"Lie down!"

Lu Dongbin took the shot. With a wave of his hand, a sword gas shot out. Directly kill a warrior in the Temple of Heaven.

The warrior of the Heavenly Temple still didn't know what was going on, and was suddenly knocked out. Falling on the ground, I can't move it anymore.

Lu Dongbin is waiting to continue his shot.

Suddenly, in the void, two warriors suddenly appeared to kill him.


Lu Dongbin was slightly surprised, because he also didn't discover how these people appeared, as if they appeared out of thin air.

"Middle of the Divine Emperor Realm?"

Lu Dongbin felt the cultivation bases of the two for the first time, and the cultivation bases of the two were equivalent to his own. And the dress is very peculiar, with a mask on his face. Obviously the other party is not from the Heaven Temple. Because the Temple of Heaven is not so sneaky.

Although the attacks of these two people were caught off guard. But Lu Dongbin made the move for the first time, and the sword in his hand was misty and swift. Dissolved the two people's surprise attack, and then rolled up like a spirit snake, locking the two people together.

The two killers obviously did not expect Lu Dongbin to be so sharp. Only head to head with Lu Dongbin.


"Where did these two people come from?"

Liu Ce was a little surprised.

However, when you look closely, it doesn't seem to be like the handwriting of the Heavenly Temple, but rather like a shadow.

"Is it really a shadow person?"

Liu Ce frowned and thought secretly.

Although the opponent's two warriors with similar cultivation bases joined forces, Lu Dongbin was able to do well. With one enemy two, no wind will fall at all.

But this battle today. It seems that the Demon Demon Legion has riveted its strength. The neat soldiers strode towards the big man.

Even though Li Mu's guards were very strong in the gap in the attack of the Heavenly Punishment Camp, facing the opponent's attack, it was still difficult to fight against.

"Today, the enemy must not be allowed to break this gap."

Li Mu gritted his teeth.

Just as Li Mu stepped forward, a dozen soldiers suddenly retreated in embarrassment. These soldiers are soldiers of his guards. The soldiers of the Guards naturally recognized Li Mu. When he saw Li Mu walking up, his expression changed, and he quickly said to him: "Marshal, hurry up, you can't stop it. Army Commander Lu Yang died in battle."


Li Mu staggered.

This Lu Yang has been following him since he came into this world. Unexpectedly, he died in battle at this moment.


A group of blue and white armors are extremely obvious, they are the people of the Demon Breaker Corps Heaven Punishment Camp. Seeing the people in the penalty camp that day, Li Mu's hair was immediately horrified, a little hard to control himself.

The soldiers of the Tianpu Camp had already locked Li Mu, knowing that he was the commander of the enemy army, so they rushed towards Li Mu's place.

"Marshal, go away, we block him."

Several soldiers from Li Mu's Guards hurriedly said to Li Mu.

"Hmph, I won't leave, this commander has no way of retreating. Where else can this commander retreat? The city is here, and the city is dead."

Li Mu raised the knife in his hand, and his body exuded an extremely bleak feeling.

As if infected by Li Mu, the soldiers of the Guards never retreated. Instead, he returned to guard Li Mu's side.

The soldiers of the Demon Breaker Corps Heaven Punishment Camp are indeed full of combat power. Coming like a tide.

Before he knew it, Li Mu found that all the Guards soldiers who had been guarding him had disappeared. Naturally, he died in battle.

"You dare to wait."

A loud shout rang out.

"this is?"

Li Mu's expression was slightly condensed.

Soon, Li Mu saw countless Han soldiers come to kill. The costumes of these Han soldiers and ordinary Han soldiers are quite different. It's not the same. This is impressively the three thousand mysterious soldiers of the big man.

The combat power of the three thousand mysterious demon soldiers is not comparable to those of these demon-breaking legions' natural punishment battalion. Because this mysterious soldier is your majesty's guard army. Although the combat power is not as good as the ghost guards, it is far more powerful than the Heaven Punishment Camp of the Demon Slayer Legion.

"Lu Ming is in charge of you."

Li Mu originally planned to die on the battlefield, but he didn't expect it. His Majesty sent all his guards out.

"It's me. Your majesty asks the humble post to tell you, don't try to pick you up at every turn, no one can replace your duty."

Lu Ming said.


Li Mu looked at the retreating Heavenly Punishment Camps that had been killed by the mysterious demon soldiers. He was immediately happy, and secretly said: You also have today.

And at this moment, within the Great Tent of the Chinese Army of the Demon Breaker

The complexion of the plateau is a bit ugly. No longer the previous calmness. Originally thought that he had sent the Heaven Punishment Battalion, and this battle was tenable.

After all, the Heaven Punishment Camp is the trump card of the Demon Breaker Legion. In addition, the sub-temple of the Blue Sky Domain Heaven Temple took out all the details. But now it seems that he still hasn't captured the big man. The big man turned out to be a stumbling block in his military career.

The plateau hesitated, wondering if it was time to retreat. He knew very well that this time, the Demon Breaker Army had already used all its occasional power. If you can't win the Black Flame City today, there will be no difference in the future results.

