The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1035: Fight for opportunity

From the words of this god, he may not only assess martial arts. There are other miscellaneous studies. It seems that this deity should have been a powerful person proficient in various skills before. Therefore, there is such a requirement.

Liu Ce just stood in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the crowd with such carelessness, he didn't seem to worry about someone plotting against him.

Xiao Chen saw this, and a hint of resentment suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Of course, Xiao Chen himself didn't dare to violate the gods, but he saw a disciple of the Di Xuanzong who was a little closer to Liu Ce and slapped a secret signal.

The disciple of Di Xuanzong understood in seconds. Looking at Liu Ce next to him, there was a cold stern flash in his eyes. Leisurely, he quietly approached Liu Ce's back, took out a dagger, and pierced Liu Ce's back with a knife.

This knife is very secretive, if there is no one who is prepared. Immediately you will die by this knife.

Seeing that Liu Ce didn't react at all, the true disciple of Di Xuanzong even showed a smile on his face. As long as he successfully killed the Emperor of Han Dynasty, he undoubtedly made a great contribution to Earth Xuanzong.


A terrifying lightning struck down the void.

This thunder came too fast, and the disciple of the Earth Xuanzong didn't react at all. In front of this thunder, it was suddenly annihilated.

"Damn it, how could this be?"

Sect Master Xiao Chen of Di Xuanzong was somewhat fortunate. If he hadn't restrained his impulse before and acted personally, his fate would probably not be any better than this disciple of the Di Xuanzong.

Therefore, even though Xiao Chen, the Sect Master of the Earth Xuanzong, was full of anger at Liu Ce, he did not dare to act rashly.

Liu Ce turned his head and smiled disdainfully at Xiao Chen: "Sect Master Xiao, if you are dissatisfied with me, you can send someone to take action again, and I will be waiting for him here."

In fact, Liu Ce knew that the opponent had acted on him before. It just didn't show up. He believed that the gods here would not sit back and watch someone break their rules. Therefore, Liu Ce is calm. Don't care.

"Well, since you have entered the deity's cave, it is for fate. Therefore, the first wave of opportunities for the deity, see if you can grasp it."

The god's voice said.

Liu Ce was a little curious about the **** hidden in the void. The aura on the opponent's body is extremely powerful. It feels to Liu Ce that a trace of power from the opponent can easily crush himself.

"System, do you say this is the deity of the deity?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

Of course, Liu Ce didn't expect the system to really answer his own questions. This system is still very arrogant, and whether it can answer the question or not seems to depend on whether or not the other person is happy.

"This is just a ray of remnant soul."

System Road.

"What? A strand of remnant soul?"

Liu Ce was a little shocked at this moment. Originally, he still thought that this would be the deity of the deity. After all, the aura on the opponent's body is too strong.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. It turned out to be just a ray of remnant soul. But is a strand of remnant soul so powerful?

"It's not surprising. This **** is a **** at the peak realm, and its strength is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary gods. Even if there is only a ray of remnant soul left, the warriors below the gods are still Easy."

System Road.

"Well, I got it."

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

"I don't know, Lord God, what is the chance of this first wave?"

A curious warrior stood up and asked.

"This opportunity is ten treasures, these ten treasures, the deity will hide them in ten light groups, whether they can be obtained depends on your strength. This treasure is not available to everyone. But the deity wants To emphasize, you can now compete with each other, but you can't fight, otherwise the previous person will end."

The voice of the deity came from the void.

Soon, a ball of light appeared in the void.

Although I don't know what it is?

But how could Liu Ce give up this opportunity.

"Swish!" A sound.

Liu Ce disappeared in place.

"Ling Bo stepped slightly."

Liu Ce displays Ling Bo's microsteps. The whole person turned into countless shadows in the void.

It can be said that Liu Ce is now using Lingbo's microsteps, and this speed is definitely more than a hundred times faster than the previous protagonist's speed.

"Damn it, what kind of body is this?"

"Never let him take it away."

Gu Feiming. Jiang Xue, Xiao Chen and others all rushed towards the light ball. The speed is extremely fast.


Liu Ce's Lingbo microsteps have reached their limit.

Suddenly, the whole person turned into a cloud of green smoke.

The group of Qingyan turned a corner in the void and directly rushed towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was overjoyed when he saw the light group pounce on him. Reach out, waiting to be taken down.

"Di Han, see how you fight with me?"

Xiao Chen grabbed the light group with a palm.

Although Liu Ce could not be hit, but if he could **** what the Emperor Han needed, it would also make Xiao Chen feel a little bit more comfortable.

But the next breath, Xiao Chen was shocked. Because a white light that was about to reach the extreme flickered in front of him, and then all the light groups disappeared in front of Xiao Chen.

"Fuck, what hand speed is this?"

Xiao Chen watched Liu Ce fall, holding a light ball in his hand. Suddenly gritted his teeth with hatred.

"Damn it, how did this guy do it?"

