong. .Because the power of heaven comes from all living beings."

System Road.

"Well, system, I think I understand."

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

The system did not speak any more.

"It seems that the Fire Cloud Pagoda has been determined by himself. Originally, Liu Ce thought that the Blue League had some conspiracy this time, but now it seems that it is entirely a conspiracy. First recognize his status, and then just use Tianyun. The tower comes to trap yourself."

Liu Ce frowned.

Moreover, according to the other party's statement, this day, the cloud tower must be broken by oneself to be effective, and no external force can be used.

The West Factory's work efficiency is very high, and the information on Yunta is also very busy and detailed this day.

On this day, the cloud tower is divided into nine floors. In history, many warriors who have reached the star power, after failing to break the tower, his power has slowly declined in less than ten years. The good thing is to be relegated to a small force, and some miserable ones will just vanish. Therefore, it is still very risky to break into the sky cloud tower. The success rate is less than 10%.

However, the difficulty of the cloud tower this day is set according to the strength of the challenger. There will not be a situation where the Divine Master Realm starts to run into the Divine Emperor Realm.

"Well, this time, I also want to know what kind of tricks you will do."

Liu Cehao was very angry.

The next day, Liu Ce took the Han gods and demons and walked towards Feiyunzong.

"Emperor Han, you are here, our leader is waiting for you in the hall."

A disciple of Feiyunzong said to Liu Ce.

"lead the way."

Liu Cedao.

Soon, Liu Ce walked into the Feiyunzong Hall.

Coincidentally, this time, not only Gu Feiming was here. The goddess Jiang Xue of the Tianxuan Temple was also there.

"Di Han, can you make a decision?"

Gu Feiming smiled slightly at Liu Ce.

"It's decided, I want to break into the tower, when will we start?"

Liu Ce asked.

After Liu Ce finished speaking, he could clearly see a hint of joy on Gu Feiming's face. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1017 Tianyun Tower), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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