The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1193: Talent assessment


Liu Ce stopped talking and flew away.

Now we are ready to go to the third level.

Looking at the figure of Liu Ce leaving. The white armored man murmured, "Am I getting old? Why don't I understand?"

After Liu Ce walked for a long time, he realized that he hadn't seen anyone with him either. In this way, the greatest possibility is that this trial ground is very large, so I didn't run into other trialists.

Liu Ce kept looking at the map in his hand. Sure enough, it was a map obtained by super students. This map is still very detailed. The locations of various needs are recorded on it. Numbers are also marked. Save Liu Ce's troubles. These advantages alone make the value of this map show to the fullest.

An hour later

Liu Ce came to a lake.

This is a huge statue. It is silvery white, and the owner of the statue is a man with two wings on his back.

At this moment, more than a dozen young men came to the statue.

"Huh, other testers?"

This is the first time Liu Ce has been in this secret realm of the Primordial Protoss for so long, and he has seen other testers for the first time. But he didn't think too much.

However, when these testers saw Liu Ce, each of them showed a trace of hostility. After all, entering this place of trial, to some extent, they are competitors.

"Which power does this son come from?"

One of them, a man who looked similar to the leader, looked at Liu Ce and asked.

The tone was quite polite, after all, the other party didn't know the origin of Liu Ce.

"Big man."

Liu Cedao.

"Big man, why haven't you heard of a big man?"

The blue-clothed youth headed by him was slightly surprised. Because the weakest people who can participate in this trial are the six-star forces. Therefore, it was normal that he hadn't heard of Liu Ce's big man.

"Brother Long, when I was drinking in a pub, I overheard a few neighboring businessmen mention the big man. This big man is an emerging power. However, it only has a three-star level."

A young man smiled.

"What, Samsung power?"

Wu Junlong laughed loudly. He laughed unscrupulously. He looked at Liu Ce and said contemptuously: "A member of the three-star power is not worthy to watch the door in my house. Unexpectedly, you, a member of the three-star power, are even qualified to participate in the trial of the secret realm. It seems that you are not simple. ."

Liu Ce frowned slightly. But I didn't bother to take care of these people. At first glance, these people lacked social beatings, and he naturally didn't bother to have general knowledge with each other.

"My Long brother is talking to you, didn't you hear it?"

The entourage around Wu Junlong saw that Liu Ce had been silent, and suddenly became a little upset. They stepped forward and looked at Liu Ce coldly.

"Don't be so rude. What he thinks is that he is a genius to be here. We should respect the genius."

Wu Junlong looked at Liu Ce with a smile.

Liu Ce frowned slightly, knowing that there was something in the other party's words.

"You can come here to participate in the trial, it proves that you are also a genius. In this way, you are a little stubborn in the power of Samsung. Why don't you become my little brother? How about I cover you in the future?"

Wu Junlong looked at Liu Ce.


Liu Ce smiled contemptuously.

The other party naturally didn't know how Liu Ce was a great Han Emperor, how could he become a follower.

"Don't be shameless, let you be our brother Long's little brother, it is your good fortune, you still don't know how to cherish."

Just at this time. A young man jumped out and pointed at Liu Ce with a sharp expression.

"Slap!" there was a sound.

Before the young man could see Liu Ce's movements clearly, his cheeks hurt, he flew out and fell to the ground severely.

"you dare."

The other three young people screamed angrily when they saw their companions being humiliated, and rushed towards Liu Ce.


Liu Ce waved it out again.

This palm looks very slow, but it seems slow and fast. The three youths did not see Liu Ce's gestures clearly. There was a scream, and the whole person flew out. Smashed to the ground severely.


At this moment, Wu Junlong shouted loudly.

"Forget it, the top priority now is to pass the assessment."

Wu Junlong Road.

A few young people gave up, but they looked at Liu Ce with fear. They didn't even notice how Liu Ce had done it before. It can be seen that Liu Ce's strength is absolutely extraordinary.

"The assessment begins, please sit under the statues one by one to assess."

A cold voice sounded.

Then, one by one began to sit under the sculpture.

Liu Ce didn't move. He wanted to see how these people were evaluated. Anyway, I am not in a hurry.

The first young man sat under the sculpture, and then a white light shot down from above the sculpture and fell on the first young man.

"Not off."

"Damn, is my talent so bad?"

The young man was dejected.

Immediately afterwards, several other people beside Wu Junlong also stepped forward to evaluate one by one, but they were eliminated one by one.

"System, what exactly is this talent testing?"

When Liu Ce saw this scene, he didn't feel confident anymore.

Liu Ce can believe in his combat effectiveness, but he doesn't have much confidence in his talent. After all, he always hangs up. Naturally, I know that I don't have any special physique. Even if there is, it is acquired, but is acquired a talent?

"Host, talents are some bloodlines and special physiques. These are the congenital appearances of a warrior. In the world of warriors, many forces value these things very much."

System Road.

"Well then, what do you think of my talent?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Host, if you don't have a system, you will only cultivate to the Mortal Martial Realm, and you can't even cultivate in the True Spirit Realm."

The system didn't save Liu Ce any face.

Liu Ce: "..."

Although Liu Ce didn't have the slightest confidence in his talent, he did not expect that his talent was so bad.

"No, am I so weak?"

Liu Ce was a little unwilling.

There are no more questions and answers.

"System, is there any way to pass my talent."

Liu Ce asked the system.

"The host can purchase a talent pill, and the talent pill can stimulate the host's blood within a period of time, but the host's talent is passed."

System Road.


Liu Ce didn't think about it for too long.

Soon, the system began to screen out a series of talent pills for Liu Ce to choose.

Liu Ce checked and found that one of the talent pills with a time limit of only half an hour was just right for him. It only takes ten thousand national fortune.

Although it was only half an hour, it was enough for Liu Ce. Anyway, he doesn't need any real blood talent, he only needs to complete the task. Therefore, Liu Ce immediately purchased that talent pill.

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