The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 855: Self-destruct

Liu Ce naturally knew that the warriors of the Nine Tribulations Realm were almost cannon fodder. It is estimated that it is a little difficult to get close. This is why Liu Ce stayed on the battleship honestly at this moment. But the other party still did so, naturally there was the other party's consideration. Liu Ce reckons that the other party obviously has his own ideas.


Although the opponent is mostly a warrior in the Nine Tribulations Realm. But the terrible Liu Ce who blew himself up also knew. If it explodes, it can burst out in an instant, with energy ten times or more powerful than itself. What's more, there are the warriors of the holy realm, the blew of the warriors of the holy realm. Even Liu Ce would never underestimate him.

Dugu seeks defeat, Yu Xiaoxue, Zhao Ling'er, Ling Donglai, Jiu Jianxian. There is no god, no name. Duanlang, Yan Shisan, Ding Peng, Ximen Chuuxue, Bi Xuan, Song Que. Shi Zhixuan, Tiedan Shenhou, Duan Tianya and others are killing the warriors of the sea demon clan.

Liu Ce, Shi Ya, and Luo Fei followed suit.


Ximen Chuuxue swept out with a sword.

A few warriors of the Sea Demon Race ran into this terrifying sword just as they rushed out.

These Nine Tribulations Realm martial artists of the Sea Demon Clan still don't know what's going on, that terrifying sword has already arrived in front of them. The terrifying sword aura seemed to freeze everything around them.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

The horrible sword light swept down. The Nine Tribulations Realm martial artists of the four Sea Demon Races were instantly beheaded.

Although Dahan warrior occupies a disadvantage in terms of number. However, the fighting power of the Great Han Warrior far surpasses those of the Sea Demon Race.

Of course, this is not surprising in itself. After all, the gods and demons summoned by Liu Ce were all Tianjiao from various planes, and they were considered the sons of planes. The combat power is naturally the most contemporary. There are also various means, which can be regarded as invincible at the same level.

"Emperor Han, go to death!"

Two martial artists from the Nine Tribulations Realm rushed towards Liu Ce.


Liu Ce looked proud.


Liu Ce went down with a punch.

A frightful punch. It seems that the void can be shaken.


The two Nine Tribulations realm warriors suddenly felt terrified. That terrible power directly annihilated them all.

The terrifying fist marks directly broke through their defenses, and slammed them firmly.


The Nine Tribulations Realm martial artist of the two Sea Demon Clan still didn't know what was going on. He was immediately smashed by Liu Ce with a punch.


One by one, the sea demons rushed towards the place of Liu Ce and others.

At this moment, Liu Ce became more and more excited. Although he is an emperor, he is a martial emperor. It's not the kind of person who likes to stay behind the scenes and let others do everything. On the contrary, I like the feeling of **** to the flesh and wantonly killing.

Doesn't it look like an emperor?

But Liu Ce has his own considerations. In this world that respects martial arts. No emperor is weak. An emperor with a weak cultivation base, no one will respect him. Just like the sea demons, the strong are respected. A strong demon emperor. The Demon Sovereign broke through to the Divine Tribulation Realm, so he became the hope of the Demon Race. Everyone respects him. Even in order to save the Demon Emperor, he can blew himself up.

After recognizing that Liu Ce was the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, more than a dozen powerful men from the Sea Demon Race rushed towards Liu Ce, even half-sage.

Even Liu Ce is under some pressure at this moment.

"Xinghe Breaking Fist!"

A galaxy appeared behind Liu Ce.

In Liu Ce's current Saint Tribulation Realm late stage of cultivation, he used the Galaxy Breaking Fist, but he was already able to use the power of the Galaxy Breaking Fist to its limit.


Liu Ce shot out with a punch.

Terrifying energy surging in the void. It seems that everything can be shredded.

The warriors of the eighteen sea demons instantly felt like roaring waves sweeping toward their place. It seems that everything can be shredded.

These strong men of the Sea Demon Clan made an all-out effort.

But in the face of Liu Ce's terrible punch, how powerful their resistance was.

A frightening punch is like a bright sun. Void heat wave invaded, and every inch of space exploded.


One after another screams of sorrowful screams.

But more sea demons in the Nine Tribulations Realm blew themselves up around Liu Ce. It seems to destroy him here.

Liu Ce: "..."

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The void trembled, because of the terrible air wave, the void was blown out of countless spatial cracks.

The terrifying air current swept towards Liu Ce like a collapsed tsunami.

"Indestructible Golden Body Art!"

Liu Ce immediately used the Immortal Golden Body Art to its limit.

But the crisis has not been abated, but has become stronger.

"It's too imaginary to travel!"

At the same time, Liu Ce used his body skills to the limit.

However, around Liu Ce, thirteen warriors of the Sea Mozu chose to blew themselves up. Although Liu Ce's body style is very fast, it is impossible for him to leave the combat range in the first place.

Fortunately, these self-destructed warriors are all warriors in the Nine Tribulations Realm, and there is no holy realm.

