"It turned out to be your ghost."

Su Han was furious, his eyes were blood red, as if he wanted to pick someone and eat it at any time.

"Stop talking nonsense, you will kill him soon, he is not your Lord Su Han, he is a spy of the Sea Demon Race."

Han Fei said.

The guards of the surrounding palaces were seeing this scene, and without hesitation, tens of thousands of people slew Su Han from all directions.

The sea demons and human races are as deep as the sea. These guards, as human races, are naturally unambiguous when they see their mortal enemies.

But the man of the Sea Demon Race was disdainful.

"I can't help myself."

The man of the Sea Demon clan roared and sent out with a palm.

With this palm, the sky went dark in an instant. Flying sand and rocks all around, dusty.

"Nine Tribulations Realm?"

Han Fei was taken aback.

As the prince of the dynasty, has never seen a warrior in the Nine Tribulations Realm.

In an instant, thousands of palace guards were killed. There is a ruin all around,

"How do you want to die?"

The man of the Sea Demon clan smiled coldly. His eyes were fixed on Han Fei. Because Han Fei destroyed his plot, he naturally hated Han Fei.

"You can't kill him."

A cold and faint voice sounded.

Han Fei quickly looked at the place where the sound came from, and found that it was Ding Peng and Liu Ce who had appeared.

Upon seeing the two appearing, Han Fei was immediately happy.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Liu Ce and Ding Peng appearing, the man of the Sea Mo family was shocked. As a premonition of a powerful warrior, he felt a strong aura of danger.

"Who? Come to our Human Race's turf, and dare to ask who this son is?"

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

"No matter who you are, you will know if you win it."

The man of the Sea Demon clan smiled coldly.

Although he felt the threat in Liu Ce, as a fighting nation of the Sea Demon Clan, it was natural that he would not immediately seduce him.

The sea demon clan man rushed towards Liu Ce, and the terrifying demon energy burst out from him like a whirlpool.

"court death."

Ding Peng sneered. The full moon scimitar unsheathed instantly.

The sharp knife light in the dark night contains cold murderous intent.


Ding Peng beheaded the Sea Mozu man with a single knife.

In the dark night sky, his knife seemed to tear the entire night in half. The terrifying sword intent had already enveloped the Sea Mozu man.


The Sea Mozu man slapped Ding Peng with a palm.

"Boom!" A sound.

The two forces collided in the void. The endless waves of air centered on the two and spread out in all directions. The earth shook violently under this terrible force.

Ding Peng's attack was torn to pieces by Ding Peng in an instant.

The powerful blade light smashed onto the sea demon clan man's body unstoppable.

"So strong, this is a warrior of Thunder Tribulation Realm?"

The Sea Mozu man's heart was shocked. There was a look of fear on his face, he was only in the early stage of the Heart Tribulation Realm, and he was very different from the Thunder Tribulation Realm. Although the warriors of the Sea Mozu really crushed the vast majority of human warriors in terms of combat effectiveness, they were only at the same level, with a big gap between them. There is almost no possibility of a comeback.

At the critical moment, the sea demon man felt that he was locked by a terrifying blade light, and he could not hide. The protective gas shield can only be supported in a hurry.

"Boom!" A sound.

The man of the Sea Demon was severely killed by Ding Peng with a single stab.


The Sea Demon Clan man let out a screaming scream. The whole person was knocked out like a broken kite. The body shield was torn apart.

If it hadn't been for Ding Peng to stay alive, even 10% of the power of this sword would have not been used. Ding Peng can completely solve the opponent with a single knife.

Liu Ce walked up to the sea demon man, looked at the extremely weak sea demon man lying on the ground and asked: "Tell me, where are the other people in your fantasy team?"

The man of the Sea Demon Race looked at Liu Ce in horror, and asked in an unbelievable manner: "Impossible, impossible, how can you know the Phantom Brigade? Who are you?"

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

The word "Phantom Brigade" was prompted by the system, and the opponent naturally didn't know it. Obviously, the opponent is hiding well, so that's because the name of the Phantom Brigade was exposed, and I was shocked.

Of course, Liu Ce didn't know. The reason why the opponent was shocked was naturally because the Phantom Brigade of the Sea Demon Clan had clear regulations. In the Terran region, the title of Phantom Brigade was no longer allowed, and the code name was used to show his identity . But how did this young man know this secret? How did the other party let his devilish energy get out of control?

"Who I am, you don't deserve to know. Just tell me what I want to know, so I might be able to give you a good time."

Liu Ce looked at the Sea Mozu man without expression.

