The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 835: Sea Demon Invasion

"As a teacher, I don't know why Emperor Han refused. Does the Emperor Han have any cards that are enough to fight the Demon Emperor?"

Luo Fei frowned slightly.

But now even Luo Fei, who had great confidence in the Han Emperor, didn't feel that the Han Emperor had any chance of winning in front of a Demon Emperor who had broken through the Divine Tribulation Realm. Even if the Emperor of Han really had the support of foreign forces, Luo Fei did not think that the Emperor of Han really had a chance of winning. After all, in Luo Fei's view, the Divine Tribulation Realm is the backbone of the party even outside the territory. It is impossible to appear in such a small world to help the big man fight against the sea demons.

"Then what to do, Master?"

Shi Ya was now aware that the Han Emperor was in danger, and there were also six gods without a master.

"The teacher will find a way to continue with the Tiansheng Temple, and see if the Tiansheng Temple can send a martial artist from the Divine Tribulation Realm to support the Huawu Continent."

Luo Fei said solemnly.

In fact, Luo Fei knew that this possibility was not very high. Huawu Continent in this star field is a barren land in the eyes of many bigwigs outside the field.

The lord sent by the Temple of Heaven did not want to come to this place. It can be said that the value of Huawu Continent is a bit difficult even if it wants to send a holy realm master to the Heavenly Temple, let alone a warrior in the Divine Tribulation Realm. Therefore, Luo Fei, the Lord of the Temple at this moment, is still very worried.

"Master, Master Liu... Does Emperor Han really have no chance?"

Shi Ya asked with some worry.

"This possibility is really not very big. Even in our upper-level organization, the Heavenly Temple, the Divine Tribulation Realm is a top-ranked elder with very strong strength. Although Emperor Han is mysterious and powerful, it is only a member of the Huawu Continent. Only the emperor. It is impossible to fight the Demon Emperor of the Sea Demon Race."

Luo Fei shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Shi Ya became more and more worried. From the tone of the master, it seemed that Young Master Liu didn't have any chance in front of the Demon Emperor of the Sea Demon Clan. How would she persuade the other party? Will the other party listen to him?

"Shi Ya, Emperor Han is not willing to go, but you have to make more preparations."

Luo Fei looked at Shi Ya seriously.

"Ah, Master, do you want the disciple to leave here?"

Shi Ya heard Luo Fei's intention and looked at her in surprise and asked.

"Shi Ya, it's not that the master is greedy of life and fear of death, but you, as the saint of our Huawu mainland temple, as long as you are there, there is hope. The master hopes that you will take on the heavy responsibility of revival."

Luo Fei tightly held Shi Ya's hand and said, "Master will continue to stay and fight to the last moment. Our temple did not back down last time. This time, neither will it."


Shi Ya looked at the master with some excitement and said, "Master, I want to be with you."

"Good apprentice..."

Looking at the apprentice who was eager to weep, Luo Fei also couldn't bear it. Hugging her disciple tightly, but her eyes were full of firmness.

Dahan Han Palace

During this period of time, in the Hall of Gods and Demons, except for some of the Gods and Demons who were sent to the army by Liu Ce, such as Jue Wu Shen, Wu Ming, Duan Lang, etc., were all training. Because they knew that the battle between the sea demons and the human race was about to unfold again. Perhaps under these pressures, these gods and demons have made breakthroughs.


Liu Ce, who was practicing in the palace, suddenly sensed a powerful breath.

"Someone breaks through?"

Liu Ce keenly felt that this breakthrough was extraordinary.

Subconsciously, Liu Ce walked along with the energy fluctuations.

"Meet your majesty."

Yuwentuo bowed down to Liu Ce.

"Hahaha, Yuwen, did you break through?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuwen Tuo.

Yuwentuo smiled at Liu Ce: "Thanks to your majesty's great fortune, the humble duty has broken through to the pinnacle of the demigod state."

