The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 850: Go to war

"It doesn't matter, we have already fulfilled our duties anyway, and the rest will not be our responsibility."

One of the officers said.


Suddenly, the sound of cannons came from the sea.

"Huh? What sound is this?"

The people of the Sea Demon Clan present were a little surprised. I don't know what is going on. Especially those officers felt a little strange.

"It sounds like a gun? But it doesn't seem to be?"

One of the officers of the Sea Demon Race.

"Damn it, did the human race really kill it over there?"

One of the officers said.

"It's not sure yet. We need to send soldiers to take a look. We must be sure, otherwise it is not the human race to kill. Then we need to carry all the pots."

Another officer hesitated.

"Okay, then we must now send a reconnaissance team to see if it's a human being..."

Soon, eighteen small boats set off from Black Underworld Island. But there is no return.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't news come back for so long?"

At this moment, the officer on Hei Ming Island felt that something was wrong.

On the Mowu Battleship

Dahan's battleship wiped out all the outposts on the magic island along the way. In the end, the last outpost was left.

"Damn it, what's that?"

The Sea Mozu officer on Hei Ming Island was stunned when he saw hundreds of Mo Wu battleships.

Each of these warships is unusually huge. A piece of darkness came from the sea.

"Hurry up and send a warning to Magic Island."

An officer quickly said.

But at this moment, the Mowu battleship has already begun bombarding Heiming Island.

A sharp howling fell from the void and slammed on Hei Ming Island.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Hei Ming Island ushered in a wave of bombing by the Mowu battleship.

Under the bombardment of this super-era magic crystal cannon, the entire Hei Ming Island instantly turned into a piece of scorched earth.

Even the defenders on Hei Ming Island were bombarded with dregs before they even began to send information to the island.

"Continue to set sail and aim for the magic island."

Zheng Hedao.

Hundreds of warships continued to head towards the Demon Island. But at the moment the Demon Island soldiers were so dull, they had already discovered something when the Demon Wu battleship bombed Hei Ming Island.

Several nautical miles away

Hundreds of Mowu warships began to bombard the beaches of Modao with coverage.

On that beach, there are fortifications set up by countless sea demons. Although these fortifications seem to be some years old, no one knows how powerful they can be. But for Terran soldiers, it will be a little nuisance after all.

Under the bombardment of hundreds of demon warships. The entire beach suddenly turned into ruins.

"Damn, who is it?"

Hundreds of powerful sea demons appeared.

The great elder Yun Zhe of the Sea Demon Race and the Prime Minister Duza of the Sea Demon Race led the strong of the Sea Demon Race to arrive.

But because the Mowu battleship was a few nautical miles away, none of these powerful sea monsters saw the enemy.

I just saw the fortifications of the Sea Mozu in ruins above the beach. These big guys are a little shocked.

"What about the enemy, where is the enemy? What happened?"

Duza shouted to an officer of the Sea Demon Race.

"No... I don't know, it seems that the shelling came from the sea."

The officer of the Sea Demon Race tremblingly said.

"On the sea, how is it possible? We can see here, isn't there nothing?"

The Great Elder Yun Zhe of the Sea Demon Clan had something incredible.

Of course, for the Great Elder of the Sea Demon Clan, he naturally couldn't imagine it. Technology from another world. The powerful technology that can be bombarded in a few miles or even hundreds of miles or more. Even if there are missiles loaded on the Mowu battleship, it can even be hit here from the human continent. Of course, if spy satellites are available.

"Prince Duza, what shall we do now?"

Although Yunzhe, the Great Elder of the Sea Demon Race, likes to compete with Duza for power, he is now facing a human invasion. For a while, he didn't know what to do. Therefore, his eyes only looked at Duza.

"Notify your Majesty the Demon King, summon all the strong men of the Sea Demon Race and go out for a battle."

A strong aura erupted from Du Zha's body, and he was also a cultivation base of the semi-god realm.

In the sea demons, the capable ones. This capable person is embodied in the realm of cultivation.

Therefore, the Prime Minister Duza of the Sea Demon Race and the great elder Yun Zhe are both semi-divine cultivation bases. The strength is very strong.

The strong of the Sea Mozu came quickly.

However, there are not many demi-god martial artists remaining in the Sea Demon Race. There are only eight. However, there are still many other holy realm powerhouses. It's just a battle with the human race, the top powerhouse of the sea demons has lost a lot.

But even so, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

On the Demon Island, a group of powerful people from the sea demon clan exudes a powerful aura.

Above the flagship of the Mowu battleship.

Yu Wentuo stood beside Liu Ce.

Liu Ce's Xuanyuan Sword was already used by Yuwen Tuo. After all, the opponent could display the greatest combat power of Xuanyuan Sword and let Xuanyuan Sword use its materials to the fullest. Liu Ce would naturally not let go of this Xuanyuan sword. Otherwise, it is really violent.

