"Has Emperor Han succeeded? How could it be possible?"

"Maybe. How impossible. Otherwise, why didn't the Emperor Han come out."

"Why is Emperor Han so powerful? It feels so difficult inside."

Jiang Xue, Gu Feiming and others looked at each other.

"We can't let the Emperor of Han get the chance in it alone, otherwise, let him get the chance, and it will be extremely detrimental to us when his strength increases.

Gu Feiming said.

"it is good."

Xiao Chen was the first to support.

For the Emperor of Han who had the vengeance of killing children, Xiao Chen's hatred and disgust for him was even higher than that of Gu Feiming. At this moment, naturally, he did not want the Emperor of Han to get more opportunities and increase the difficulty of killing.

Therefore, the leaders of the major forces did not hesitate and began to enter the assessment room.

At this moment, Liu Ce has already completed the first level of assessment. Received a reward from the gods cave mansion.

This time, the reward of the Shenzun Dongfu was a pill.

"Shen Leopard Pill?"

Liu Ce's expression moved.

Because according to the information given above, this divine leopard pill is really the body refining pill that he needs now.

"You must find a place right away to improve your cultivation."

Liu Ce muttered.

The Shenzun Dongfu is very large, and Liu Ce can't guarantee that he will not meet these people. If you encounter these people, the rules of the gods' cave will protect yourself again.

All hopes still need to be in their own hands.

Liu Ce immediately found a hidden cave, and then closed the door of the cave tightly. The door of this cave was opened from the inside, so it couldn't be opened anyway.

Therefore, Liu Ce didn't worry about what unexpected situation would happen when he was practicing.

Liu Ce took out the Shen Leopard Pill to take it.

Immediately, Liu Ce felt a tingling sensation. This soggy feeling spread all over the body.

Liu Ce hurriedly ran the Taishang Demon God Art, and immediately felt the strength of his body's body refining, and every breath was growing.

After about an hour

Liu Ce's cohesive strength is almost there. Started to hit the shackles of the fourth layer of Taishang Demon God Art.


Liu Ce's body trembled slightly.

There is no breakthrough. But Liu Ce didn't feel discouraged, because he knew it was normal. The previous moment was just a test.

"The second time."

"The third time..."

I don’t know how many times. It may have reached a hundred times.

"Boom!" A sound.

Liu Ce's last impact finally broke through the shackles of the peak of the body refining stage.

Liu Ce felt that he had broken through the shackles of the fourth peak of the Supreme Demon Art. The physique has grown too much. It can be said that it is more than ten times the previous one.

It seems that the fourth and fifth layers of the Taishang Demon God Art is a watershed.

Liu Ce stood up, feeling that the clothes on his body were somewhat stretched. It seems that he has grown a little taller.

Sit down cross-legged again. Because the increase in physique is only one aspect, he still needs a breakthrough in his cultivation.

"System, I want to check the properties!"

Liu Cedao.

Occupation: Emperor Han

Techniques: Xuanwu Body Forging Jue (the peak of the ninth layer) Emperor Dao Shenglong Jue, the Taishang Demon God Jue (the beginning of the fifth layer)

Cultivation: Early stage of God King Realm

Martial Skills: Hundred Sword Jue (Transformation Realm) Dou Zhuan Xingyi (Transformation Realm) Xiao Li Feidao (Transaction Realm) Galaxy Breaking Fist (Transaction Realm) Fengshen Leg (Transmutation Realm) Stealing Heaven, Changing the Sun and Seizing Sword Style (Transaction Realm) Sword Twenty-two (Consummation) Immortal Golden Body Jue (Dacheng)...Sword Twenty-Three (Consummation)

Secret Method: Promise Rage (Dacheng)

Physique 375

Summon Gods and Demons: Guan Yu, Yuhuatian, Lu Bu, Mangui, Sima Buping, Duan Tianya, Dugu Qiuqiu, Gan Mingzhu, Absolute Wushen, Sete, Worshiping the Lord of the Moon, Yuwentuo, Wuming...

Martial arts points: 20020

Treasure Box: None

National Transport: 330045423200

Available National Shipping: 225727632000

"Well, an increase of twenty physique points?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised. However, he was relieved again at the thought of the condition in his body after he had just broken through the fourth layer of the Supreme Demon God Art. Obviously, the fourth layer of Taishang Demon God Art is very powerful.

"System, I want to advance to cultivation base."

Liu Ce ordered the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the cultivation base is successfully promoted. The current level, the late God King Realm?"

The system prompt sounded.


Liu Ce felt a huge boiling force burst out of his body. It's like a volcanic eruption.

Liu Ce hurriedly mobilized the Ming Dao Sacred Dragon Art to guide this force.


Liu Ce quickly checked his attributes. Suddenly I realized that there was something wrong with this cultivation base.

"Well, how do you need ten attribute points to advance once?"

"This is already doubled?"

Liu Ce was a little surprised at once.

"Host, after reaching the Divine King Realm, your cultivation base needs ten individual mass points for every small realm."

System Road.

"it is good."

Liu Ce nodded. When they have reached the Divine King Realm, the physique points required for promotion have doubled, which is normal. Isn't the physique point for breaking through body training also increased? In fact, it is still flat. Therefore, Liu Ce didn't have too many opinions on this.

