"Sure enough, most of the big guys are capable people and strangers."

The plateau narrowed his eyes.

Even so, the plateau felt solemn at this moment.

"This big man has such a big hand."

The plateau has been determined at this moment, the big man should have the existence of a magician. The magician is also the kind that is extremely respected in the Temple of Heaven. Especially the more powerful the magician, the greater the threat posed.

It's just that the plateau didn't expect that this big man actually still had a magician.

"withdraw troops."

The plateau looked cold.

Dahan Heiyancheng Companion Palace

Although Liu Ce was psychologically prepared. But seeing the number of casualties in front of me is still a bit shocking.

After a few hours of fighting, the man lost more than 100,000. You need to know that these battles are big men's veterans of all battles, and they are not weak in strength. And there was also the Boulder Legion, known for its defense, which suffered heavy losses.

Liu Ce can see that the extremely commander is very depressed. After all, those present were the elites of the big man. The loss this time is indeed too great. Even if they encountered the demons in the past, they had not suffered such a big loss.

"Li Mu, do you think the other party has suffered a great deal?"

Liu Ce looked at Li Mu and asked.

"Not big, the defensive power of this Demon Breaker is too strong. And the final general thought that the Demon Breaker has been testing the combat power of my big man in the past two days. It hasn't made a full shot yet."

Li Mu looked at Liu Ce with a serious expression.


Liu Ce was slightly surprised. According to Li Mu's statement, the Demon Breaker Army hadn't used its full strength yet.

"Your Majesty, this is very possible. Maybe tomorrow is the time for the Demon Breaker to attack with all its strength."

Li Mu's expression was serious.

Liu Ce set his eyes on Bai Qi again.

"Your Majesty, the general also feels like this."

Bai Qi looked at Liu Ce with a serious expression.

"Bai Qi, how long do we have to counterattack?"

Liu Ce looked at Bai Qi.

"Your Majesty, the general will only dare to say that the time has not yet arrived."

Bai Qi lowered his head and said.

"Well, I see."

Liu Ce didn't force him. Otherwise it will only be counterproductive.

"Li Mu, are you confident to keep it?"

Liu Ce looked at Li Mu and asked.

"Your Majesty, according to the opponent's attack power, we big men should not head-to-head with the opponent outside the city, we can only defend against the city."

Li Mu said to Liu Ce.

"It would be very passive."

Liu Cedao.

"Your Majesty, this can reduce the loss of our big Chinese defenders. Even so, the general will only have confidence to stick to it for five days."

Li Mu said with a serious expression.

"Five days?"

It was the first time that Liu Ce saw Li Mu look so unconfident.

But Liu Ce is also very clear about the combat effectiveness of the Demon Breaker. No wonder this demon-breaking army is known as the trump card of the main hall of the heavenly temple, and it is the foundation of the heavenly temple against the demon clan. Now Liu Ce has seen it. Of course, Liu Ce didn't underestimate himself. He was very confident. If he was given time, the army of the big man would one day achieve such combat effectiveness.

"Don't worry, I will support you."

Liu Ce entered the system mall at this moment.

Liu Ce searches for the equipment to defend the city.

Sure enough, a lot of them were found.

"Well, Tianlei Crossbow has powerful destructive power. In particular, its powerful armor-piercing power has been praised by major users?"

Liu Ce looked at this introduction, and his heart suddenly moved.

However, seeing the Thunderbolt's ballista needs 10 million national transport on this day, he suddenly felt that the sky was rolling.

"System, why don't you grab it, it's too expensive, right?"

Liu Ce couldn't help cursing.

"If the host thinks it's expensive, you don't need to buy it. The system will not force the sale."

The voice of the system machinery said.

Liu Ce: "..."

This Gou system is sure I can't refuse.

However, the big man's problem now is the lack of powerful offensive weapons. Although the Thunderbolt is a bit expensive this day, it is indeed suitable. Therefore, Liu Ce gritted his teeth and prepared to buy a hundred.

One hundred is a one-billion-dollar national transport, and this is only the launcher. Crossbow arrows are bought separately.

A crossbow and arrow even cost one million national luck. In the end, Liu Ce bought 10,000. This is 10 billion. Liu Ce felt his heart dripping blood.

"Li Mu and I will give you a secret weapon."

Liu Ce said to Li Mu.

"Secret weapon?"

Li Mu's eyes lit up.

For Li Mu, the so-called secret weapon of his majesty can often help the Han army to win. Although the enemy faced this time is very powerful, it would be a good thing to have the help of your majesty's secret weapon.

Immediately, in a hidden place, Liu Ce handed over one hundred ballistas and ten thousand crossbow arrows to Li Mu's hands.

Looking at the hundred thunder crossbows, Li Mu also felt the difference of this thunder crossbow. Li Mu could feel the power of Thunderbolt this day. In Li Mu's eyes, those crossbow arrows flashed with terrible cold light. Especially the arrows of the crossbow arrows, in Li Mu's eyes, seemed to be made of special materials.

