The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 807: Phantom Team

Twenty-three swords, twenty-three swords that destroy the world.

This is a sword that is infinitely close to Tao.

The void was frozen in an instant. Of course, what is frozen is not only emptiness, but also time and space.

A terrifying sword swept down in the void, like a lotus of death blooming in the void.

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

Ke Qi's heart was shocked. Feeling the opponent's sword makes oneself feel death. And he couldn't even move, as if he had fallen into a swamp at that moment.

"Do not……"

As a warrior at the peak of the holy realm, Ke Qi is infinitely close to a demigod, and naturally he is not willing to die so easily. Therefore, at this moment, he is madly running the power of his whole body, wanting to resist the opponent's sword. But at that moment, he felt so small in front of this sword.


Liu Ce was expressionless and assassinated with a resolute sword.

"Puff!" a cry.

Keqi suddenly felt a cold in his chest, and was immediately pierced by this sword.


At the same time, Baiyue and Set also ended the battle and killed their opponents.

Baiyue and Set's combat power is infinite, it can be said that they are invincible of the same level. At this moment, seeing Liu Ce kill their opponents, they are naturally very happy. Therefore, the mind was mastered and killed the opponent.

"Don't let me let any of these sea demon tribes."

Liu Ce looked at the flying boat of the Sea Demon Race that Void was about to flee, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"According to the purpose."

At this moment, the warriors of the big man are in the same hatred of the enemy, and naturally they are unwilling to let the opponent go. One by one, they flew towards the flying boats of the Sea Demon Race, preparing to calm each other.

The strong man at the peak of the three sea demons' holy realm was killed. Although the rest is not a small one, but nothing can be changed.

In the early stage of the five sacred realms, all the warriors of the sea demons in the middle of the three sacred realms were killed.

In the distance, Luo Fei and Shi Ya, who had been worried about Liu Ce, were suddenly relieved after seeing everything ended. The current temple can be said to be tied to the big man, it can be said to be a kind of prosperous and all-worn one. Now that the big guys are fine, they are naturally happy.

"Liu Gongzi, I didn't expect that you could kill the warrior at the pinnacle of the sea demon clan's holy realm?"

Shi Ya looked at Liu Cedao.

"Hehe, this is just a function of the formation Heaven Destruction Sword Formation I arranged. As the owner of this formation, I can unconditionally use the power of this formation to bless me."

Liu Ce didn't hide anything.

"It turns out to be so magical, it seems that the rank of this formation is definitely not low."

Luo Fei said in admiration.

"It is the formation of the holy rank."

Liu Cedao.

"Holy rank formation?"

Luo Fei was extremely shocked, and looked at Liu Cedao: "It turns out that Emperor Han, you are still a sacred Taoist master, and you are disrespectful."

Liu Ce shook his head and said: "The hall master exalts me too much, I am still far from the holy step formation Taoist master!"

This is not an excuse by Liu Ce, because although Liu Ce is the master of the formation, there is still a big gap between him and the sacred formation. And this gap is not even a star and a half.

at the same time

The endless sea of ​​sea demons

"Failed again?"

The Devil Emperor Motian sat on the black throne with an endless gloomy expression.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Great Elder Yun Zhe felt the infinite power of the Demon Sovereign, and suddenly felt the fear in his heart. After all, if the Demon Sovereign goes crazy, how can he afford it.

"What the **** is going on. Three holy realm peaks, five holy realm early stages, and four holy realm middle stages, even a small part of Han can't be won?"

The look of Demon Emperor Motian was a bit ugly.

"Your Majesty, the Weichen also doesn't know why the big man has become so difficult at once?"

At this moment, the great elder Yun Zhe of the Sea Demon Clan was also filled with endless confusion. After all, in the eyes of the sea demon elder Yunzhe, the current human race is extremely weak, especially they have already swept the human race continent now, and now they are only dealing with a human race country, but now they are repeatedly in this human race country. How can this be possible if you lose your troops in front of you.

"It's impossible for this Human Race Continent to have a martial artist in the Holy Realm. This big man must be weird."

Demon Emperor Motian said in a cold voice.

"Your Majesty said that, and the Weichen thought so too, but now the will of Heaven in the Huawu Continent is still there, and we still cannot fully know the details of the Sea Demon Race."

Yun Zhe said.

"Duza, why don't you speak?"

The Demon Sovereign looked at Mo Tian who had been silent on the side and asked.

"Weichen is also considering how to take down the big man. Now the big man is the barrier in front of our sea demon clan. If our sea demon clan wants to conquer the human continent, we must first conquer the big man."

Duza said.

Duza also hated the big man extremely, after all, his nephew Duke also died in the big man.

"Naduza, what do you think?"

The Demon Sovereign asked when seeing Duza.

"Your Majesty, the Weichen thought, we can wait until the will of Heaven in the Huawu Continent gradually weakens. However, during this time, we can weaken the strength of the big man first."

Duza said.

"Continue to finish."

Demon King Road.