"The peak of the semi-god state?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

Liu Ce remembers that Yuwen Tuo was just in the early days of the Demi-God Realm, so why did he break through to the peak of the Demi-God Realm at once? This speed is like riding a rocket, right?

Seems to see Liu Ce's doubts. Yuwentuo explained to Liu Ce: "Your Majesty, the humble position is the pinnacle of the demigod in that world. Coming to this world is just suppressed by the will of this heavenly way."

It was then that Liu Ce suddenly felt that others didn't break through to the peak of the Demi-God Realm at once, just because others were originally the cultivation base of the Peak of the Demi-God Realm. In fact, it wasn't actually a breakthrough to the peak of the Demigod Realm, it was just restoring strength.

Suddenly, Liu Ce felt a strong breath again. But it was the direction from the ancient moon fairy house.

At this time, Liu Ce was no longer surprised. Immortal Gu Yue's strength was originally between that of Yu Wentuo. It should also be restored to the peak of the Demigod Realm now.

"Yuwentuo, when will you be able to break through to the Divine Tribulation Realm?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuwen Tuo and asked.

Yuwentuo looked at Liu Ce and smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, the Divine Tribulation Realm and the Holy Realm are two different realms. There is no special chance and opportunity. It is difficult to break into the Divine Tribulation Realm. Of course, Yuwentuo can There is no doubt about breaking into the Divine Tribulation Realm, but I am afraid it will take more than 50 years."

"Fifty years?"

Liu Ce frowned.

Yuwen Tuo looked at Liu Ce seriously and said, "Your Majesty, this is just Yuwen's most conservative estimate."


Liu Ce nodded and said to Yuwentuo: "You have just recovered, so let's consolidate your realm."


Yuwentuo nodded to Liu Ce.

Liu Ce went back. At this moment, he also felt a little embarrassed. He was still looking for a way to deal with the Demon Emperor, but in the end he found nothing.

Finally, time slowly passed, and it was finally time for the Sea Demon Race to fully invade the Human Race Continent.

The 30 million sea demons army, like a black wave, is coming towards the Emperor Tianming towards direct killing.

Fortunately, the army of the big man had already been prepared.

Although the sea demons have a very strong offensive, the human race has always suppressed the sea demons on the beach front.

This battle is seven days and seven nights.

The loss of the Sea Mozu is extremely huge.

After all, this time Terran came prepared. Although the Sea Mozu's offensive is very strong, it can't take advantage of the Human Race's counterattack for a while.

Liu Ce is sitting in the Han Palace at the moment. Listen to the battle report ahead. Although Liu Ce sent the best team of Dahan. Bai Qi, Li Mu, Li Chengliang, speed up. Xiang Yu, Han Xin, these previous lives are the most powerful military gods in Chinese history. However, this time it almost came to face the Sea Mozu. But Liu Ce still felt a lot of pressure.


The pressure of terror engulfed the entire Han Capital in an instant.

"this is?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

"What's wrong with your majesty?"

Murong Qingwu and Wang Ruoxi looked at Liu Ce quickly.

"It's don't come out later."

Liu Ce solemnly explained to the two women.

After speaking, Liu Ce went out.


Liu Ce shouted while standing in the courtyard.

"His Majesty."

The ruling crow of the ghost **** guard seemed to be a ghost. When Liu Ce was not summoned, he was hidden in the dark like a shadow. When Liu Ce summoned, he again appeared in front of Liu Ce like a ghost.

"If there is danger later, you must protect my queen and concubine, as well as the mother and the queen. If necessary, you can evacuate the palace."

Liu Ce's expression was serious.

"What about you, Your Majesty?"

The ghost **** guard led the crow looking at Liu Ce hesitantly.

Because the ghost guards existed to protect your majesty, but now your majesty meant that they don't need to be protected. This makes it difficult for the crows to adapt.

"I can protect myself, I don't need you to protect it."

Liu Ce's expression solemnly said.

"This is an order."

