The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 845: Zheng He and Shi Lang

"Is there any good news to tell me?"

Liu Ce looked at Yuhuatian with a smile.

"Yes, your Majesty. The people of Xichang have returned from the endless sea and have explored a route to the magic island. But..."

Speaking of this, Yuhuatian's expression hesitated.

"what happened?"

Liu Ce asked with a hesitant expression looking at Yuhuatian.

"This is your Majesty. This time, there is only one of us who came back. He said that all the people who went with him this time are dead because it was too dangerous along the way."

Yuhuatian looked at Liu Ce with a serious expression.


Liu Ce nodded slightly.

"Where's the road map?"

Liu Ce asked.

"it's here."

Yuhuatian quickly submitted the road map to Liu Ce.

"According to the above statement, it takes ten days to reach the Magic Island from Dahan Port. At least ten places are dangerous."

Liu Cedao.

"This is your majesty."

Yuhuatian looked serious at Liu Cedao.

"Hundreds of people went and only one person came back in the end. This can be called a life of nine deaths."

Liu Ce sighed, "Yuhuatian, treat the warrior well, and fulfill my previous promise, let him choose the official position below grade 4. Moreover, the other sacrificed factory guards will give special care to his family. Well, his family will be taken care of by the imperial court. Support."

"Thank your majesty."

Yuhuatian was very excited and felt fortunate to have such a lord. After all, in this world, there are really not many monarchs under this system.

"Yes. People die for the great man nine times. If I can't do this, I will be a man in vain."

Liu Ce sighed.


Although Liu Ce said so, Yuhuatian was still extremely moved.

"Go down."

Liu Ce waved to Yuhuatian.

Yuhuatian left immediately.

Now there are five hundred Mowu battleships in hand, that is to say, a big man can bring five million people to attack the magic island.

If you bring all the elite, it is enough.

Liu Ce still had great confidence in the Mowu battleship. After learning the information about the Mowu battleship, Liu Ce knew that the Mowu battleship was a rare war weapon. After all, it is not a warship of pure technology, but a combination of technology and cultivation. After one shot, the holy realm dare not say that the warriors of the nine-tribulation realm can cause a huge threat. Not to mention the demon warriors who are not in the Nine Tribulations Realm.

Liu Cedang is about to summon Wu Qi.

Wu Qi, as the chieftain and prime minister of the big man, now Liu Ce will discuss with him as soon as the big man has anything.

Wu Qi didn't have any surprises when he learned that the emperor was going to fight against the sea monsters. Now the big man had just repelled the demon king of the sea demon clan. It was at a time when the morale of the big man was soaring. At this time, he would not be able to survive without fighting the demon clan. And if the Sea Mozu is not destroyed, it will still be a huge hidden danger to the future Huawu Continent.

"Your Majesty, the old minister supports your decision to fight against the Sea Demon Race."

Wu Qi said immediately.

"Your Majesty, judging from the information you gave to the veteran, this endless sea is extremely dangerous and requires high ships. Our ships on the Huawu Continent may be unusable."

Wu Qi said to Liu Ce.

Liu Ce glanced at Wu Qi with admiration. Wu Qi is indeed worthy of being a sub-sage. Seeing things so thoroughly, he found the focus of the matter in a short time.

"At this point, the lieutenant does not have to worry, I have been prepared long ago. These warships far surpass the most powerful warships in the history of the entire Huawu Continent."

Liu Cedao.

"So there is no problem."

Wu Qi didn't doubt Liu Ce's words at all.

"Well, this matter still needs to recruit a few big men's generals."

Liu Ce nodded.

After all, fighting against the sea monsters is a major event. Although Liu Ce was the emperor of the great han, he also needed to discuss with the commander of these great han.

A few days later

The commander-in-chief of the big man who went on the expedition returned triumphantly from Emperor Tianming. The people of Handu have known the news a long time ago, and welcome along the way.

However, Liu Ce summoned them as soon as these commanders returned to Handu.

"Meet your majesty."

Bai Qi, Qi Jiguang, Li Jing, Xiang Yu, Yue Fei, Han Xin, the six army gods bowed to Liu Ce.

"Hurry up, please, this time, you have a great victory over the Sea Demon Race, and you have worked hard. I am very pleased."

Liu Ce looked at the six commanders and smiled.

The World War I wiped out the 10 million troops of the Sea Demon Clan. This was definitely a feat that shocked the past and the present in the tens of thousands of years in the history of the Huawu Continent, and it was a history that would last forever.

"Thanks to your majesty Hongfu."

The six commanders respectfully said.

"Okay, you guys are good at everything, just like flattering, I've all been taken by you, and I become a faint king, what should I do?"

Liu Ce shook his head.

The six commanders suddenly smiled in embarrassment.

"Do you know why I invited you to come this time?"

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

"I don't know how to wait for this."

None of the six commanders spoke.

Even so, it is natural to know from their cleverness that to recruit them is nothing more than a battle.

"This time, I invite you to come, because I have a task for you."

Liu Ce smiled slightly and said, "Yes, this time, there is another battle. Your opponent is still the Sea Demon Race."

