The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 858: Holy emperor

"You must be very happy now, right?"

A crisp voice sounded behind Liu Ce.

It is the saint Shiya.

"Fortunately, it actually feels like carrying such a heavy task on my own shoulders, it feels really tiring and tiring."

Liu Ce smiled helplessly.

Shi Ya felt sorry for this man.

"Fortunately, I won. The Sea Demon Clan finally lost in my hands, and I finally lived up to the expectations of the Huawu mainland people."

Liu Ce sighed.

Huawu Mainland Port

People from all directions gathered around the port at this moment. Some are even merchants from other empires. Because today is the day when the Han emperor returns triumphantly.

Countless people came from all directions spontaneously.

Countless Chinese people in the port sang and danced, and it was very lively.

"Hahaha, a lot of people seem to be here to welcome us."

Ding Peng smiled.

"Well, this time, the big man completely conquered the Sea Demon Race, and made the current Sea Demon Race a slave to our Human Race. This is a great achievement that has a long history. The human heroes of the Huawu Continent have not done it. But our majesty did it."

The courageous spirit laughed.


"Liu Gongzi, look, they all welcome you, and now your prestige in the Huawu Continent is definitely not under our temple."

Shi Ya smiled at Liu Ce.

"Well, the saint joked, what the temple did for Huawu Continent is not something I can compare to."

Liu Ce said that this topic was a bit sensitive.

"Emperor Han, you don't need to be so humble. We can all see your contribution to the human race."

Luo Fei smiled.

"The Three Treasures, send the army to the city, line up to return to the city, to show our Han army's strongest momentum and fullest military appearance."

Liu Ce's expression was serious.

"According to the purpose."

Zheng He looked solemnly.

At this moment, around the entire military port, there are not only countless people and businessmen from all over the place, but also many warriors from all over the place are hidden.

The army of the big man descended from the Mowu battleship neatly, and then lined up neatly.

"What a big battleship? This big man is not only a powerful army, but even the navy is so terrifying. It really is an imperial dynasty, and it is the only imperial dynasty in the entire Huawu Continent."

There is a martial artist sighing. It was the first time they saw such a huge battleship, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Compared with the warships of the major countries on the mainland in the past, those are nothing more than toys.

If these warriors knew the true power of this magic warship, it would be even more shocking.

"Look, is this the Han army? It's so mighty."

The sound of exclamation is endless.

A businessman from another country saw the Han army for the first time. When he saw the Han army, the businessman spontaneously compared the Han army with his own country's army. Only after this comparison found that his country's army was just **** and was not worthy of being compared with the big man. Because compared with the big man, their country's army is like a child. Not only does it lack the military capacity of a Han army, but its mighty aura is completely unmatched. It is not difficult to imagine that if the army of a big man fights with the army of their country, it is entirely possible that it is just one-sided.

Moreover, this Han army has experienced the baptism of the war to destroy the Haimozu, and the army's quality and combat effectiveness have been qualitatively improved. This is even more unmatched by other armies.

"Line up, return."

Li Jing led his own army back to the station.

The same goes for Bai Qi, Xiang Yu, and Li Mujun.

Neat black armor, terrible murderous aura. All show that this is an army capable of conquering good combat.


After the successful conquest of the Devil Island, Liu Ce's current prestige is in the Huawu Continent. It can be said which country the big man wants to swallow now. Maybe the people of that country would not need to send troops out of the army, and the people of that country would immediately support the big people and drive those in power from the throne.

but. Now after Liu Ce completed the annexation of the Sea Mozu, his idea of ​​conquering other countries was much weaker. After all, Dahan is now an emperor. Although the Huawu Continent has not completely annexed the territories of other countries, it can be regarded as dominating the Huawu Continent. Which country he wants to perish is a matter of one sentence. In fact, there is no need to do this.

Moreover, Liu Ce has another concern. If the big man really formed the Huawu Continent into his own words, where would he place the temple. Even now Luo Fei doesn't care about him and can tolerate it. But the master of the temple is not lifelong. According to Luo Fei's method, she will be transferred to another place soon. At that time, the new temple master arrived in Huawu Continent. How will Liu Ce get along with each other?

Of course, it was not Liu Ce who was really so afraid of the other party. But Liu Ce also knew. He is now an emperor of a big man, and he can no longer do things so recklessly. And you need to consider what impact his actions will have on Dahan. Some unnecessary disputes, if they can be avoided, try to avoid them. Although Liu Ce conquered the Sea Demon Clan, he was not arrogant to think that the big man he was in was truly invincible in the world.

The Huawu Continent and Demon Island where the big man is located are just a small plane. There is a wider space outside.