"Your Majesty, this secret weapon must be very powerful, and when used at special times, it can definitely inflict heavy damage on the Demon Breaker."

Li Mu said.

Liu Ce couldn't help but smile, he naturally knew that the thunderbolt was easy to use this day. But just this little thing cost him 11 billion national fortune. Although the national transport is used for spending, it is a one-off.

"Your Majesty, can you buy more of these crossbow arrows, only ten thousand, some are not enough."

Li Mu said to Liu Ce.

Although Li Mu also knew that the value of this crossbow arrow seemed to be higher than that of the crossbow car, he also felt that it was a little scarce. After all, the crossbow bolt is also a loss item. Even these crossbow arrows can break defenses. But not necessarily every one can hit the enemy.

"These are already what I can take out now. Now you use these ten thousand pieces first. Use them at the most critical time, and you must use them to hit the enemy as hard as possible."

Liu Ce said to Li Mu.

"According to the purpose."

Li Mu said.

It's not that Liu Ce didn't want to buy more crossbow arrows. In fact, although Liu Ce is a little distressed about the national fortune, he will not really be so stingy when he needs it. In fact, only 10,000 of them are on sale in this system mall.

After Li Mu left

Yuhuatian walked in from outside and came to Liu Ce.

"The slave maid pays respects to your majesty."

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Cedao.

"Well, Yu Hua Tian is flat."

Liu Ce looked at the Yuhua Tiandao in front of him.

"Thank your Majesty."

Yuhuatian stood up.

"Your Majesty, Xichang found a few strange faces in Heiyan City."

Yuhuatian Road.

"Unfamiliar face?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Heiyan City is so big, even if there are a few strange faces, this Xichang has noticed it. Then the West Factory's control of Black Flame City is really objective.

"Sure it's a newcomer from outside?"

Liu Ce asked Yuhuatian.

"Your Majesty, Heiyan City has been closed recently. Therefore, Xichang has secretly investigated the major inns in Heiyan City. And before the war, Xichang had also planted spies in places other than the inns, so these strangers were unfamiliar. The face entered the Black Flame City after the war, and it cannot be wrong."

Yuhuatian said with a serious look.

"Okay, you did a great job."

Liu Ce nodded slightly. Because he had already thought that if these people hadn't come to destroy Black Flame City's defenses, another possibility would be to save people.

If it is to save someone, who will it be saved? That goes without saying.

"It seems to be here to save the saint?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.


Dungeon of the Han Palace

At this time, the five black shadows were hidden outside the dungeon of the Han Palace companion palace.

The speed of these black shadows is very fast, and their body skills are like phantoms, and they passed into the dungeon in the blink of an eye. Each guard was swayed directly.

"Hey, what was the dark shadow just now, was it my dazzling?"

A big guard was a little puzzled.

"Then you must be dazzled. I don't even see any dark shadows."

The other humane standing next to the guard.


"It should be."

The other guard also felt that he should have ignored it, and suddenly stopped talking.

Those few dark shadows came to the detainee of the heavenly temple.

At this time, the saint Xuan Gu of the Tiansheng Temple was a bit mad. She has been imprisoned in Pei Gong Di Mansion for several days. But apart from serving delicious food and drink every day, Emperor Han did not come once.

"This Emperor of Han is so brave, dare to hang this palace like this?"

Xuan Gu is almost going to be blown up now. As the saint of the Temple of Heaven, how could anyone dare to treat her like this. Now the Emperor of Han dared to shut her down for several days. In the eyes of the saint, this is simply incredible.

"Saint, we are here to save you."

Several dark shadows came to the dungeon where the saint was.

"Save me?"

The saint saw the black shadows clearly, and the man in black standing in the middle took off the mask.

"Luther, it's you."

Xuan Gu was slightly surprised when she saw the man in black clearly.

"Well, it's me."

The middle-aged man looked at the saint and nodded slightly.

"Master asked you to save me?"

Xuan Gu looked overjoyed.

"Well, the lord is very worried about your safety, so we are sent to save you. Because our Heaven Temple is at war with the big man, the lord is worried that the big man will be against you. Therefore, we are specially ordered to save you."

The middle-aged man looked at Xuanzang and said, "Holy girl, it is not too late, let's go quickly."

Xuan Gu nodded.

The speed of the group is very fast, but a few people feel something is wrong.

"What's the matter with the saint?"

The middle-aged man looked at Xuan Gu and asked.

Several people also found that the saint's expression was a bit solemn.

"Have you noticed that things went too smoothly?"

Xuan Gu frowned slightly.

When the saint Xuan Gu said so, they did discover the weirdness they had previously noticed. They had also noticed that it was wrong, but they didn't think of what was wrong. Now when I think about it, it is indeed as the saint said.

After all, the saint is an important person in the Temple of Heaven, but such an important person is not a few heavyweight guards, they are all general guards. Even if their strength is very strong, it is impossible to get here so smoothly along the way. This is strange at first.

"Is there a fraud?"

Luther looked solemn.

"No matter what else, leave the dungeon immediately, otherwise it will be too late."

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