It's not that the warriors of these sea demons don't pay much attention to Liu Ce, but these warriors of the holy realm are going to save the demon emperor. In their hearts, saving the Demon Emperor is more important than killing the Han Emperor.

But even so, Liu Ce faces tremendous pressure.

"Magic Tower!"

For the first time, Liu Ce sacrificed the magic tower.

The magic tower can be used not only to deal with enemies, but also to protect yourself.

The black magic tower was used by Liu Ce as a huge shield.


The endless waves of air roared.

The protective air shield of the Immortal Golden Body Jue on Liu Ce held a stalemate for a breath, and instantly fell apart.

It happened that Liu Ce blocked the magic tower in front of him in time.

The magic tower trembled violently. Buzzing.

The magic tower that originally exuded mysterious brilliance also instantly became dim.

"His Majesty."

The big Han gods and demons around seeing this scene suddenly became a little anxious. These more than a dozen sea demon martial artists in the Nine Tribulations Realm blew themselves up, let alone the Han Emperor, even these holy realm gods and demons would not dare to say that they would endure it.

Therefore, every big man's gods and demons were a little frightened. They are really unimaginable. What happened to the emperor at this moment. No one dared to imagine the consequences if the man lost the emperor.

"Liu Gongzi."

Shi Ya's pretty face turned pale now.

Luo Fei also frowned, her eyes looking for Liu Ce in the void around her.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Liu Ce said blankly.

After the boundless black air dissipated.

Liu Ce's figure appeared.

Although Liu Ce survived this horrible self-destruction, his situation also looks very bad. His complexion was pale and his body trembling.

"If you haven't died yet, then go and die!"

A semi-sage rushed towards Liu Ce.

"Big Demon King Fist!"

This person, even among the semi-sages of the Sea Demon Clan, is a leader. He is a genius with no weaker than Yun Hui, but his age is a bit younger than Yun Hui. Therefore, Yun Hui entered the Holy Realm first. .

Locke shot Liu Ce with a punch.

The terrifying demonic energy raged violently, forming a black fist mark. Shrouded towards Liu Ce's place.

"Promise raging!"

The four-fold increase made Liu Ce feel full of boiling power.

Although the opponent was a semi-sage, it seemed that his cultivation base was much stronger than Liu Ce, a person in the late Saint Tribulation Realm. But Liu Ce is not an ordinary holy robbery.

Promise violently broke out. Liu Ce's breath also rose wildly. Directly reached the peak of the Holy Tribulation Realm.

"Choke!" A sound.

Liu Ce took the peerless sword out of its sheath.

Well, it's the one used by Bu Jingyun. Liu Ce bought it from the system mall. Although it was far inferior to Xuanyuan Sword, it was a good deal.

"Sword Twenty-Three."

Liu Ce swept out with a sword.

The terrible sword energy rushed towards the night, and instantly, the sword energy swept out like a big wave.

Under this powerful sword aura, the surrounding void was instantly frozen.

"this is?"

Locke felt like he was stuck in a quagmire, and everything around him slowed down. The speed of his own devil energy has also slowed down, and even his breathing has slowed down.

"How is this possible?"


Liu Ce's body is like electricity, disappearing in place like a ghost.

Locke didn't even realize how Liu Ce disappeared in front of him. But when he felt the next breath, the other party came in front of him.

"Do not……"

Locke was a little desperate. He wanted to move, but found himself unable to move. He could only watch Liu Ce's sword pierce him.


Liu Ce easily pierced Locke's gas shield with a sword. As if the protective gas shield was like paper under his sword.

Then, that sword poured into Locke's chest.

The endless sword energy is devouring Locke's life.

On the next breath, a black mist flew out of Locke's body.

"Devil Soul?"

Liu Ce did not move. It's just that the smile on his face is slightly contemptuous. It was absolutely impossible for the Demon Soul to still want to run when he died in his hands.

Sure enough, Locke's demon soul was waiting to escape, but at this time, a terrible suction burst out from Liu Ce's direction.

I don't know when, a weird whirlpool appeared around Locke's Demon Soul, and it was obvious that the suction force appeared from within that whirlpool.

"Ah! No, what is this?"

Locke's voice was extremely shocked.

Originally, as long as his demon soul was still there, as long as he found a suitable body, he could still be reborn. But if the devil soul is gone, he is really dead.

Locke's Demon Soul struggled madly, but under this power, his struggle was so pale and weak, it had no effect.

In the end, Locke's demonic soul was swallowed completely.

Liu Ce felt that the scope of the seed world seemed to have swallowed this demon soul and expanded a little. Sure enough, the world seed swallowed the opponent's demon soul.

After conquering the Devil Island, Liu Ce's world seed space began to expand wildly. Now the world is expanding greatly. The area is at least many times larger than before.

And the sacred martial artists of the other sea demon races still tried their best to rush to the place where the demon emperor was, because the demon emperor was in danger at this moment.

"Everyone, hurry up, your majesty won't last long."

General Demon Dragon saw that his tribesmen were still unable to approach the Demon Emperor, and suddenly said in a hurry.

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