"Your Majesty, are you going to hit the magic island?"

Xiang Yu laughed.

"Well, in the battle between humans and demons for tens of thousands of years, our Huawu Continent has adopted a defensive position. I don't like this. I don't like being beaten all the time. Instead, I like to take the initiative. This time, I have been investigating endlessly. Overseas, the location of the magic island. And I am ready to go personally."

Liu Cehong said.

"Ah, the imperial driver?"

The six commanders were taken aback. After all, how can your majesty's daughter-in-law be suspected in person.

"His Majesty……"

Just when the six commanders were preparing to dissuade, Liu Ce shook his head and said, "You don't need to persuade me, my will has been decided."

The six commanders were also a little helpless when they heard the words. They knew what his Majesty decided, and it was useless for them to dissuade them.

"I will give you ten days to prepare. There are only a few conditions, familiarity with water and no seasickness. This time, you can only bring five million elites. You can see for yourself."

Liu Ce said solemnly.

"According to the purpose."

The commanders looked solemnly.

After the six big han commanders left, Liu Ce thought that he seemed to lack a person who knew how to fight in water this time on the expedition.

Liu Ce doesn’t know much about the commander of the Chinese history of the Shanghai War. The only one is Zhou Yu, the governor of the Soochow in the history of the Three Kingdoms. However, in Liu Ce’s view, this Zhou Yu is at best a water battle, and there is still a big battle against the sea. difference. The Three Kingdoms battles are mostly played offshore, and there is still some gap between them and ocean expeditions.

By the way, there is one more person, who seems very suitable. Liu Ce suddenly thought of a person who was very famous in Chinese history.

This person is Zheng He.

The story of Zheng He's voyages to the West has been heard by many people in China even in modern times. Moreover, the period of Zheng He's voyages to the West was when the navy was the strongest in China's history.

Although it is not a naval battle, Liu Ce is not going to fight the sea demon clan at sea. It just needs someone with ocean-going experience to command the ship.

Just Zheng He.

Although Liu Ce does not have Zheng He's summoning card, it is still available in the system store. Moreover, Zheng He's setting is not a commander in chief, and the commander is not as famous as the commanders summoned by Liu Ce, so there shouldn't be a lot of national luck needed.

Liu Ce entered the system mall and checked, and he found Zheng He very quickly.

In the system mall, there are not only commanders familiar with battleships like Zheng He but also Shi Lang.

Zheng He needs to be more expensive and needs a national fortune of 10 million. Shi Lang only needs three million national transport is enough. For Liu Ce, these national fortunes are not too many. Therefore, Liu Ce summoned both of them at once. Although Dahan doesn't have much demand for naval battles, there will be some in the future. Now they are all bought, and they are not at a loss.

"System, I want to summon Shi Lang and Zheng He."

Liu Ce said silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the summon is successful. Shi Lang and Zheng He will arrive after a cup of tea."

System Road.

Ok. The two need only a cup of tea to get there. Not bad.

Liu Ce knew that the strength of these two men was not strong. The will of Heaven in this Huawu Continent is only limited to powerful warriors.

A short while

Both Shi Lang and Zheng He were brought in by Wang Chun.

"Meet your majesty."

"Free and flat body."

Liu Ce looked at the two and said: "Zheng He, Shi Lang, this time I asked you to come here to prepare for the ocean going in ten days. Both of you have rich ocean-going experience. This time, I hope you can meet my requirements. ."

"Dedicated to death and died."

Zheng He and Shi Lang immediately confronted Liu Ce.

"The five hundred demon warships are on the port thirty miles away from Handu. You can get familiar with it tomorrow. Remember, you only have ten days."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Zheng He and Shi Lang looked serious.

In the next few days, the Huawu Continent was relatively calm.

During this time, Liu Ce spent all his time with his daughter, Princess Fengyi. Almost every day, Liu Ce sees his daughter.

In the previous life, Liu Ce hoped to have a lovely daughter, but in the previous life, Liu Ce did not achieve this wish. Never thought that in this other world, this wish was fulfilled.

And Murong Qingwu's belly is getting bigger and bigger. Liu Ce felt that this Murong Qingwu was likely to be in labor in these few days.

This made Liu Ce very relieved and somewhat nervous. Ten days later, Liu Ce is about to lead a 5 million army of Han Dynasty. But he naturally hoped that when the queen was in labor, he would be by her side. If he can't see his children for the first time, Liu Ce will also feel that this is no small regret.

"Old Zhang. When will the queen be in labor?"

Liu Ce looked at Zhang Zhongjing and asked.

"The old man took the pulse for the queen before. It should be in these two days."

Zhang Zhongjing looked at Liu Ce's stern way.

Can you know when the labor is going to be due through the pulse?

Liu Ce was slightly surprised. If it were someone else, Liu Ce would doubt it. But the other party is the medical saint in China's history. He naturally won't have the slightest doubt. I can only lament the magic of this Chinese medicine. No matter what incurable disease can be diagnosed by pulse signal.

After Zhang Zhongjing left, Wang Chun hurried over.

"Your Majesty. Lord Luo Fei, please see me."

Wang Chundao.

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