During the time when he returned to Dahan, Liu Ce was with his pair of children.

From Liu Ce's expedition to the Haimozu to the return journey, it took two months. Liu Ce has not been worthy of his son for such a long time. Make his son a little strange to him. Fortunately, it seemed that the other party had a blood connection with him, and his son Tianhong was hugged by him, so he didn't cry or make trouble, he just giggled at him and laughed. This is what makes Liu Ce love his son to his bones.

"Your Majesty, it seems that Tianhong really has a relationship with you. At the beginning, when Grandpa hugged him, he would cry."

Murong Qingwu smiled at Liu Ce.

"Hahaha, I'm his father...he dare to cry..."

Liu Ce proudly held Tianhong in his arms.

Perhaps Liu Ce's voice was a little loud, which made Tianhong startled and cried with a "Wow!"

"Your Majesty, you are really scared the baby."

Murong Qingwu quickly took Tianhong from Liu Ce's hand, and glanced at Liu Ce in a strange way, which made Liu Ce a little embarrassed and smirked.


A little thing on the side grabbed his trousers. Liu Ce turned his head and saw that it was a small jade carving, and it was Liu Ce's eldest princess Feng Yi.

Liu Ce's daughter was only three months old, but she would leave and call her father. This talent is no one. While on the earth, Liu Ce knew that the earliest child who could walk was seven months old. But her own daughter was even a few months earlier than the other party, and even called her father.

Of course, this is not too strange. This is the world of martial arts. Children in this world were originally of higher quality than the children on Earth in Liu Ce's previous life. Not to mention that he can walk for three months. If someone tells him that he can walk for one month, Liu Ce would not be surprised at all.

"Good daughter."

Liu Ce hugged Feng Yi up. And habitually pierce each other with his beard. Feng Yi not only didn't care, but giggled.

Wang Xiruo at the side looked at the father and daughter, with a happy smile on his face.


Next day

Dahan Qinzheng Hall

"Two prime ministers, what's the matter for you to enter the palace together? Even Zhang Shangshu is here?"

Liu Ce was also slightly surprised when the three ministers of the big man appeared together.

"Your Majesty, there is indeed something."

As the prime minister of the big man, Wu Qi first spoke with a serious expression.

"Well, go ahead."

Liu Cedao.

"Now the major countries of the entire Huawu Continent are uniting and preparing to elect Your Majesty as the Holy Emperor."

Wu Qidao.

"Holy Emperor?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

In fact, Liu Ce had received this news a long time ago. Liu Ce, who owns three major intelligence agencies. It can be said that the whole Huawu Continent is unparalleled.

But this news, Liu Ce always thought it was just a rumor, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"What do you think?"

Liu Ce pondered.

"Your Majesty, we thought it was a great thing. The officials thought that your Majesty did not plan to unify the entire Huawu Continent by force and become the holy emperor. It was indeed the best result."

Wu Qidao.

"The prime minister, it seems that you haven't persuaded me to unify the entire Huawu mainland?"

Liu Ce looked at Wu Qi and smiled.

Among the army of the big man, the call to unify the entire Huawu mainland by force and become the supreme holy lord is actually very high. However, Liu Ce has not expressed his opinion all the time.

But Wu Qi's heart is like a mirror. Knowing that your Majesty did not intend to unify the entire Huawu Continent. Even he does not support this. The gun hit the bird.

The big man dominates the Huawu Continent, where is the temple. The temple is not alone, there is a heavenly temple above it! Therefore, Wu Qi is actually very much in favor of Liu Ce not unifying the entire Huawu mainland. ,

But there is a contradiction. After all, the big man is essentially the uncrowned king of the first overlord of the entire Huawu Continent. How can he highlight the status of the big man so that he can actually control the resources of the entire Huawu Continent? Originally, Wu Qi was planning to think of a way to make the big man truly sit on this position.

Unexpectedly, Wu Qi didn't have time to implement his plan, but he came to the pillow when he fell asleep. Some people in Huawu Continent began to respect Dahan as the holy emperor, which gave Dahan the opportunity to control the entire Huawu Continent in a righteous manner.

"Weichen also feels that Dahan should not be such an early bird. After all, there is still a temple. If Dahan really starts to prepare for the unification of Huawu Continent, even if the Lord Luofei has a good relationship with us, he will not interfere with us, but After all, it’s impossible for the Lord Luofei to be the Lord of the Temple all the time. When the Lord Luofei leaves, it’s time for us to have an evil with the temple."

Wu Qi said with a serious look.

"Ha! Ha! Ha, Prime Minister Wu Qi, what you said fits my mind."

Liu Ce glanced at Wu Qi and said with a slight smile.

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