At this moment, the high-end combat power of the big man and the enemy is still in fierce battle. The six great gods of the Han Dynasty, the gods and demons fought against the seventeen masters of the Heavenly Temple.

Lu Dongbin singled out two shadow killers, but they also suppressed their opponents in an all-round way.

"Well, it's time to end the battle."

Around Lu Dongbin's body, a boundless sword aura suddenly exploded. This terrifying sword aura seemed to shred everything in front of him.

"So strong sword energy."

The two shadow killers of the Divine Emperor Realm suddenly felt threatened.

Although the two shadow killers of the Emperor Realm had used their physical skills to the limit. It seems to blend into the void. However, Lu Dongbin's sword aura seemed to have locked them all. Let them have a feeling of nowhere to hide.


The two shadow killers riveted their full strength and left the battlefield at full speed.

"Want to go?"

Lu Dongbin swept out with a sword.

A terrifying sword, as if it could annihilate everything. In the blink of an eye, a terrifying sword chased behind the two of them.

The terrifying sword light formed a terrifying sword field. Annihilated the two directly.



With the screaming screams sounded. The two suddenly disappeared into the void.


A terrible aura erupted from Lu Dongbin's body, and this terrible aura directly locked the celestial temple warriors who were fighting against the six great gods and demons in Void.


Lu Dongbin swung hundreds of sword lights with a single sword to kill the warriors in the heavenly temple.

Suddenly. The divine emperor realm warriors in those heavenly temples were all suppressed by a terrifying coercion.

"this is?"

Those martial artists in the Divine Emperor Realm of the Heavenly Temple felt a great horror.

As warriors in the Divine Emperor Realm, they would naturally not sit and wait for death, they riveted their full strength, ready to flee. But the terrifying suppressing power has suppressed the speed at which they can run the gods several times. Moreover, a terrifying sword domain was formed all around, directly covering them.

"Damn it. How is it possible?"

"I don't want to die."

The warriors of the divine emperor realm in the Tiansheng Temple looked desperate.

Looking at the void, the endless sword light shrouded. The divine emperor realm masters of these temples quickly unfolded the protective gas shield.

However, under the horrible sword light of the void, although their protective gas shields were used to the limit, they could not resist at all.

Suddenly, the divine emperor realm warriors in these heavenly temples were torn to pieces by Lu Dongbin's sword aura.


Fei Peng came to Lu Dongbin, gave him a thumbs up and said, "Old Lu, you are a cow. I will challenge you sooner or later."

As the **** of war in the heavens, Fei Peng has always been warlike.

"me too."

If Fei Peng is militant, but Demon Respect Building is a fighting madman who is more militant than him. Looking at Lu Dongbin at this moment, he was naturally eager to try.

"Old Lu, we will have a battle sooner or later."

Chonglou looked at Lu Dongbin with longing in his eyes.

Lu Dongbin looked at the two of them in time and said faintly: "No need, sooner or later. It's all right now. How about I let you have two legs and one hand?"

Looking at Lu Dongbin's quizzical gaze, Feipeng and Zhonglou twitched their mouths slightly. How the two didn't know that even if they were to join forces at this moment, it was not enough for Lu Dongbin to sling. There is such a big gap between the middle stage of the God Emperor Realm and the early stage of the God Emperor Realm.

At this moment, a figure flew from a distance. This figure was not someone else, but the emptiness.

"Mr. Void, where did you go before? Why didn't you run away as soon as the war started?"

Tu Xingsun looked at the emptiness from a distance and asked.

"Oh. Don't say it. Earlier, I sensed a murderous aura, so I chased it, and found that there were three assassins who were not weak in cultivation, and fought with them for 300 rounds."

The empty son said.

"and then?"

Fei Peng couldn't help asking.

"These people are not weak in cultivation. Everyone is no less than me in terms of cultivation."

The empty son solemnly said.

"That means you don't have any gains."

The Tao Xing Sun ridiculed.

"proceed if you can."

The empty son said disdainfully.

"Okay, stop arguing. Now that our enemy is still there, why are you arguing?"

Lu Dongbin said disdainfully.

At this moment, the Demon Breakers finally retreated. Obviously, after the plateau at this moment was defeated by a group of high-end combat power, the possibility of knowing that he wanted to defeat the big man today was already very low.

Heiyancheng Dahan's Companion Palace

At this moment, Bai Qi and Li Mu were standing in front of Liu Ce with respectful expressions.

"Li Mu, you performed very well in this battle today."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

"This is all thanks to your majesty. If it were not for your majesty, Li Mu would die on the battlefield today."

Li Mu said sincerely.

"You are my subordinate, so naturally it is impossible for me to watch you die."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"But you guys come together today, are there other things?"

Liu Ce asked lightly.

"Your Majesty Mingjian, this time I ask to see you in vain, to tell your Majesty that it is time for us to counterattack."

Bai Qi looked at Liu Ce's gaze.

Outside the Black Flame City

The plateau was a bit tangled at the moment, so he failed to retreat, and he was obviously unwilling. After all, it has existed for so many years as a demon-breaking army, and it is not defeated. Plateau does not want to set the record on his own body.

"Report, Commander of the Legion, a secret letter ahead."

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