The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 842: Yuwentuo and Xuanyuanjian

Powerful, like a volcanic eruption, exploded in the Zhuxianjian array.

Absolute Immortal Sword, Zhu Immortal Sword, Sinking Immortal Sword, Slaughter Immortal Sword suddenly collapsed.


The Four Swords of Zhuxian are connected with Liu Ce's mind. Therefore, at the moment when Zhu Xianjian was broken to pieces, Liu Ce couldn't stand the impact.

"Cough cough cough..."

Liu Ce couldn't help coughing and bleeding, and his face was extremely pale.


The devil emperor exudes the fact of looking at the world.

Endless black air enveloped the body of the demon emperor, covering the sky and the sun.

The people of the Han Capital, because of the influence of the Heavenly Destruction Sword Array. Did not find out what happened in the void of Handu. But at this moment, the black fog that covered the sky caused the sky above Handu to blacken in an instant.

What used to be day, now suddenly becomes night.

"What is going on? Why is it like this?"

"Is it the end of the world?"

"Oh my god, it's terrible, this kind of vision is a bad omen..."

The people of Handu have already caused panic at this moment.

Fortunately, Handu's army patrolled the streets in time to maintain order. It didn't make Han all mess up.

"Not good. Has the Demon Emperor recovered?"

Liu Ce's expression sank.

But looking over there, Yuwen Tuo hasn't unlocked Xuanyuan Sword yet.

The Demon Sovereign who had recovered to its peak strength made Liu Ce and the others feel an invisible depression. This is the Demon Sovereign at its peak, the previous Demon Sovereign was just warming up.

Now Liu Ce really knew how big the gap between the Divine Tribulation Realm and the Demi Divine Realm was, and this was an insurmountable gap.

"Your Majesty, go, we hold him."

Worshiping the moon quickly said to Liu Ce.

"It's okay, let Yuwen Tuo come and clean him up."

Liu Cedao.

"But your Majesty, the current Demon Sovereign, we are not the enemy of one united at all."

Dorset said to Liu Ce.

"I have my own way."

Liu Ce is still so determined.

Perhaps Liu Ce can't help it for half an hour. But persisting for the remaining few minutes, Liu Ce still has this confidence, even if the opponent is the Demon Emperor.

"Boy, had a great time before?"

Demon King Road.

"I am very happy."

Liu Ce smiled lightly and did not deny it.

"Then you can go to death now. A group of ants."

The Demon Sovereign said coldly.

After the words fell, the Demon Emperor's palm fell towards the place of Liu Ce and others. This palm covered the sky and the sun, and the horrible palm prints were constantly magnifying in the void, as if a terrible black hole would swallow everyone up.

In an instant, Liu Ce and others felt that the void around them seemed to be frozen.

The invisible force crushed them from all directions.

"Is this the Divine Tribulation Realm?"

Liu Ce's expression was solemn.

At this moment, Liu Ce felt as if the true essence in his body had been suppressed by a force. The speed of rotation dropped greatly, as if a snail was crawling.

"System, I want to use invincible defense for three hundred seconds."

Liu Ce said silently.

This invincible defense for three hundred seconds was obtained by Liu Ce when he opened the Saint-Order Treasure Chest for the first time, but he had never used it.

Now it's finally time to use this hole card.

Three hundred seconds is five minutes, which is almost enough.

Suddenly, a huge, water-blue defensive cover appeared over Liu Ce and the surrounding gods and demons.

"Thinking that you can stop the emperor by this?"

The Demon Sovereign looked at the defensive cover that suddenly appeared with a little disdain.

The Demon Sovereign, who had already recovered to its peak, had a feeling of invincibility in his heart at this moment.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The terrifying palm of the Demon Sovereign slapped fiercely on the water blue defensive cover.

But the seemingly thin layer of defensive cover remained motionless, as if no water splashed.

"this is?"

The Demon Sovereign was a little surprised at the moment. I don't know what happened and how it happened.

The Demon Sovereign is still very clear about the power of his palm, knowing that it is impossible for a general defensive cover or even a defensive magic weapon to block his palm. Although he didn't exert his full strength with this palm, it was not something ordinary people could take.


The Demon Sovereign didn't break the defensive cover with one blow, and he was also a little annoyed at the moment.

The Demon Sovereign felt that his dignified master of the Sea Demon Clan couldn't break even a defensive cover in a small area. It was naturally refreshing, and he even felt a little bit aggrieved and humiliated.

Endless devilish energy erupted from the demon emperor's body.

The magic is boiling, covering the sky and the sun

The magical energy like the vast ocean covers the void.

The void trembled under this terrible force, as if in fear.

The demon emperor, under the anger, had already used ten percent of his power at this moment.

This shot came out.

Above the palm prints covering the sky and the sun, the boiling devilish energy rolled like a terrifying black hole.

In that instant, the void solidified.

Liu Ce was expressionless, although he was slightly surprised by the momentum of the Demon Emperor's blow. But he is not too worried about himself. After all, this is invincible defense. Don't say it's the Demon King. It was an opponent who was a hundred times stronger than the Demon Sovereign in the future, or even ten thousand times stronger, it was impossible to crush this defense.

This name is already a good account of the attributes of this hole card. Invincible defense.