"We can send a phantom team to sneak into the Huawu Continent."

"Phantom demon is the outstanding person of our sea demon clan that has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years. If you sneak into the human continent, it will also be a great damage to the opponent."

Duza said.

Phantom Brigade?

The people in the Illusionary Brigade were all geniuses discovered by the Sea Momen from the Illusion Clan for tens of thousands of years. These geniuses have been cultivated by the massive resources of the Sea Mozu. Mastered some extremely terrifying powers such as confusion, dementia, and poison. If you sneak into the sea demon clan, it can be said to be a lot of damage to the human clan.

"Well, very good, and this time, people from the Illusion Demon Brigade can release the self-appointed Demon Clan seniors in the Demon Caverns of the Huawu Continent. These self-appointed Sea Demon Clan seniors, as long as they are released, will be against us. The Mozu is also a very powerful help."

The Demon Sovereign said lightly.


When Duza heard the word "Devil Cave", his heart was shocked. He naturally knew what place the Demon Cave was. These were some of the peerless geniuses of the Sea Demon Race thousands of years ago. In those days, due to the situation, some of the sea demons' seniors who proclaimed themselves to continue their lives. These predecessors are all the arrogant talents of the Sea Demon Clan at the time. If these demon heads of the Sea Demon Race can be released, it will naturally be a great help for the Sea Demon Race. Of course, relatively speaking, it would be a great harm to the big man.

"Go ahead."

After the Demon Sovereign finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Dahan Temple

Although the army of the Sea Mozu has not entered the Huawu Continent for the time being. But Human Race still did not relax its vigilance in the slightest. After all, the human race is very clear that although the big man caused the sea demon clan to lose a lot, the real strength of the sea demon clan is still there. Just waiting for the opportunity, the sea demon clan will make a comeback, and this time will not be too long.

At this moment, Liu Ce is facing Luo Fei and Shi Ya face to face. Luo Fei made a cup of Cheeran tea from the temple. The fragrance is pleasant and refreshing.

"Emperor Han, although the Sea Demon Race is dormant temporarily, it is not that the Sea Demon Race has retreated, but the Sea Demon Race is waiting for the opportunity."

Luo Fei said to Liu Ce.

"Well, I know, I have never underestimated this Sea Demon Race. But now the Sea Demon Race is in the dark, and we are illuminating. This is very detrimental to our Human Race."

Liu Ce frowned.

"Well, Emperor Han, the Sea Demon Clan will be dormant at this moment. This also proves the strength of the big man, because it is the big man who hurt the Sea Demon Clan. The strength of the big man has been recognized by the Sea Demon Clan."

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce with a slight smile.

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei in front of him and said: "Hall Master, it is not a way for the Human Race to defend like this for a long time. Hasn't the Human Race ever thought of counterattacking the Demon Race Continent?"

"Counter-attack the Sea Demon Clan mainland?"

Luo Fei was slightly surprised. It was obvious that Liu Ce's thoughts surprised her.

"Well, for such a long-term confrontation with the Sea Demon Race, if our Human Race always passively defends and can never solve the problem, it would be better to take advantage of the Sea Demon Race's weakness and counterattack the Sea Demon Race mainland."

Liu Ce looked serious.

Luo Fei was silent for a while, and said to Liu Ce: "Emperor Han, your idea, in fact, in the history of the Human Race Continent, there are indeed very few people who want to do this, and they don't even dare to think about it, because our Human Race and the Sea Demon Race In the battle, every time we succumbed to a disadvantage. Being able to drive the sea demons out of the human race continent, our human race has already exhausted all its strength, so there is no room to fight back. After all, every human-demon war, our human race is almost all It was the tactics used to defeat the sea demons."

"Well, I also know this."

Liu Ce nodded slightly.

In fact, Liu Ce didn't understand what Luo Fei said. After all, if he hadn't had a system, Dahan would have been annihilated by the Sea Demon Clan more than ten times, so there would be no chance to persist until now.

"However, what the palace master said is only rare, not no, it seems that in the history of our human race, someone still thought about it this way?"

Liu Ce keenly perceives the words in the words of the Lord of the Temple.

"That's right. Our human race and the sea demons have fought for tens of thousands of years. For tens of thousands of years, our human race can still stand tall, naturally because our human race also showed countless heroes. Twenty thousand years ago, that It was also a war between humans and demons. At that time, the strength of our human race was not weak, but the sea demons were stronger. After a hundred years of fighting, our human race was about to be exterminated by the sea demons, but at this time, it was A Terran hero Gu Yang stepped forward. He possesses peerless talent and is second to none in the Terran. With his strong personal charm, he has summoned countless Terran warriors and sea demons to fight again and again. The Sea Demon Race has driven out of the Human Race Continent."

Luo Fei nodded and said.

"Hall of Lord's meaning, this person also has the same idea as me?"

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei and asked.

"Well, at the time, Gu Yang had the same thoughts as Emperor Han. He felt that our human race could not always be defensive, and should bravely counterattack."

Luo Fei said.

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