The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 1232: The Danger of the Moon City

Big man

Liu Ce has been with Ouyang Feiyu these days.

Liu Ce is no longer a first-time brother in love, so he can naturally see Ouyang Feiyu's feelings for him. Even the Queen, Gan Mingzhu and others are creating opportunities for themselves, consciously or unconsciously.

But Liu Ce is relatively passive in terms of emotions. It's not that he doesn't like taking the initiative, it's just that he feels that it is too troublesome to talk about feelings. Just do whatever you want. If fate is there, it will blossom and bear fruit, and Liu Ce is also happy to see it happen. But if it doesn't work, Liu Ce naturally doesn't force it.

This resulted in Ouyang Feiyu's several hints, which were of no use to Liu Ce. This made Ouyang Feiyu a little discouraged. She even went directly to the queen, Murong Qingwu, which made Murong Qingwu a little bit dumbfounded.

Of course, the Murong Light Dance Party is so active in creating opportunities for Liu Ce and Ouyang Feiyu, and it also feels that Liu Ce's harem is indeed too few. Compared with other emperors, even the emperors of small countries, Liu Ce's harem is miserable. Not to mention the Sannomiya and the Sixth Institute, there are three thousand beauties, and even two digits are missing.

The most important thing is that Liu Ce's children are indeed too few. Until now, there are only one pair of children. As the person in charge of the harem, the queen also needs to consider this aspect of the emperor. Therefore, Murong Qingwu will actively create conditions for Liu Ce, and at the same time seek out women for Liu Ce by his side.

As the princess of Moon City, Ouyang Feiyu was quite right with Liu Ce in terms of her appearance and her own conditions. More importantly, Murong Qingwu could see Ouyang Feiyu's deep love for Liu Ce. It is not because Liu Ce is the emperor of the Han that he likes Liu Ce. This is very important.

"Sister, what do you say? The emperor doesn't like me, right?"

Ouyang Feiyu looked at Murong Qingwu with some discouragement.

"Don't worry, my sister is so beautiful, how could your majesty not like you. It's just that the time has not come. And your majesty, regardless of military affairs, is very assertive. But in terms of emotions, he is truly a weak person. When I was with him at the time, I took the initiative. If it weren’t for my hints several times, I wouldn’t even be sitting here."

Murong Qingwu shook his head and smiled.


Ouyang Feiyu was a little surprised.

"Can this be fake?"

Murong Qingwu smiled bitterly.

"It seems that this cannot be completely blamed on Your Majesty. It is still that I am not proactive enough."

Ouyang Feiyu Road.

After Murong Qingwu's words, Ouyang Feiyu immediately gained confidence. It is enough to know that your Majesty does not hate yourself.

At this moment, Liu Ce is discussing the palace

Inside the Yeejeong Hall, the atmosphere at the moment is extremely solemn.

"Your Majesty, Moon City has already been madly attacked by the forward army of the Primordial Clan. Under normal circumstances, I'm afraid it won't last long."

Yuhuatian stood in front of Liu Ce.

"You go to contact Zhuo Wei and see if the city lord of Moon City is willing to let our troops in and defend together."

Liu Ce said to Yuhuatian.

"According to the purpose."

Yuhuatian left immediately.

The speed of the arrival of the Taikoo clan was still somewhat beyond Liu Ce's expectations.

Of course, it is not without any good news. For example, the Shacheng side has now completely fallen into the hands of the big man. One step too early for the Taikoo.

However, Moon City is always a hidden danger.

Liu Ce stood up with his hands behind his back.

What makes Liu Ce a little depressed now is that the city lord of this moon city has never expressed his attitude. It seemed that he did not want the army of the big man to be stationed, which made Liu Ce a little helpless. Although the two sides also signed an offensive and defensive alliance. But in Liu Ce's view, the other side's intention to sign this offensive and defensive alliance was to restrict the big man. There is no sincerity at all. Even Liu Ce could see that Ouyang Hao, the Lord of Moon City, was more jealous of him than the Primordial Clan.

"His Majesty."

At this moment, a sweet voice sounded.

Liu Ce moved his head and looked around.

I found that there was a person standing outside, it was Ouyang Feiyu.

Although Zhuo Wei returned to Moon City, Ouyang Feiyu stayed in Dahan. It can be seen that this Ouyang Feiyu likes Dahan very much. It's not too much to describe it as reluctant to think of Shu.

"Fei Yu, during this time, have you had fun with Dahan?"

Liu Ce looked at Ouyang Feiyu and smiled.

"Uh, uh, very happy. This big guy has a lot of things that I haven't even seen before!"

Ouyang Feiyu nodded.

In fact, the current Han Capital may be far inferior to Shacheng and Moon City in terms of scale. After all, these two giant cities have existed for too long. In terms of background, Dahan is naturally far from it. After all, the time that the big man has existed does not even have a fraction of others. But Dahan is very tolerant. Moreover, the Dahan market order is also strictly managed. Therefore, gradually, Dahan's market can be said to be more and more prosperous.

If Ouyang Feiyu were in Moon City, she would naturally not have such freedom in Dahan.

"It's just that you don't have time to accompany me."

Ouyang Feiyu said with some excitement.

"Fei Yu, I have time after playing, but now, there is one thing you need to know."

Liu Ce looked at Ouyang Feiyu.


Ouyang Feiyu looked at Duan Fei and blinked.

"The Primordial Alien Race is now attacking Moon City with all its strength. According to my judgment, maybe Moon City will not last long."

Liu Ce looked at Ouyang Feiyu.


Ouyang Feiyu looked at Liu Ce and said with a shock: "Your Majesty, is my father in danger?"

"If the Taikoo tribe succeeds in conquering Moon City, your father is naturally very dangerous. Therefore, I hope you can persuade your father to let us guys cooperate with him to defend Moon City together. Otherwise, wait until the Taikoo tribe captures Moon City. , Even if our big man’s army is stationed again, it will not have much effect."

Liu Cedao.

Ouyang Feiyu naturally knew what Liu Ce meant, and nodded to him hurriedly, and said with a serious expression: "I know, I will persuade my father."

"I hope you can persuade your father. My big man will not have any covetousness of Moon City. I just want to be the same human race, and I don't want to see the human beings get smashed."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

"Thank you."

Ouyang Feiyu nodded.

"Wang Chun, go and invite the six-eared macaque and Dou defeat Buddha."

Liu Cedao.

"Slaves follow the order."

Soon, the six-eared macaque and Douzhesheng Buddha came to Liu Ce.

"See Your Majesty."

The six-eared macaque and Douzhe Sheng Buddha quickly saluted Liu Ce.

"You two, protect Princess Ouyang Feiyu back to the moon. Make no mistake."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Six-eared macaque and Douzhe defeated the Buddha quickly said.

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