Liu Ce looked at the crow who was still hesitating.

"According to the purpose."

The crow leader said quickly.

Absolutely Godless, Nameless, Broken Wave, Yu Xiaoxue, Ling Donglai, Zhao Linger, Jiujianxian, Moon Worship Master, Set, Yuwentuo, Ancient Moon Immortal. The other masters all appeared outside the Han Palace, looking at the void.

In the void, a huge black flying boat appeared.


Thirteen men from the Sea Demon Race appeared. The thirteen men exuded a powerful aura.

"All are half gods?"

Liu Ce's expression pursed.

"Surrender, otherwise, when our Majesty the Demon Emperor takes action, the whole man, don't be lucky."

In the void, the demigod man of the Sea Demon Race standing in the middle spoke condescendingly.

Not far away, in the sub-temple of the temple

"It's finally here, I don't know, can Emperor Han still pass this level this time?"

Luo Fei said bitterly.


Suddenly, a voice came from behind Luo Fei.

Luo Fei's complexion changed suddenly, and she turned around and found that Shi Ya was standing behind her pretty, looking like I was pitiful.

"Shi Ya, didn't the master let you leave the big man first? Why have you not left? You didn't even listen to what the master said, did you?"

Luo Fei looked at Shi Ya scoldingly.

Shi Ya was a little aggrieved, lowered her head and said to Luo Fei: "But Master, Shi Ya is not willing to leave you?"

Seeing Shi Yan's pitiful appearance, Luo Fei was a little unwilling, and a little helpless, shook her head and said, "No matter, our master and apprentice will not be separated in the future."

Only at this moment did Liu Ce know that the background of the Sea Mozu was so powerful that it even exceeded his imagination. This time the other party unexpectedly dispatched thirteen martial artists of the Sea Demon Race.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the system has issued a special task, please check the host."

The system prompt sounds.

"Special mission?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes, not knowing what kind of special task it was.

The system hasn't released tasks for a long time. Therefore, taking advantage of this time, Liu Ce entered the system panel to check.

Special task: kill eight sea demon warriors

Task reward: special treasure chest

Task description: The higher the degree of completion, the richer the reward

Liu Ce's eyes lit up, and this task was simply given for nothing. Even if there is no system task, can these demi-god martial artists of the Sea Demon Clan kill all of them, but Liu Ce will definitely do everything possible to leave the opponent behind, it goes without saying.

"Di Han, what do you think?"

In the void, the demi-god martial artist of the Sea Demon Clan saw that Liu Ce had not spoken, so he couldn't help but look at him and asked.

"Hmph, it's impossible, surrendering to your Sea Demon Race, but I am afraid that I will be stabbed in the backbone by my fellow Human Race."

Liu Ce said disdainfully.

"It's better than you were killed here, right?"

The powerhouse of the Sea Mozu looked at Liu Ce with a little disdain.

"There are many people who want to kill me, how old are you?"

Liu Ce grinned.

"Look for death, kill him."

The semi-god powerhouse of the Sea Demon Race cast a wink at a companion next to him.

At the same time, a demi-god martial artist of the Sea Demon Clan snorted coldly and took a palm in the void.

The black palm prints covered the sky and the sun, and the endless magical energy spread out from the palm prints in all directions.

Han Du, which was originally a clear sky, dimmed suddenly.

The people in the entire Han capital shivered.

It can be said that at this moment, the strong people around the big man are focusing on here.

"Those are all powerful people of the Sea Demon Race. Any look in their eyes seems to make me too powerful. What kind of cultivation is this warrior?"

"It's really strong. I feel that any one of the thirteen sea demon warriors can destroy me thousands of times with one finger. How can the big man return to provoke such a strong one?"

"This time the big man is suspended, can the big man stick to it?"

The warriors on Huawu Continent talked a lot, all watching the battle over Handu at this moment. Because this battle is enough to change the process of the battle between humans and demons in Huawu Continent.

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