The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1068: Demon Slayer

The strength of the ghost **** guard is beyond doubt, after all, this is the ghost **** guard. Although there are only a thousand people, the strength of these thousand people is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

After several trainings of the great man's cultivation tower, at this moment, this ghost guard with only a thousand people, the cultivation base of each guard has reached the air disaster realm. Coupled with the practice of the killing army, the fighting power that this army has erupted is enough to shock people.

"Hmph, only with a thousand people, I dare to fight with us. Did the Emperor of Han think that he would die if he temporarily gained the upper hand?"

The plateau gritted his teeth.

The two sides quickly fought together.

"Holy Light Array."

The plateau shouted.

"The Killing Array."

The crow also shouted.

Originally, the plateau thought that they alone would be enough to shred the big man's only one thousand guards. But soon Gao Gao realized that he was wrong. This big man's army is terribly strong.

From the blood erupting from the opponent, it can be known that every guard of this ghost guard actually possesses the cultivation base of the air robbery realm.

"Damn it, how could this be, how could a big man have such a terrible army?"

The plateau's heart shook wildly.

Almost in an instant, the soldiers of the Demon Breaker Legion were directly punched through. Although this army is a Heavenly Punishment Camp, it can't hold it in the face of the killing army of thousands of ghosts and guards.

One by one, the soldiers of the Heavenly Punishment Camp were blown up and swallowed by the black hole of the Slaughter Army.


The plateau gritted his teeth, but there was no way at this moment. Because he knew that Tiancaiying was indeed not a big man's opponent.


The plateau tearfully ordered.

But it's too late at this moment. If he wants to withdraw, people may not be willing to let him withdraw.

The strength of the ghost gods is extremely strong, shaking the soldiers of the penalty camp this day in pursuit and fierce battle. Although the Tianpuying camp was also enough to solve the problem of the whole body, it was not enough at all.

At this moment, the ghost guard is already biting behind the opponent. One by one, the soldiers of Tiancai Battalion were defeated.


Plateau desperately swung the knife in his hand, trying to weaken the opponent's strength, but he couldn't do it at all.

Although the plateau is the cultivation base of the Divine Emperor Realm, it seems that there are also experts in the Divine Emperor Realm in the opposing army. His power was blocked by the opponent.

"Marshal, you go, don't worry about us, your strength is very strong, you can leave alone."

A guard from the plateau said to him.

"No, how could I leave you alone and leave."

The plateau refused without even thinking about it.

"Marshal, leave the green hills, not afraid that there will be no firewood."

The guard shouted.

"What are you thinking? You are all my life and death brothers on my plateau, how could I abandon you at this time."

The hysterical road on the plateau.

"Master, I'm Mi Xiu a step ahead."

Then, an officer blew himself up.


The terrifying self-detonation slowed the offensive of the Han army slightly, and it seemed that it had also been affected. After all, self-detonation can explode in an instant with a power that surpasses one hundred times the maximum attack power of oneself, especially the cultivation base of the officers of the punishment camp these days is not weak.

"And I."

"wait for me."

One after another, Tiancai Camp officers blew themselves up. The cultivation base of the officers in the penalty camp these days is strong, and the weakest are the cultivation bases of the Divine Master Realm. After they explode, their power is huge. Even the ghost guard was greatly affected.


Yuwen Tuo appeared above the ghost gods.

Looking at the thirteen officers of the Tiancai Camp who rushed forward. Sweep out with one sword.

In these days, when the officer of the battalion had not had time to blew himself up. Yuwentuo swept out with a sword. Immediately blast the soldiers of the thirteen day penalty camps and successfully prevented them from exploding.

"Big man..."

Upon seeing this scene, the plateau became furious. The brothers under his command, even the final outbreak was prevented, and there was no point in dying.

And the other party's terrifying murderous aura is already crushing towards their place with a force of destruction. This made the plateau look furious.

"Let's go, handsome, don't let our brother die, it's really worthless."

An officer from the Heavenly Punishment Camp shouted hysterically.

"Okay, I'm leaving, I will come back sooner or later to avenge this grudge."

The plateau shouted.

"Want to go, is it possible?"

A terrifying sword gas locked on the plateau. It is Lu Dongbin who is hidden among the ghosts and guards.

With the next breath, Lu Dongbin seemed to shrank his ground into an inch. Under the shaking of his whole body, he came to the plateau in the blink of an eye.

"What a fast speed?"

The plateau feels cold.

At the same time, he felt the terrible sword aura on the opponent.


Lu Dongbin swept towards the plateau with a sword.

Although Lu Dongbin is still hundreds of meters away from the plateau. But this sword seemed to cut through the space. Blinked to the front of the plateau.

"Do not……"

The plateau was shocked.

"The universe is cut in one go!"

Too late to think. The plateau already felt the horror of Lu Dongbin's sword. It was a deep sense of threat.

At this moment, the plateau had already slashed out with all its strength.

Shenyuan has reached its limit.

One sword and one sword collided in the void.

"Boom!" A sound.

The waves are raging.

The terrifying storm swept in all directions centered on two people,

The plateau suddenly felt that his sword and swordsman was fragmented in an instant. The other side's terrifying sword smashed directly on him.