"The late Divine King Realm?"

Continuously breaking through two small realms made Liu Ce more confident in his own strength at this moment. If it is said that Liu Ce felt that his strength was still a little insufficient before, but now, Liu Ce thinks that even if he faces a warrior in the middle of the Emperor Realm, he can't beat it and run is no problem. After all, Liu Ce could have leapfrogged the challenge.

After such a long time, should they come in too?

Liu Ce muttered.

Liu Ce knew that even though these people had been stumped by the assessment before. But the leaders of these major forces do not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

Liu Ce passed through the tunnel quietly. Towards the next level.

Soon, Liu Ce came to a hall

This hall

But Liu Ce didn't show it. It is hidden on the side. After all, he still doesn't know the rules here, and if there is no way to help but kill here, then the situation will be very unfavorable for him.

Although Liu Ce is fearless. But when the situation is clearly unfavorable to him, he will not fight fearlessly, because it is even more unfavorable to him.

At this time, people gathered in the hall. These people are naturally warriors from all major forces. It's just that the number is less than half. Obviously, they all fell in the previous level. Of course, it is also possible that they did not come in. But in any case, it is still a good thing for Liu Ce.

but. The leaders of the five major forces, as well as the goddess Jiang Xue from the Heavenly Mystery Palace, were impressively listed.

Of course, Liu Ce is not surprised at this. Each of the leaders of the major forces has lived a long history, has a very wide range of knowledge, and it is normal to pass. What's more, there are still several opportunities.

"Well, congratulations, everyone, before you came to the second level. This second level leads to the third level, and you need a key. The first to reach the third level, that is, the first one to pass the third level, will be able to get the deity's inherited."

Xu Kong said indifferent voice.

The heads of the major forces present have a fiery heart. Because they are very clear about what the so-called inheritance of gods represents. If you can get the deity inheritance, then you have the opportunity to advance to the deity realm. Even if they can't advance to the Divine Sovereign Realm, they can smoothly break through the shackles of the early Divine Sovereign Realm and advance to the middle of the Divine Sovereign Realm.

When it comes to the great realm of God Emperor Realm, even a small realm needs to consume endless resources. This is why the martial arts level of the entire Blue Star Territory is so strong. However, only Gu Feiming, the leader of the Blue League, truly reached the middle stage of the Divine Emperor Realm.

Therefore, Liu Ce is not here at this moment.

These people are no longer unanimously outside. They are on guard against each other. after all. The inheritance of the gods, let alone the major leaders of the Blue League. Even Jiang Xue, the goddess of the Heavenly Mystery Palace, has a certain attraction. Although the Heavenly Mystery Profound Hall is very powerful, it is comparable to the Temple of Heaven. However, there is not only one goddess in the Heavenly Mystery Profound Hall, and the resources of the Tianji Profound Hall cannot be completely tilted on the body of a goddess. Therefore, if you can be outside, you can get powerful resources yourself. Jiang Xue would naturally not let it go.

"This deity gives you a reminder. The more keys you have, the faster you can pass the level. And this level can't help but commit suicide."

The voice in the void said.

Liu Ce couldn't help feeling a little fortunate at this moment. Fortunately, I did not come out. Otherwise, these people are the first to join forces for each other, perhaps it is themselves.

After all, the previous voice had already said it, and couldn't help but kill.

If he comes out earlier, the opponent will get rid of his opponent first.

When I heard that this pass couldn't help but kill, the heads of the major forces were a little regretful, because if the Emperor of the Han was here at this moment, they would be able to gather the power of everyone and kill the Emperor of the Han first.

However, there is no threat of Emperor Han, and everyone wants the key now. Because the gods of Dongfu had already reminded him, the more keys he had, the faster he could pass the level. Therefore, the leaders of the major forces are now ready to work hard to seize the key.

Now there is no distinction between leader, goddess, and suzerain. Now in the eyes of these power leaders, there is only the key to the gods' cave.


The keys fly out in the endless. The heads of the major forces looked excited at the moment, and flew crazy to the key that was flying in the void.

Liu Ce naturally wouldn't watch these keys fall into these hands. He used Lingbo's microsteps to sneak into the field quietly.

"Step aside."

A disciple from the Black Blood City looked at the disciple of Di Xuanzong and threw at a key. Suddenly a sword swept over.

Now the gods cave mansion can't help but kill. Therefore, the heads of these major forces have no scruples at this time.

Soon there were casualties on the scene.

Both sides tried their best and didn't want the other party to get the key. Therefore, under the mutual restraint of the major forces, very few of them got the key.

"Everyone is the master, if we fight like this, we will only lose both sides."

It was Gu Feiming, the leader of the Blue League who spoke.

As the leader of the Blue League, Gu Feiming still had a lot of weight in what he said. Therefore, the fighting at the scene gradually decreased.

Therefore, the people who were fighting at the scene began to back away from each other. Just above the scene, the sword is still at a stretch. The latest chapter address of the most violent emperor: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/120192.htmlRead the full text of the strongest violent emperor: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/120192/The strongest violent emperor txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/120192.htmlThe most violent emperor mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/120192/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1037 Key), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf ! If you like "The Strongest Rambling Emperor", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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