Thinking of Liu Ce's strange body skills before, he suddenly became a little jealous of Liu Ce.

Liu Ce immediately crushed the light ball. A medicine bottle appeared immediately.


Liu Ce has never heard the name of this pill. Let the system appraise it immediately. Suddenly know that this is a kind of pill that is extremely effective for body refining and Qi refining.

Although this kind of dual-effect pill is not comparable to the pill that is specially refined. But Liu Ce now has more of this kind of medicine, the better. Because he felt that his Supreme Demon God Art could break through.

Immediately afterwards, the second light group appeared.

Liu Ce will naturally not miss it. Once again, Ling Bo pounced on it slightly.

"Di Han, this time. Don't want to grab any treasure in front of me."

Xiao Chen had watched Liu Ce grab the treasure in front of him before, and he gritted his teeth bitterly at Liu Ce, naturally, he was extremely upset. Even if he didn't get any treasures at this moment, he would never allow Liu Ce, a murderous enemy, to grab any treasures in front of him.

But Liu Ce's Lingbo microsteps are extremely mysterious. And this is given to Liu Ce by the system. This is already an enhanced version of Lingbo Weibu.

Perhaps speed may not necessarily have an advantage in front of the big guys present. But there is more than Xuanmiao. The reality is unpredictable.

Jiang Xue, Gu Feiming, Du Yu, Jinba, and others all pounced on the light group.

Although, these people can be considered an alliance at the moment. But in front of the treasure, there is no plan to give up.

Unfortunately, Liu Ce's Lingbo Weibu seems to be even better. The whole person is like a ghost.

"Stop it for me."

Xiao Chen stopped in front of Liu Ce and ran into him.

Liu Ce's eyes condensed.

Looking at Xiao Chen who was rushing towards him, he naturally wouldn't attack the opponent. Maybe the other party also has this intention. By attracting yourself, attacking the opponent, breaking the rules, you can use the gods to destroy yourself. Naturally, Liu Ce would not be fooled.

"Ling Bo stepped slightly."

Liu Ce pushed Ling Bo's microsteps to the limit. The whole person disappeared in place like a cloud of green smoke.

Next breath. Liu Ce turned a corner in the void and disappeared in front of Xiao Chen. Liu Ce was not stopped at all.

And Jiang Xue, Gu Feiming, Du Yu, Jinba and others all rushed towards the ball of light. But just before it got closer, the light group became spiritual. Actually broke free from their front.

"good chance!"

Originally, Xiao Chen stayed with Liu Ce even though he didn't stop him. But it prevented Liu Ce from breathing. However, seeing everyone fail, Liu Ce naturally knew this was a good opportunity.

"Ling Bo stepped slightly!"

Liu Ce's body style is extremely fast. It's like lightning.

This time, Liu Ce had already used Ling Bo's microsteps to the limit.

"Leave me!"

Liu Ce slapped the ball of light with a palm.


The leaders of several major forces all rushed towards Liu Ce's place.

However, Liu Ce's speed was too fast. The body is ghostly, like lightning. Therefore, the heads of several major forces could not stop Liu Ce at all.

Liu Ce won the second ball of light again.

"Di Han, do you know that eating alone will not end well!"

Gu Feiming looked at Liu Ce.

"Emperor Han, don't you see clearly, what kind of occasion is this? Even if you can get these things, can you guarantee that you can escape?"

Jiang Xue looked at Liu Ce blankly.

"If you want to do it, do it, don't be so jokes, it's a joke."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.


The heads of several major forces suddenly became angry. But they also knew that it was impossible to do it with the Emperor of Han at present, otherwise, if they did it with the Emperor of Han, who knew, this **** would directly destroy them.

"Well, now, there are eight more gifts. However, they will be mixed in a hundred **** of light. Whether you can get the treasure depends on your luck."

The heads of several major forces said.

As the god's voice fell, a hundred **** of light appeared in the void.

"so many."

"Which one is true?"

"So many, which one should I grab?"

At this moment, not only are the disciples of the major forces, but even the heads of the major forces are a little daunted. This assessment is a bit weird.

"System, I want to identify these light groups."

Liu Cedao.

"Are you sure it will cost ten thousand national fortunes to identify these light groups?"

The system prompt sounded.


Liu Cedao.

"The authentication is successful, the authentication result has been published in the system panel, please check the host carefully."

The system prompt sounded.

Liu Ce quickly entered the system panel to check.

Suddenly, the information of the system allowed Liu Ce to understand what treasure that ball of light was. In fact, there are only three useful treasures within this hundred spheres of light. The rest can be said to be rubbish.

"Kill out."

Liu Ce flew out.

Liu Ce's hand was quick. Quickly caught three **** of light. He gave up the other ball of light, and watched other people vying for the ball of light. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: the full text of the strongest violent emperor: strongest violent emperor txt download address: most violent emperor mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1035 Fighting for Opportunity), and you can read it next time when you open the bookshelf To! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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