The demon emperor's blow hit the defensive gas shield again. Still not moving.

now. Not only is the Lord of Worship Moon, Seth, and Ancient Moon Immortal. Even the Temple Master Luo Fei, who was watching the battle from a distance, was a little shocked.

Luo Fei can also be considered a knowledgeable person. But at this moment, seeing the defensive gas shield that Liu Ce displayed, he didn't even know what treasure it was.

What kind of treasure can block the attack of the Demon Emperor. It's incredible.

Luo Fei was a little shocked.

"Damn it, the emperor wants you to die."

The demon emperor's outrage.

Another palm fell from the void shot.

This time, the Demon Sovereign performed an attack of twelve percent power.

The terrifying black giant palm contains destructive power. Wherever he passed, many small spatial cracks appeared in the void.


The defensive gas shield still has no fluctuations, as if the opponent's palm was not attacking on it. On the water-blue defensive gas shield, even a ripple did not appear.

"How could this be?"

The Demon Emperor was also dumbfounded at the moment. Obviously, he did not expect that the opponent's defensive gas shield would be so powerful.

The Demon Sovereign deserves to be the Demon Sovereign of the Sea Demon Clan, and his previous anger was also due to the killing of a dozen of his capable subordinates and the disadvantages of their teachers. But at this moment the Demon Emperor calmed down. After all, as the emperor of such a big clan as the Sea Demon Clan, he is not an emotional person.


The Demon Sovereign burst out laughing suddenly.

Liu Ce also looked at the Demon Sovereign in the void with wonder, but for some reason, the other party suddenly began to sculpt into sand.

"Your treasure is indeed very strong. It is only seen in the life of the emperor. But your treasure cannot be unlimited. The more powerful the treasure, the stronger its limit. Your treasure will not last long. I wonder if what the emperor said is right or wrong."

The Demon Sovereign laughed wildly.

Liu Ce frowned slightly when he heard the words. Although his own invincible defense is not the same thing as the other party said. But it can be regarded as the other side's face.

"so what?"

Liu Ce was expressionless.

"When your treasure loses its effect, it is the death date for all of you here."

The Demon Sovereign laughed wildly.


Liu Ce was expressionless.

The invincible defense only lasts for five minutes, and soon, the invincible defense loses its effect. The defensive cover disappeared.

"Hahaha, the emperor is right. Your treasure is no longer useful. How can you fight the emperor now?"

The Demon Emperor above the void smiled jokingly.

At this moment, Yuwen said: "Your Majesty, leave it to me, the Demon King!"

"Yuwentuo, have you released the seal?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuwen Tuo and asked with joy.

"Your Majesty, it's okay. I have unlocked all the seals of Xuanyuan Jian."

Yuwentuo's confident way.

This Xuanyuan Sword was originally a weapon that Yuwen Tuo had possessed for many years. I couldn't be more familiar with it. It was naturally easy to touch the original seal inside Xuanyuan Sword at this moment.

"Now you are sure?"

Liu Ce still looked at Yuwen Tuo with some worry.

"Your Majesty, although you can't kill the opponent, Yuwen Tuo will never let the opponent hurt you."

Yu Wentuo said seriously.

"Okay, don't worry, I don't need your protection, I will beat him up well, and I will be angry when I see this old guy arrogant in front of me."

Liu Ce said coldly.

"According to the purpose!"

Yuwen Tuodao.


At this moment, the Demon Emperor once again took a palm from the void.

With this palm, the Demon Sovereign used twelve% of the power.

A terrifying palm covers the sky and the sun, and contains endless magic power.

"Break it for me!"

Yuwen Tuo swept out with a sword.

The horrible sword aura is like a long rainbow circling the sun, expelling all darkness.

Ao Xiao Jiu Tian's sword energy directly split the black giant palm into two.

Yuwentuo's horrible sword, unstoppable, slew towards the Demon Emperor.


The Demon King was taken aback.

When did Yuwen Tuo, who had been weak before, become so powerful?

The Demon Sovereign was slightly taken aback, but still quickly calmed down. The opponent's breath has not changed, but the strength of that semi-god realm. It's just that there is an extra powerful Xuanyuan sword in his hand.

As long as he is not an opponent and becomes the Demon Emperor of the Divine Tribulation Realm, he is fearless.

"Huh. Come on, see how long you can hold on."

The Demon Emperor is very confident.

Yu Wentuo's face was calm, but he attacked the Demon Emperor with all his strength.

In the scene, the two sides seemed to be evenly matched, but Yu Wentuo knew very well that it was difficult for him to hurt the Demon King. But it is unlikely that the Demon King wants to hurt him. The scene on both sides is considered to be deadlocked,

But Yuwentuo knows that if the time is deadlocked for a long time. The Demon King is more likely to win. After all, what Yuwen Tuo displayed was external force. It is not impossible to borrow external forces, but it is impossible not to pay a little price for him himself. What the Demon Sovereign displayed was its own power. His consumption is naturally less.

This statement sounds strange, but this is the truth. The power of itself is strong. Naturally, it is better than external forces.

Fortunately, Liu Ce also knew this. He brought three semi-divine gods and demons together to besiege the demon emperor.

Although Liu Ce's combat power was only in the semi-god state. But under the use of various powerful methods. Gradually, Tian Ping leaned toward Yuwen Tuo's side. In addition, the Demon Sovereign had suffered a little bit of damage before, and gradually the Demon Sovereign could not hold on.

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