The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 838: The Four Swords of Zhu Xian

However, the optimized Zhanxian Flying Knife is not as sand sculpture as the original one.

Although the original Zhanxian Flying Knife is very strong, before using it, you still have to say "Baby, please turn around!"

If you let Liu Ce's great Han Emperor call such a prelude to a sand sculpture when confronting the enemy. He has been killed countless times by his opponent.

When Liu Ce saw the section where Lu Qian used the Zhanxian Flying Sword in the Conferred God World, he was also complaining about why the other party was refining the treasure, why set such a sand sculpture section.

However, the Zhanxian Flying Knife with optimized offensive system is not as powerful as the original one. After all, this Zhanxian Flying Sword is also highly imitated. But the high imitation is very level. It may not have enough power, but the speed has increased.


The warrior of the half **** realm felt a silver-white brilliance flashed in front of him. Suddenly became alert.

However, the warrior in the semi-god state hasn't waited for any preparations. The knife has come in front of him. The terrifying blade light has locked his body.

"Can't hide?"

The demigod warrior suddenly felt the souls of the dead. It seemed that a mysterious power had enveloped him.

"Puff!" a cry.

The warrior of that half **** realm was cut and killed with a single blow.


The other two warriors in the semi-god realm were immediately frightened. The figure that had pounced on Liu Ce also stopped abruptly.

But Liu Ce would not give the opponent a chance to escape. Zhanxian Flying Sword was used again.

A knife light shot out again.

"Puff!" a cry.

One of the semi-god martial artists felt that a white light of extremely fast speed flashed in front of him.

Although the martial artist of the sea demon clan in the half **** realm also knew that he had to escape. But at that moment, he didn't know why, he felt like a sand sculpture. At that moment, he was so slow.

"Puff!" a cry.

The warrior of the semi-god realm suddenly felt a blade of light flashing in front of him. Then his neck felt cold. Just hang up.

"Do not……"

The demi-god martial artist of the third Sea Demon clan looked at Liu Ce and stared at him. The gourd in his hand aimed at himself. It was even more shocked.

His two companions died together under this weird baby. He naturally knew that he would never escape. Immediately used his body skills to the limit.

The strange figure turned into the void a few times. Go away like a ghost.

"Want to escape?"

Liu Ce smiled contemptuously.

The original version of Zhan Xian Fei Dao has great shortcomings. The process of using it is too sand-sculpted. Otherwise even Zhan Xian Fei Dao could kill Kong Xuan. Now after system optimization, although this Zhanxian Flying Knife is highly imitated, its speed is definitely its advantage, not its disadvantage.


Zhan Xian Fei Dao shot out. An extremely mysterious trajectory appeared in the void. Directly locked the whole person of the demigod of the sea demons in the distance.

"Do not……"

The demigod martial artist of the Sea Demon Race had already escaped thousands of miles in less than three breaths. The speed is still improving. But at that moment. The speed of Zhan Xian Fei Dao far surpassed him. The terrifying sword aura directly locked him.

"Do not……"

At this moment, the demigod of the Sea Demon Race had already sensed the breath of death.

"Damn it, how is it possible?"

The demigods of the Sea Demon Clan were utterly shocked and pale.

But at that moment, he had nowhere to hide. Only at the last critical moment, he can use his protective gas shield to its limit. In order to block the sword of Zhan Xian Fei Dao.

"Puff!" a cry.

The Zhanxian flying knife fell, and directly slashed on the protective gas shield of the sea demon clan demigod.

Although the demigod of the Sea Demon Race had displayed his protective gas shield to the limit. But although the Flying Sword of Immortals is highly imitated, it is said to be an artifact that can slash immortals. How could a protective gas shield in the demigod area of ​​the Sea Demon Clan be able to withstand it.


In less than a breath, the protective gas shield of the demigod of the sea demon was torn apart. Zhan Xian Fei Dao broke in.


Under the Zhan Xian Fei Dao, even the primordial spirit could not stay, and was directly strangled.

It is a pity that after beheading the martial artist of the Sea Demon Race in the third semi-god state, the gourd in Liu Ce's hands was shattered.

The limit of this Zhanxian Flying Sword is to kill three people.

Even so, Liu Ce was still satisfied. A highly imitation gourd can kill three martial artists of the Sea Demon Race. In his opinion, it has already exerted the effect of the Slashing Immortal Flying Sword to its extreme.

"Damn it. Emperor Han, you are dead, you are going to die, and everyone in your big man is going to die."

Three demi-god realms died at once. Anke, the leader of these thirteen sea demons, couldn't bear it anymore. This semi-god state is not a Chinese cabbage, and Anke is already mad with so many deaths at once.


Anke was furious. The devilish energy on his body spread out in all directions like a vast ocean.

"Mysterious Demon Heavenly Art."

At this moment, Anke has performed the mysterious magic heavenly power. This is an exercise that Anke just started practicing. Overbearing. Even for Anke, if it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to use this mysterious magic. Because this mysterious magic heavenly skill is indeed very domineering. However, it places high demands on users. And its sequelae are great. While demonstrating domineering, it also hurts itself a lot.

Anke hadn't planned to use this mysterious magic power originally. Because the person who taught him this mysterious magic heavenly skill was the Demon Sovereign. The Demon Sovereign warned him that the power of the Profound Demon Heavenly Art was so powerful that at least it needed to be cultivated to a small level before performing it. Because the characteristic of the mysterious magic heavenly power is that the higher the level of cultivation, the less harm it will do to itself. But at this moment, Anke could no longer bear it.

