Suddenly, Lake felt a powerful edge shattered his attack. In an instant, his whole person was shaken back more than a dozen steps. The powerful blade light left a huge wound on his body. Blood dripping.

"Air Catastrophe Realm?"

Lake felt a great shock.

Lake is only a warrior in the thunder robbery, how could he be an opponent of the warrior in the air robbery.

And Song Que's knife had already wounded Lake. At this moment, Lake had broken dozens of veins and was seriously injured. A surge of blood flowed up, almost squirting out.


Lake didn't dare to fight Song Quelian.

Exercising the body method, walk to the southeast.

Song Que did not chase. In that direction, more companions are waiting for him. When Lake walked in that direction, it was even more seeking death.

Lake felt that no one was coming after him, and he was immediately happy. When he thought he could escape to death.

"Deathing thirteen swords."

The terrifying sword aura was killing him like a vast ocean.

If it is on weekdays, this sword is not a big deal for Lake. But now, this sword is a strong burden on him who was seriously injured.

"Mystic Devil's Palm."

Lake raised all his strength and slapped it out.

This palm is unstoppable. Covering the sky and the sun, the entire void will be torn apart.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

Yan Shisan's sword immediately smashed against Lake's palm.


Lake's palm was torn in an instant, and the powerful sword aura blasted against Lake's body fiercely. Lek, the direct sword that destroyed the sword intent, flew out.

Falling on the ground, vomiting blood.

"Cough cough cough..."

The mask on Lake's face was also shattered by Yan Shisan's sword, revealing its true colors. I saw that this is a look. A middle-aged man in his forties. Only at this moment, because of the serious injury, the whole person looks extremely sluggish.

"Run, you run again, if it weren't for your Majesty's request, you are just a corpse at this moment."

Yan Shisan said expressionlessly.

"His Majesty?"

At this moment, Lake was shocked. Your Majesty, it means emperor in Huawu Continent. Could it be that the man behind this action is the emperor of which country?

And with such a big hand, it is rare to see so many Nine Tribulations Realm martial artists at once.

Lake integrated the information about the human race in his mind. Immediately thought, this time the man behind the scenes is likely to be the Han Emperor.

Because now in the entire Huawu Continent, only Emperor Han has such strength.

Suddenly, several figures in front came over, and the one in the front was a young man in black. From the looks of this young man, he is definitely not more than twenty years old. The end is young and promising. Followed by Shi Zhixuan and Ding Peng, Dugu Qiuqiu and others.

"His Majesty."

Yan Shisan and Song Que quickly confronted Liu Ce's strength.

"You are Lake?"

Liu Ce looked at the sea demons who were lying on the ground, and asked.

"Who on earth are you?"

Lake stared at Liu Ce fiercely.

"Who am I, haven't you guessed it? Why ask knowingly?"

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

"You... Are you Emperor Han?"

Lake looked at Liu Ce with endless horror.

"You still have some knowledge, yes, I am the Emperor of Han Dynasty."

Liu Ce said proudly.

"What, are you really the Emperor of Han?"

A storm surged in Lake's heart.

Lake didn't expect that they were only active in the Han League, and they shocked the Emperor of Han. How did the Emperor of Han know? This shocked Lake's heart.

"Come on, let him take this pill."

Liu Ce took out a black pill and handed it to Ding Peng.

"what is this?"

Seeing the black pill, Lake suddenly felt a sense of fear. As if that pill was a scourge.

"Take it."

Ding Peng asked Lake.

"Do not……"

Lake shook his head desperately. Intuition is absolutely unacceptable, otherwise something uncontrollable will happen.

But Lake was seriously injured at the moment, and his arm stretched over his thigh. Therefore, I was forced to take that pill.

In the end, all the things that should be explained were all accounted for.

In the Han League area, there is indeed a group of dormant sea demons warriors. The number is about one hundred. These one hundred and thirty-seven people successfully dormant in the major sects and countries. The vast majority are at the core. Grasp the fate and vital points of the major forces. Therefore, this must not allow these sea demons to dormant like this, otherwise it would be absolutely harmful to the big man. Therefore, Liu Ce was determined to wipe out all the warriors of the Sea Demon Race that were dormant in the major forces in the shortest possible time.

Fortunately, although the phantoms dormant in the Han League do not know each other's identities, these people can still be tricked out by using a messaging arrow.

Communication Arrow is a way of contacting the Sea Mozu. This contact method can attract all the sea demons out. Then surrounded and wiped it out.

Dongzhou City


A green messaging arrow exploded in the void. It bloomed in the void and became a dazzling flower.

"What kind of fireworks is this, so strange?"

