The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 811: System task

But Leng Mo's body shield was as weak as tofu under Liu Ce's sword. Was crushed by a sword in an instant.

"how is this possible?"

Leng Mo instantly felt a chill in his heart, and this was his last consciousness.

"His Majesty."

Wang Xiruo seemed to be wronged, and immediately fell into Liu Ce's arms.

"Are you okay?"

Liu Ce looked at Wang Xiruo.

"It's okay."

Wang Xiruo shook his head.

Liu Ce looked at Gan Mingzhu again.

Gan Mingzhu quickly said to Liu Ce: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Mingzhu will be fine."

"Well, it's fine."

Liu Ce only breathed a sigh of relief.

Even so, because Wang Xiruo was pregnant with his child in his belly, he naturally had to be careful and let Zhang Zhongjing enter the palace to diagnose Wang Xiruo.

"The ghost guard leads the crow to meet your majesty."

At this moment, the crow headed by the ghost **** guard looked at Liu Ce a little nervously. After all, as the ghost guard who is responsible for the safety of the palace, it is naturally a little ashamed that he has only arrived now.

"It doesn't matter, you are responsible for the security of the palace's periphery. This demon appeared from inside the palace, not your responsibility. I just arrived."

Liu Ce didn't blame the crow either. Just a relief.

After all, the ghost guards were only responsible for the safety of the outside of the palace. Liu Ce didn't expect that this great demon would appear in Lenggong. The crow leader can arrive in such a short time, that's fine. Liu Ce was so close, it was only a while earlier than the other party.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Seeing that Liu Ce didn't punish him, the crow breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart became more ashamed. The emperor's failure to punish himself does not mean that he is really not responsible.

Looking at the crow like this, Liu Ce naturally knew what the other person was thinking. He said to the crow in a straight face: "When you visit in the future, include the inner palace into the scope of the inspection."

"According to the purpose."

Immediately, the ghost guard led the crow and the ghost guard retreated.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhongjing didn't have a big problem, he just prescribed antifetal medicine for Wang Xiruo and left. This also let Liu Ce breathe a sigh of relief.

Now Wang Xiruo and the child in his stomach are his baby bumps, so there shouldn't be any problems in the last time.

At the same time, Liu Ce was also a little afraid of his carelessness. If he didn't send out all the gods and demons, maybe this problem wouldn't arise.

I thought that if I didn't happen to arrive at the last time, the consequences would be hard to imagine.

Liu Ce found the place where Leng Mo appeared, and when he saw the huge magic cave, he was also speechless. Unexpectedly, a magic cave happened to be in his palace. Fortunately, it didn't cause much problem.

Fortunately, what happened in the palace was just an episode.

In addition to the big man, magic caves also appeared throughout the Han League. The fighting power of these self-proclaimed monsters is amazing, and the empires and sects everywhere cannot deal with it alone. Asked the big man for help one after another. However, the manpower of Dahan is also very tight now, so he can only solve the devil's cave in Dahan first, and when he has spare capacity, can he help allies in the Han League.

However, under the joint suppression of the big man and the temple, the strong sea demons in these caves were suppressed one after another. However, for those outside the Han League, the Devil's Cave, the big man can't make a move for the time being. After all, Dahan's gods and demons are limited. The only way to solve the evil caves in Dahan and Han League is first.

Fortunately, the power of the imperial sects outside of the Han and Han League have been swept away by the Sea Demon Clan for a long time, and many cities have long been in ruins. Although the demon heads of these magic caves appeared, they did not pose too much threat to human beings for the time being. However, these caves scattered outside the Han League are thousands of large and small. In other words, there are thousands of monsters who have escaped from the magic cave. These demon heads were artificially condensed by the Sea Demon Clan.

After Liu Ce learned of the information, he immediately felt a little pressure.

Thousands of demon heads can be self-appointed, at least those above the Nine Tribulations Realm. It is even very likely that they are all above the air disaster realm. If they are condensed, it will also have a great impact on the Huawu Continent. Even if they came out of the demon cave, they were extremely weak, but as long as these demon heads were given a little time, they would be able to recover to their peak strength in the shortest possible time.

After knowing this, Liu Ce suddenly couldn't sit still.

Liu Ce immediately asked Moon Worship, Jiujianxian, Xiaoxue, Wuming, Absolute God, Duanlang, Zhao Linger and others to go outside of the Han League to hunt these great monsters freely.

As for Dorset, Liu Ce asked the opponent to return to Handu.

Having learned the lesson of Leng Mo this time, Liu Ce knew that he could not get too ridiculous, otherwise he would really kill himself.

Sete returned to Handu and sat in the imperial palace, so Liu Ce could be considered confident.


Liu Ce returned to the study. At this moment, a secret note appeared on his case in an urgent situation.

"How is this going?"

Liu Ce opened the seal and was surprised when he saw the contents on it. Because of this secret note, coup d'état took place in various parts of the Han League. Even **** massacres occurred in many places, and some royal families were slaughtered.