In Anke's eyes, he wanted to kill the Emperor of Han, completely kill the opponent, and smash the opponent's body into thousands of pieces.

"Mysterious Devil's Palm!"

Anke's palm fell towards Liu Ce's place.

This palm covers the sky and the sun. The endless demonic energy shot towards Liu Ce like a stormy sea.

At that moment, Liu Ce felt that the void around him would be frozen by the opponent's palm.

"What a powerful palm."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Liu Ce felt that he should not head-on with the other party for the time being.

The endless devilish energy turned into endless murderous opportunities flooding towards Liu Ce's place. A horrible magic prison was formed all around.

Of course, this magic domain has not yet formed. But Liu Ce felt that at the speed visible to the naked eye, the void around him was constantly collapsing. The power to destroy everything rushed towards Liu Ce's place, as if this terrifying demon prison had become a beast, which would swallow his whole person.

"It's too empty to travel."

Liu Ce showed off his newly cultivated body technique.

Escaped from the emptiness of the opponent's palm.

Liu Ce also had to admit that the palm of the other party was extremely powerful. It can instantly freeze the void around him, forming a terrifying barrier around him.

But as long as it is not completed in an instant, as long as there is an emptiness, Liu Ce can use his physical skills to escape from this gap.

The void collapsed, and the void within a kilometer of Liu Ce's original location was instantly swallowed by darkness.

"Di Han, are you dead. Hahaha..."

A flash of madness flashed through Anke's eyes. Although at this moment, the devilish energy in his body began to bite back, but the pleasure of killing his opponent still filled his heart.

"Are you dreaming?"

A cold voice rang in Anke's ears.


Anke's expression was slightly surprised.

How could it be, how could Emperor Han didn't die.

"Impossible, die for me."

Anke patted the place where Liu Ce's voice came from with a palm.

A terrifying palm shot towards Liu Ce's place.

The void trembles, and the endless demon energy crushes like a vast ocean to the airspace where Liu Ce is, annihilating everything.

Liu Ce shows his travels too empty. The whole person disappeared in place like a ghost.

Traveling Taixu

Liu Ce disappeared in place. Still out of the range of the opponent's palm.

Anke hit the air with one blow, and the whole person fell into a rage. Madly launched a bombardment on the place where Liu Ce was.

One of the shortcomings of the mysterious magic heavenly power is that it will cause the caster to gradually lose his mind. But if you cultivate the profound magic heavenly skill more deeply, the cultivator himself will gradually repair this shortcoming. This is why the Demon Emperor asked Anke to cultivate the mysterious magic heavenly arts to a small degree before using it.

But at this moment, Anke didn't follow the instructions of the Demon Emperor. When he first started, he used the mysterious magic heavenly power. Xuanmo Tiangong has increased the power of devil qi by more than ten times. But it made Anke's sanity completely lost. It's okay if Anke can solve the opponent in a short time. But if he can't solve his enemy in a short time. He will be taken advantage of by his opponent because he loses his mind.

Liu Ce adopted a strategy of avoiding the truth and eliminating the futility. Sure enough, it also achieved his goal. His opponent was completely mad. Moreover, Liu Ce could also perceive that the power in his opponent's body was phasing back.

I have to say that if he hadn't cultivated the body method of Traveling Taixu, his speed would be more than ten times faster than before. In the face of this Anke's attack, he has a great chance of defeat. But now only his opponent will lose.


After a full cup of tea

Anke suddenly turned pale. I feel that I can no longer suppress the devilish energy in my body.

"Damn it, how could this happen."

After Anke noticed the strangeness in his body, his sanity recovered a little.

"Now, the dead person will be you."

Liu Ce hovered in front of Anke and said condescendingly.

"Rampant, do you think you can win me?"

Anke roared out loud.

"Let's wait and see."

Liu Ce squinted his eyes, and a terrible murderous intent erupted in the eyes.

"Zhu Xian Sword Array."

Liu Ce waved his hand in the void.

The Immortal Punishment Sword, the Slaying Immortal Sword, the Absolute Immortal Sword, and the Sinking Immortal Sword were spinning in the void.

"what is this?"

Anke felt the terrifying sword aura locked in him. It seemed that in front of him was not a sword formation, but a scourge.


Anke stopped operating the mysterious magic heavenly power at this moment, although the demon energy in his body was still raging and violent. But he still regained a sense of sanity.

Therefore, Anke felt extremely dangerous at this moment, and was already ready to escape.

But how could Liu Ce let the other party just leave. Liu Ce will not forget the system mission this time. The more opponents he kills, the higher the mission completion rate. Maybe this time you can kill the Demon King, and the mission's completion rate will reach 100%. But Liu Ce knew that this was unlikely.

"Die to me!"

Liu Ce's handprints became faster. The speed is dazzling. If someone sees Liu Ce's side now, it is estimated that Liu Ce's hands will not be able to see clearly. Only a white light flickered in the void.


At almost the same time, Zhuxian's Four Swords were spinning in the void. Zhu Xian's Four Swords revolved in the void within a kilometer radius.

The terrifying sword aura formed a huge vortex.

"Damn, why does my secret method fail?"

Anke took out his talisman. He discovered that Fu Bao could not be used. This talisman is similar to the big shifting talisman Liu Ce often uses. Although the name called by the Sea Mozu is not a big shifting talisman, the effects of these two talismans are the same.

Anke was pale and desperate.

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