"I also find it very strange, as if I have never seen it before."

"Okay! With so many years of experience, I haven't seen this kind of fireworks. I don't know who can set it off?"

None of the residents in the Eastern Zhou City knew that, one by one the killers came towards the place where the fireworks were located, very fast, and at first glance they were no ordinary people.

"Huh, what's the matter? The fireworks set off earlier. Did you set them off?"

A man in black wearing a mask asked a man in front of him.

"not me!"

"It's not me either."

The four masked men in black felt a little uneasy.

"No, let's go quickly and we're hit."

These people in black don't know where they are, they are hitting the bill. Turn around immediately and wait to leave.

But where is it possible to go away.

Ten great men of gods and demons were suspended in the void.

"Just grab it with your hands, you don't have any chance."

Ding Peng said.

"rush out."

One of the martial artists of the sea demon clan wearing a mask.


The reaction of other Sea Mozu warriors is definitely not slow, just waiting to be looted.

But how could the big man's gods and demons allow them to leave as they wished.


In the void, Ding Peng was expressionless, and the full moon scimitar in his hand slashed towards one of the martial artists of the Sea Demon Race.

The terrifying sword light cut the sky and the earth. It seems that the entire emptiness will be torn apart.

"Damn it, how could it be like this. What a powerful knife..."

Everyone was shocked. It seems that everything is so small under this knife.

"Fight against it all."

The warriors of the four sea demons resisted with all their strength.

The endless demonic energy quickly condensed from the loyalty of the four people, forming a gas mask in front of them.

"Boom!" A sound.

Ding Peng's knife slashed fiercely on the gas shield. Suddenly, the gas mask was torn apart.

The four warriors of the Sea Demon Race were directly knocked out by Ding Peng's sword. He fell to the ground fiercely, vomiting blood, his expression was extremely wilting.

"Take it down!"

A group of Jinyiwei from the surrounding area rushed, and under Ding Peng's signal, they took all the warriors of the sea demon clan on the ground.

"It seems. This messaging arrow is still good."

Ding Peng said with a slight smile.

"We still have a lot of them here, enough to bring out these sea demons one by one and destroy them."

Yan Shisan also followed with a smile.

"carry on."

Shi Zhixuan also said.

Sure enough, this method is still very good. The warriors of the Sea Mozu were deceived one by one, and they were all besieged and killed.

In the end, all the martial artists of the Sea Demon Race who were dormant in the Han League were all annihilated one by one.

At this moment, Handu

At this moment, Liu Ce stared at the map on the Imperial Case and frowned.

Immediately, Liu Ce drew a circle on the map. This circle is a huge point on the map. That's right, this place is Emperor Tianming.

This Tian Ming itself was occupied by the people of the Sea Demon Race. It has now become a thorn in the Han League. Although the Sea Mozu has retreated, the Han League has never pulled out this thorn.

"It's time to pull out."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Emperor Tianming Chao Liu Ce wanted to pull it out a long time ago. But always, it was not unplugged. This is because after the Sea Mozu retreated temporarily, the big man didn't really stop. But now, the big man is finally free. Of course, even during this period of time, the big man did not waste time. Xichang sent countless factory masters to collect information on the Tianming Emperor.

Now, all on the table is the intelligence of the big man.

"Your Majesty, General Xiang Yu, General Li Mu, and General Li Jing are here."

Wang Chun walked in from outside and came to Liu Ce.

It was Li Mu, Li Jing and Xiang Yu who followed up behind Wang Chun.

"Meet your majesty."

Li Mu, Xiang Yu, and Li Jing said to Liu Ce.

"Free and flat body."

Liu Cedao.

"This time I let you come to prepare to deal with Emperor Tianming. The Emperor Tianming is still entrenched with a large number of sea demon warriors. Now it is like a thorn on our big man. Now this thorn is also time to pull out. Out."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it should be pulled out long ago."

"I, Li Jing, would like to be a pioneer."

Li Mu said.

"Calling you to come, I want you to go to the Emperor Tianming Dynasty. Within ten days, if the Emperor Tianming Dynasty is taken down, you have no problem, right?"

Liu Ce asked.

"no problem."

Xiang Yu, Li Jing, and Li Mu were very excited. For them, fighting is naturally the happiest thing.

"Go, get ready, and set out in three days."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

The three of them gave Liu Ce a fist together.

Li Jing, Xiang Yu, and Li Mu led an army of 150,000 to the Emperor Tianming. The journey was unstoppable. Although the Emperor Tianming also urgently sent a legion to resist, under the joint hands of the three military gods, Wanwan was no match. All the way to be siege.

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