"Devil's Cave?"

Liu Ce had the answer in his mind when he heard the words "Devil Cave". He asked the system: "System, will this devil's cave have something to do with the deterioration of the cultivation environment in the Human Continent?"

"Host, if it's really a Demon Cavern, it must be related."

The system said to Liu Ce: "After all, if there are such caves in the Human Race Continent, the Human Race Continent and the Demon Caves are incompatible, because the heaven and earth vitality of the Huawu Continent will have a great conflict with the devil qi. For tens of thousands of years, The two sides must be mutually exclusive, which will naturally lead to the chaos of the vitality of the heaven and the earth, which will then become worse."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

"Hall Master Luo Fei, then you said that under this circumstance, will our entire Huawu Continent, who have been in the world for tens of thousands of years, be born again?"

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei and asked.

"Yes, although these self-styled demon heads are asleep, as long as they are stimulated by the devil energy, they will soon wake up from their sleep, and then within a short period of time, their cultivation base will be restored to the peak, or even more. further."

Luo Fei said to Liu Ce.

Liu Ce's heart tightened at this moment. Although the Sea Mozu hasn't made a move yet, he knows that after the will of heaven and earth is further weakened. The sea demons will definitely invade the human race. At that time, the situation of the human race was very bad. Liu Ce would never want such a thing to happen.

"Hall Master Luo Fei, why did these demon heads of the Sea Demon Race self-appointed and we didn't take the opportunity to get rid of them?"

Liu Ce asked Luo Fei.

"Emperor Han, it's normal for you to have such questions. In fact, this is not really a weird thing. When our human race defeated the sea demons, we also suffered a lot of trauma. These sea demons are strong. After proclaiming himself, his strength will only get weaker and weaker. Therefore, when we drove out the sea demons, our human race did not take care of them for the time being. Moreover, if one surprises one of the sea demons, it will cause a chain reaction, and the others will be counted. For thousands of years, the self-proclaimed Sea Demon Race has been awakened, so that they can wake up from their deep sleep. Therefore, with some scruples, we have no action for the time being."

Luo Fei said.

"It turns out that it is, Palace Master Luo Fei, do you have any information about these self-proclaimed Sea Demon Clan demon heads?"

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei and asked solemnly.

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce so solemnly, and couldn't help but looked at him and asked: "Emperor Han, are you worried that those sea demons will release all these self-appointed monsters?"

"It's not worry, it's affirmation. Although the Sea Demon Race has temporarily withdrawn from the Human Race Continent, they can't just give up like this. They must wait for the will of Heaven and Earth to weaken before attacking our Human Race. Therefore, at this time, we must also early action."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

"Well, Emperor Han, it makes sense for you to say that. I will give you a copy of the information about the devil's cave, but because the temple was hit hard by the sea demon clan earlier. So my information here is actually missing."

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce apologetically.

"A part is missing?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly. But he still said to Luo Fei: "It doesn't matter, let me deal with the existing man first."

"I will arrange for the master of the temple to assist the big man to deal with these demon heads. This was originally the responsibility of our temple."

Luo Fei said.


Liu Ce didn't refuse. It was a good thing for Liu Ce to have the help of the temple.

Liu Ce soon found Xiaoxue, Song Que, Jue Wushen, Broken Wave, Moon Worship, Set and others. Since it is necessary to deal with these demon heads, in Liu Ce's view, it is natural to need more powerful warriors. At least it must be a warrior above the Nine Tribulations Realm.

"This time the mission is like that, do you have any questions?"

Liu Ce told them about the Devil's Cave.


Hearing that my mission this time is so interesting and special. The eyes of the gods and demons condensed.

"Go ahead, the sooner the better."

Liu Cedao.

Because Dahan Handu now has the blessing of the Heavenly Destruction Sword Formation, Liu Ce is not too worried at this moment. Liu Ce knew the power of the Heavenly Destruction Sword Array.

Dahan Qingcheng Mountain

This is a humble hillside of Qingcheng Mountain. However, compared with the surrounding lush forests, this hillside is actually quite different. Because of this place, it's bare. The locals know that every night when the moon is full, there will be howling ghosts. It's creepy.

Therefore, the local villagers are reluctant to approach here. Even those who occasionally go up the mountain to gather medicine, try to be as far away as possible from here. Local people call this place Moxiaogang.

On this day, this Mo Xiaogang came to a person. This person is exactly unknown.

Wuming looked at the plain hillside and muttered: "It seems that it should be here."

Immediately, Wuming took out a white porcelain bottle and opened the cork.

Suddenly, a cloud of black air flew out from the white porcelain bottle.

Soon, a terrifying gust of wind swept across the flat ground.

Flying sand and rocks, dusty. The whole earth trembled.

Immediately, the unnamed hillside cracked a crack in the ground. Then a black beam of light rushed into the sky from the gale.

"this is?"

The warriors of some big men in the distance felt the strangeness here, and they were all a little strange, not knowing what happened.