At this moment, Yu Wen Tuo seemed to have a much stronger aura than before. In this regard, Liu Ce was not surprised. The last time Yuwentuo got Xuanyuanjian, in fact that Xuanyuanjian Yuwentuo only lifted a part of the seal because of the rush of time.

Now that Yuwentuo has given enough time, Yuwentuo can completely remove all the seals of this Xuanyuan Sword.

Liu Ce knew about the legend of the world. With Xuanyuan Jian's Yuwen Tuo, he could actually fight ten ancient moon immortals. This also proved from the side how powerful Yuwen Tuo possessed the Xuanyuan Sword. Immortal Gu Yue was a person who was completely earth immortal in that world, but in front of Yu Wen Tuo who was holding the Xuanyuan sword, he was not an opponent at all.

"Yuwen, are you sure?"

Liu Ce asked Yuwen Tuo.

"Your Majesty, if it's just the Demon Emperor from last time, Yuwen Tuo doesn't fear the opponent at all."

Yuwen Tuo said proudly.


Liu Ce looked at Yuwen Tuo with satisfaction. He just likes Yuwentuo's feeling of giving me someone else.

Feel the powerful aura of countless ways on the magic island.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Liu Ce's eyes, saying: "Attack, whoever dares to block, kill without mercy."

The master of the big man rushed out first.

Worshiping the moon, Dorset, Yuwentuo, and Gu Yuexian were the first to strike out.

Looking at the demigod realm of the sea demon race in front of him, they were killed.

Yuwentuo sneered coldly.

A terrifying sword energy erupted from Yuwen Tuo's body.

"this is?"

The first few demigods of the Sea Demon Race suddenly felt a powerful and dangerous aura, making their hair creepy. As if he was stared at by a scourge,


Yuwen Tuo swept out with a sword.

This sword was extremely terrifying, and instantly formed a powerful sword domain in the void, blocking the surroundings of the five semi-god martial artists.

"It's a powerful sword, we joined forces to resist."

A half-god sea demon warrior said hysterically.

In an instant, these sea demon warriors of the semi-god realm joined forces to resist.

But in the eyes of Yuwen Tuo, who had mastered the power of Xuanyuan Sword, the defenses of these half-god martial artists of the Sea Demon Race were simply futile. In an instant, his sword shattered all their defenses. The powerful sword aura swept across, directly causing their bodies to explode in the void, turning into blood mist.

"This... how is this possible?"

Duza, the prime minister of the sea demon tribe, and Yun Zhe, the chief of the sea demon tribe, were shocked. They never thought that the warriors of this human race were so terrifying. No wonder that this time the Sea Demon Clan will completely invade the Human Race Continent and come back in despair.

"It seems that we need to join hands, otherwise none of us will be his opponent."

The Great Elder Yun Zhe of the Sea Mozu glanced at Prime Minister Duzha.

Du Zha nodded slightly, and said sternly: "Well, the prime minister also has such thoughts."

The Prime Minister of the Sea Demon Clan, Duza, and the Great Elder of the Sea Demon Clan, Yun Zhe, can be said to be the most powerful among the entire Sea Demon Clan except for the Demon Sovereign. If they join forces, even the Demon Emperor must be a little cautious.

"Well, there are Sea Demon Race and strong people like you?"

Yuwentuo watched Duza and Yunzhe rushing towards him, and felt the breath of them, and a hint of interest flashed across Yuwentuo's face.

After all, Yuwen Tuo is also a warrior, and the warrior is naturally the favorite to fight against powerful warriors, so that he can improve his cultivation.

"Kill...Xuanmo with a stab."

Yun Zhe is best at knife technique.

With the horrible knife, Yun Zhe's sword slashed towards Yuwen Tuo's place.

This sword is extremely terrifying, and the terrifying sword energy cuts the sky and the earth, and it seems that it can shred the entire void.

"Knife domain?"

Yuwen Tuo's expression also became more cautious. The right sword not only transformed the sword domain, but also contained a trace of law.

As a result, this also made Yun Zhe's sword more than twice as powerful.

At the same time, the other side. Duza also sacrificed his weapon to Yuwentuo. His weapon is a spear.

A terrifying shot was assassinated at Yu Wentuo's body.

The endless spear light seemed to form a small world in an instant.

This Du Zha's strength is definitely not under Yun Zhe.

"Good to come."

Facing the siege of the two powerhouses, this Yuwen Tuo not only did not panic, but became excited. He felt his blood boil, and he found the feeling of being in that world again.

"Get out of here!"

Yuwentuo's eyes condensed, and a sword swept out.


The terrifying sword stream swept towards Yun Zhe and Du Zha like a stormy sea.

In an instant, all their attacks were annihilated.

"Swish!" A sound.

Yu Wentuo's body technique unfolded, and the whole person swept towards the two men like a ghost. The next breath appeared above the two.

"Endless Slash!"

Yuwentuo once again swung his sword out.

This sword contains absolute domineering power.

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