The plateau was shocked.

Fortunately. At the moment, the protective gas shield on the plateau was unfolded.

The plateau cultivated the magic body of Holy Light Town. The body shield is extremely powerful. Generally, a warrior of the same rank can't break his defense at all.

Of course, Lu Dongbin is not a warrior of the same rank. That was the middle stage of the Divine Emperor Realm. And Lu Dongbin is also the kind of invincible genius of the same rank.

This sword, although Lu Dongbin only used less than 50% of the power. But it is simply not something that the plateau can stop. Although the plateau also resorted to every possible means.


The air shield of the plateau body was instantly exploded. The terrifying sword aura passed through him.


Gao Gao looked at the sword hole in his chest, seemingly unbelievable. "Puff!" fell to the ground with a cry.

Liu Ce came to the plateau. Faintly said: "Buried thick, he can be regarded as a tenacious opponent."

"According to the purpose."

The crow on the side nodded.

"Chuan Ling, Xiang Yu, Yue Fei, and Li Jing are all besieging Gaochang City."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose..."


Dahan Black Flame City

At this moment, the Great Han Heiyan City fell into calm once again because of the defeat of the Heavenly Temple Demon Breaker Legion.

Liu Ce walked on the street, enjoying the rare tranquility.

The defeat of Feiyun City and the defeat of the Heavenly Temple Demon Breaker Legion are now set for the overall situation of the Blue Sky Region.

Liu Ce and a few guards strolled around the streets of Heiyan City when they were about to return to the palace.

"Huh? Isn't this the girl from last time?"

Liu Ce suddenly found someone.

This person was the girl who sold jade pendants when Liu Ce met when he was in the inn. Of course, the other party was a woman disguised as a man.

At this moment, Gu Yunshuang was very anxious, as if someone was followed behind him.

Liu Ce frowned. If it was other times, he wouldn't want to be nosy. But it was the place of the big man at this moment, and he naturally couldn't leave it alone.

"Go, go and see."

Liu Cedao.


In a small alley. At this moment, Gu Yunshuang was already surrounded by groups of people. The five young men looked at Gu Yunshuang blankly.

"I won't go back with you."

Gu Yun gritted his teeth and said.

"Miss, this is a big man, if you make any mistakes, we can't explain it to the master."

A scared young man led by Dao.

"This is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Gu Yun double path.

"Miss, you are making us embarrassed, so offended."

Scar Youth Road.

"I don't want to marry that person. Father is trying to force me to death."

Gu Yunshuang's eyes showed determination.

Next breath

Gu Yunshuang took out a dagger and lay it across his neck.


When Scar Young saw this, his heart was shocked.

"You come here again, I will die for you to see."

Gu Yun's eyes showed firmness.

At this moment, Gu Yun was extremely determined, because she knew that if she went back, her father would definitely lock her up, and she would never have a chance to escape from the fire pit.

"Tick Tick Tick!"

At this moment, a group of people came in front.


Scar youth frowned. He doesn't want extra branches. After all, this is a big man, and now the big man and Feiyunzong are hostile forces, it would be no good to draw the big man to intervene. Fortunately, Scar Young didn't seem to see people from the Dahan government. These people are dressed in civilian attire.

"My son, help, my son, help."

Gu Yunshuang's eyes lit up when he saw the headed person. She has a deep memory of Liu Ce, after all, the first time she came to Handu to help her was the other party.

"Boy, get out, if you don't want to burn your body, get out."

The scar young man said to Liu Ce coldly.

Liu Ce heard the words, his eyes condensed. He smiled freely and said, "Hehe, but few people dare to speak to me like this. You are the first."

"If that's the case, then go and die."

The Scar Youth seemed to see that Liu Ce didn't seem to hit the south wall and didn't look back, and waved to his companions beside him.

The two young men rushed towards Liu Ce together.

The two of them had strange body abilities, and they used their swords halfway through.

Liu Ce didn't move, but Yu Wentuo next to him did.

"Choke!" A cry.

Yuwentuo's Xuanyuan Sword was unsheathed in an instant.

Extremely fast speed, double star with one sword.

The two young men who rushed in front of Yuwen Tuo didn't know what was going on, and were immediately beheaded by a sword. Two great heads flew into the void.


Scar young man was shocked. Seeing Liu Ce's expression became serious. My two companions are both warriors of the Divine King Realm. But unexpectedly, being killed by the opponent's guard with a single sword, and still killing two people in a second, this proves that this young man is definitely not an ordinary person. Otherwise there can be no such terrible guard.

"Boy, it seems that you are not an ordinary person."

The look of the scared young man contained an incomparable fighting spirit.

"so what?"

Yuwen Tuo doesn't change his face.

"Originally, I didn't want to be too troublesome to complete the task, but since you are going to find your own death, then don't blame me for being rude.

The Scar Youth walked towards Liu Ce step by step.

"Be careful."

Gu Yunshuang naturally recognized the strength of Scar Youth, because he was a little worried about this kind young man. Can't help but remind.


Feeling the stronger and stronger aura on the opponent's body, Liu Ce knew that the opponent was the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the Divine King Realm.

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