"Who, who on earth awakened the deity."

Following Chong Xiao's devilish energy, a two-meter-tall Demon Race appeared in front of Wuming.

"it's me."

Wuming carried his hands behind his back, expressionless on his face.

"Human, you have the guts to awaken this seat from the devil's cave. Don't you know what the price will be? Jie Jie Jie..."

The awakened demon looked at Wuming and sneered.

"If it's your peak period, I might need to be a little bit cautious, but with your current strength, do you think you are qualified to challenge me?"

Wuming narrowed his eyes.

That's right, the warrior of this sea demon clan, at its peak, was a warrior in the early stage of the Holy Tribulation Realm. Self-appointed in this magic cave for more than 20,000 years. He is a very old demon warrior.

Of course, after proclaiming himself into a deep sleep for 20,000 years, his strength regressed uncontrollably by a large margin. It's only the early stage of the Soldier Tribulation Realm. With such a cultivation base nameless, it is natural that he will not be afraid of the opponent.

Wuming boasts that he is invincible of the same order.

"So courageous. I killed you."

The strong man of the Sea Demon clan looked at Wuming so arrogant, roared, and grabbed one of Wuming's body with one claw.

Although the warrior of the Sea Demon Race has proclaimed himself for 20,000 years, he still has his own pride, especially the human ants cannot be allowed to blaspheme his pride.

"Magic Light Claw."

A terrifying claw tore through the void, and grabbed it at Wuming's body.

Under this claw, the horrible void suddenly dimmed, extremely terrifying.


At the unnamed moment, the hero sword came out of its sheath. The inexplicable sword tactic came out.

This sword is fictitious and real, containing a terrible sword aura. It seemed that the void of hundreds of meters in a radius was shrouded in the sword aura of Wuming.

"Boom!" A sound.

The void trembled, and the two forces collided fiercely.


The strong of the Sea Mozu suddenly felt that his attack was torn apart.

The endless sword intent, like a turbulent wave, crushed towards his place. Let him have a feeling of being invisible.

"Magic shield."

In an instant, the strong man of the Sea Demon clan blocked the protective gas shield in front of him.


The nameless horrible sword slashed fiercely on the protective gas shield of the strong sea demon clan. The original powerful protective gas shield of the strong sea demon clan was directly torn to pieces.


The sword light flicked across the eyes of the strong sea demon clan, and he was directly beheaded.

Wuming silently glanced at the strong sea demon clan and turned away. ,

But the strong men who were quietly observing in the distance were a little shocked, and some of the older men of the Han warriors thought of the legend of the magic cave.

"Could it be that the sea monster clan who once slain the great demon who once slain himself?"

A warrior who seemed to be about 60 years old was a little shocked.

Since it can be called a great demon, the strength of this demon warrior is naturally not weak, at least reaching the cultivation base of the Nine Tribulations Realm.

The most important thing is that if the devil's cave is pulled and the whole body is moved, the nearby devil's caves will also sense the situation here, and then the self-proclaimed strong sea demon clan will wake up from their deep sleep.

Within the territory of the Great Han, the powerful sea demons in the hundreds of demon caves who had been self-appointed for tens of thousands of years have revived.

Fortunately, Dahan had been prepared. The strengths of these awakened sea demons are different. But without exception, when they just woke up, it was the time when the strength of these sea demon clan was the weakest. At this time, it was also the time when the human race eradicated these sea demon clan.

Yu Xiaoxue, Jiu Jianxian and others all beheaded these powerful sea monsters, and then rushed to the next place.

The temple also dispatched strong men to take action, beheading all the strong men of the sea demon clan who had awakened in the devil's cave.

Not only the big man and the temple, but in fact, some strong people in the folk also know the existence of these sea demons. Also knows the consequences of these powerful sea demons if they wake up. Therefore, one by one Human Race warrior who is not weak also joined the ranks of Demon Exterminator. Beheaded the demon heads of the sea demons who were too late to deal with the big men and the temple. It can be regarded as reducing the workload for the big man and the temple.

However, this move of the big man and the holy temple disrupted the Sea Mozu's plan. The sea demons originally prepared to release the ancestors of the sea demons in these caves in secret. After they regained their peak strength, they would attack the Human Race, but the preemptive measures of Dahan and the Temple made their plan almost aborted.

Why is it almost? This is also because the temple lacks a small part of the information about the magic cave. It is this small part of the missing information that has brought a little trouble to the big man.

Of course, Liu Ce didn't know this at the moment. He was in the Imperial Study Room at the moment, and what he was holding in his hand was the silk book he had obtained from the treasure chest of the former hallmaster of the temple.

Because this silk book not only records the secrets of the Demon Cavern of the Sea Demon Clan, but also records the route map from the Huawu Continent to the Demon Island of the Sea Demon Clan.

"It seems that this is the road map where the Sea Demon Race was acquired by the hero of the celebrity race?"

Liu Ce muttered.

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