"Hahahaha, dreaming, do you think I will betray the great sea demon race? Tell you, the demon king is about to rule the world, your human race should surrender as soon as possible, otherwise, the Huawu continent will become the territory of our sea demon race. Your human race will die without a burial place."

The sea demon man laughed wildly.

Liu Ce was expressionless, but a trace of anger flashed through his eyes.


Ding Peng saw that the defeated general in front of him even dared to be arrogant in front of His Majesty.


Ding Peng couldn't help it anymore and took the full moon scimitar out of its sheath.

"Just kill me."

Facing Ding Peng's butcher knife, the Sea Mozu man showed no fear at all, with a calm expression on his face.

"Hmph, do you think I can't help it if you don't say it?"

Originally, Liu Ce was not prepared to let the other party obediently submit. He still knew the virtues of the Sea Mozu very well.

Liu Ce took out a pill and handed it to Ding Peng's hand. To him faintly: "Let him take it, see how long he can hold on."

"what is this?"

The Sea Mozu watched Ding Peng walking towards him holding a black pill. For some reason, he felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"What is this, you will know soon."

Ding Peng looked at the Sea Mozu man and smiled.

Immediately, Ding Peng fed the pill into the opponent's mouth under the struggle of the sea demon man.


It seemed that a terrible power burst out from the sea demons' heads. He uttered an extremely painful scream, and then rolled straight on the ground.

Although Ding Peng was not the first to see such a scene, he still shuddered every time he saw it.

But what Liu Ce obeyed was naturally the mantra pill. This mantra pill is an upgraded version. It is still effective against the warriors of the Nine Tribulations. It's just a bit expensive to sell in the system mall.

But this time in order to successfully complete the system task, he was not stingy.

After the man of the Sea Demon Race struggled on the ground for a stick of incense, the extent of the struggle gradually weakened. After another half a cup of tea, it all subsided, and then stood up from the ground, but his expression was a bit sluggish. Looking at Liu Ce, he asked in fear: "You...what did you do to me?"

"It's nothing, just let you obediently give up."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

"Tell me, what's your name?"

Liu Ce looked at the Sea Mozu man and asked.


The sea demon man said.

"Damn, how could I say, what's wrong with me?"

Thiel, the man of the Sea Demon tribe, was shocked, not knowing what happened.

"Tell me, how many members of the Phantom Demon Brigade are still in the Han League? How many sea demons are there in the Phantom Demon Brigade?"

Liu Ce asked.


Tyre was a little frightened. He naturally didn't want to answer. But he realized that he could not control his behavior at all, and then answered Liu Ce's questions one by one.

"Why, what did you do to me. Why can't I control myself? Kill me..."

Thiel desperately wanted to commit suicide, but he was banned, even if he wanted to commit suicide at the moment.

"You can't die without answering my question."

Liu Ce said disdainfully.

Han Fei on the side shuddered as he saw this scene. At the same time, he was also very curious about Liu Ce's identity and how he did it so that the Haimozu obediently answered any questions he had.

"Did you write it down?"

Liu Ce asked Ding Peng next to him.

"Take note of the son."

Liu Ce said to Ding Peng.

"He'll leave it to you. If you want to kill, you have to do it."

Liu Ce said to Han Fei.

"Thank you son, thank you son."

Han Fei now grew in awe of Liu Ce.


Liu Ce was walking out of the palace with the list given by Ding Peng.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, eliminating a sea demon..."

The system prompt sounds.

"Huh? Looking at the 1300 prompt, Liu Ce knew that this time there were three hundred people in the Phantom Brigade, which is almost the same as the list in his hand. However, this Thiel is not very clear about the other Phantom Brigade, just The Sea Demon Race a little closer to him is in contact. However, according to what Tyre said before, they are not clear about the identity of each other, but they will contact each other once a month."

Liu Ce's heart suddenly moved. In this way, he can change to Tyre's identity. Originally, he was also worried that his previous actions in the palace would arouse the vigilance of the Sea Demon Clan Illusory Demon Brigade. But from what Tyre said earlier, neither of them would know the identity of each other. It's just that there will be a special contact method in the most urgent time. Moreover, a member of the Phantom Brigade has only one chance. Therefore, the Sea Demon Clan Illusion Demon Brigade will not easily use this contact information.

Earlier, Tyre was defeated too quickly by Ding Peng, so he did not use any contact information at all. Of course, the main reason was that the messenger arrow was not brought out in Tyre's room at all.

Now the arrow of communication fell into Liu Ce's hands.

Even the captain of the Phantom Brigade of the Sea Demon Clan would not know the identity of the members, because they were worried about exposure, but they would have a chance to meet and exchange information once a month. Therefore, Liu Ce is going to seize this opportunity.

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