Fortunately, most of the royal family members in the Han League, the sovereign of the sect, and the elders group, are all in the Han capital. Therefore, the situation is not out of control.

When these leaders learned that their homes had been destroyed and a coup had taken place, they all sought to see Emperor Han as soon as possible. Because now, only the Emperor of Han can help them.

Liu Ce also felt that there was something weird. Coups are common and normal. However, dozens of coups took place at once, which is somewhat intriguing.

Liu Ce also felt the seriousness of the situation, so he summoned these people in the first place.

"His Majesty Han, help, our country has a coup d'etat, and my unscrupulous brother dared to do so."

"The sixth elder of our sect has a coup, he should die..."

The leaders of the forces screamed.

Liu Ce squinted his eyes and said lightly: "Don't worry, say one by one."

Liu Ce looked at the nearest emperor of the Xichuan Empire, Han Qi, and asked, "Han Qi, first, what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, it was Su Han, the general of our Xichuan Kingdom, who initiated the coup, but I think it's a bit weird?"

Han Qi hesitated.

"How strange?"

Liu Ce frowned and asked.

"Your Majesty, if someone else initiates a coup, I believe it, but General Su Han alone is impossible. He is the veteran of the three dynasties of our Xichuan Empire and is loyal to our Xichuan Empire. A coup is impossible anyway, so I think this There is a problem inside."

Han Qi said with a serious expression.

"Emperor Han, you don't know your heart. Maybe the generals of your country have corrupted and become alienated. This is not impossible. Don't be too absolute in everything."


"Yes, this is also very possible."

Everyone was chattering.

But Liu Ce didn't think so. Since Emperor Han said that, he naturally made sense. Therefore, Liu Ce looked at Han Qi and asked: "Emperor Han, you should have your reason to say that. If you talk about it, I have my own judgment."

Han Qi nodded to Liu Ce quickly and said: "Emperor Han, I say this next, because if General Su Han wanted to rebel, he would have rebelled long ago, and we don’t have to wait until now. Before taking power at the age of sixteen, our Xichuan Empire was controlled by General Su Han was in power. After I was 16 years old, General Su Han returned to power. There is no sloppy thing. So I think General Su Han wants the Xichuan Empire. Some are better times than now. The coup d'etat now is thankless."

"Well, it makes sense."

Liu Ce thought about it carefully, and what Han Qi said really makes sense. If Su Han really wants a coup d'etat, it is indeed not going to happen at this time. This was the time when the Sea Mozu invaded, and even if the Xichuan Empire was taken, his reputation was plainly stinked. Liu Ce believed that Su Han, as the veteran of the Three Dynasties, would not do such a thing.

"Is it a phantom?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

Liu Ce naturally knew that there was a phantom demons in the sea demons. The sea demons had used this trick a few years ago. This time, did the opponent use this method again. Yes. Thinking of here. Liu Ce became a little wary.

"I see, you can go down first."

Liu Ce waved his hand.

Liu Ce also had a headache after sending away the chief capital of these Han League forces. Now the masters of the big man have been sent outside of the Han League to hunt down the monsters of the Sea Mozu. Now the master of the big man is a little stretched.

"Ding! The system releases the task, please check the host."

The system suddenly sounded a beep.

"Well, mission?"

Liu Ce looked happy, how much time he hadn't got the task, and now the task actually appeared, so Liu Ce is still very happy at this moment.

No matter what the task is, it represents a huge gain. As for whether it can be completed, Liu Ce never considered it.


Liu Ce entered the task panel

Task: Eliminate the phantom team of the sea demons lurking in the human race

Level: No level

Task rewards: the more the number of clearances, the richer the rewards.

It turned out to be a non-level task, something interesting.

In Liu Ce's view, this kind of non-level task is the most rewarding.

It seems that we must go out in person.

Because the phantom family dormant too deeply. Moreover, it is generally difficult to find the flaws of the opponent, and the phantoms of these phantoms and demons should be more difficult to deal with than those of the sea monsters in the past. After all, the previous sea demons were just ordinary sea demons, but all their weaknesses were not suitable for the current fantasy demons.

Therefore, Liu Ce decided to go out in person. After all, there is a system, and it is not easy to find these sea demons.

The more sea demons and royal families are cleared, the richer the rewards will be. Therefore, this time, Liu Ce couldn't even think of it.

Liu Ce's first goal was the Xichuan Empire of the Han League. Nothing else, just because he is recent.

At this moment, a group of gods and demons of the big man were hunting and killing the great monsters of the sea demon clan outside the Han League. Yu Xiaoxue, Ling Donglai, Jiujianxian, Baiyue and others are extremely powerful. Therefore, the progress is fairly smooth.

The great monsters of the Sea Demon Clan were all hunted and hunted by Ling Donglai and others.

However, the gods and demons of the big man have also encountered some troubles. After all, the demon heads of the sea demons are not vegetarians. After a few losses, they began to form a team and group, which made the gods and demons of the big man also feel a little tricky. , Of course, it's just a trace.

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