The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 872: Skeleton Thieves

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Chongwei's look became more and more respectful.

Although Chongwei has not forgotten that he is a member of the demons, his beliefs have already been changed. Now his belief is that the Emperor of the Han is a great Han.

Now even if Chongwei took the sword to hack the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race, he would not hesitate to do it.

"Very well, tell me everything you know about the demons."

Liu Ce looked at Chongwei.

Then, Chongwei introduced the current situation outside the region to Liu Ce.

Prior to this, Liu Ce's cognition of the outside world was only mentioned by chance when the Lord Luo Fei was chatting casually. But now, under Chongwei's detailed introduction, Liu Ce finally knows the situation outside the territory.

In the extraterritorial world, there are no countries, only sect forces exist. The strongest is naturally the Temple of Heaven. But the Temple of Heaven is just a sub-temple of the star field under the temple.

The temple and the demons are rivals. And the star region where Liu Ce is located in Huawu Continent is called Yunlong Region. The most powerful in this star field, apart from the inextricable temple that is currently fighting against the temple, are the nine major sects.

These nine sects are divided according to their strength. They are Nine Sun Sect, Daxi Gang, Shangyun Sect, Tiandaomen, Luoyue Sect, and Qiankun Sect. Shenniu Gang, the ancient city of Hanhai. Giant Tiger Club.

Together, these forces carve up the entire Yunlong Star Territory.

However, the Yunlong Star Territory is now facing the invasion of the demons. Although the nine major forces have fought against the demons one after another under the leadership of the temple, they still tend to be disadvantaged in the face of the demons in general. The territory of the nine major forces has also shrunk a lot.

Liu Ce was slightly surprised. Although he knew that the Human Race was completely suppressed by the other side facing the Demon Race, he did not expect the situation to be so bad. But now for Liu Ce, he doesn't care too much. According to Luo Fei, the Huawu Continent is the depths of the Yunlong Region. As long as the nine forces are not completely defeated by the demons. It would be impossible for the demons to reach the Huawu Continent. At most, as it is now, several powerful warriors came to the Huawu Continent to test.

"Well, do you know where the treasure of the Emperor God is?"

Liu Ce looked at Chongwei and asked indifferently.

"This is not very clear. Therefore, our demons have to cooperate with your majesty. Because only those who have the approval of this Fang Tiandao, that is, the big movers, will find it easier to find the treasure of the gods."

Chongwei looked at Liu Cedao.

Liu Ce nodded slightly. If you say that, isn't it a great opportunity for yourself. But Fang Tiandao didn't give any hints to himself. Where is the treasure of God Emperor?

A treasure of the emperor. Even Liu Ce was very greedy. Although Dahan now dominates Huawu Continent, Huawu Continent is considered a barren land compared to other star regions. For the country to develop, it will definitely require a lot of resources, especially the training resources of martial artists.

"You go back first. As soon as there is any news about the Huawu Continent, immediately use the transmission talisman to pass me on."

Liu Ce said to Chongwei.

"According to the purpose."

Chongwei spoke and turned away.

"When I have time, I need to go outside to look at it. I have come to Huawu Continent for so long and I haven't left this star field."

Liu Ce sighed.

Of course, Liu Ce knew very well that he didn't go to Outland before, because the warrior who wanted to go to Outland had to reach the semi-sage level with the weakest cultivation base. Only semi-holy is qualified to survive in Outland.

Now Liu Ce, as the pinnacle of the Divine Tribulation Realm, is completely qualified.

After letting Feipeng and Zhonglou leave, Liu Ce began to practice the mind-forging method.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Liu Ce felt that there seemed to be something bursting out of his consciousness sea space. He hurriedly sensed and found that what broke out were the seeds of the law of power and the law of sword domain.

Liu Ce felt that his strength seemed to have increased tremendously. And the sword domain has also expanded a lot.

The so-called sword domain is the range that the sword aura can cover. Sword Realm can be said to be transformed into an invisible prison with sword qi, extremely powerful.

And the awakening of the law of power. It also made Liu Ce feel that his strength was stronger.

Liu Ce could see that the seed of the Law of Power and the Law of Sword in the Sea of ​​Consciousness had grown a seedling. Of course, these two seedlings are just prototypes. There is still a lot of room for improvement.

Liu Ce continued to practice. He wanted to let the seeds of his law burst out.

After all, Liu Ce didn't want to be stuck at the pinnacle of the Divine Tribulation Realm for too long.

Liu Ce continued to practice his heart-forging tactics, and this retreat lasted for ten days.

This is the first time Liu Ce has been in retreat for such a long time. Although for the martial artist, a retreat for ten days at a time is even a little short. But for Liu Ce, the improvement of his cultivation level depends on the system. He rarely came to practice by himself, this time he finally tried what it means to cultivate Wujiazi.

Fortunately, Liu Ce gained a lot from this retreat. The seed of the law of speed, and the seed of the law of illusion, both sprouted. Seedlings are about to emerge. Liu Ce believes that within a month, he will be able to grasp the law of illusion and the law of speed.

"Star Territory, Yunlong Territory?"

Nine major gates, temples and temples?

Luo Fei and Shi Ya also left for a long time and haven't returned any news. I don't know what happened at the moment. Moreover, Liu Ce has never been out of the Star Territory, and he still yearns for the Star Territory.

It's just that even in Liu Ce's previous life, there were very few people who had the opportunity to get out of the planet. However, in this world, it is normal for a generally powerful warrior to get out of the star field.

Because, the powerful warrior in this world has a physique that is countless times stronger than that of the earthlings in the previous life. Can resist all kinds of cosmic rays.

Of course, even so, interstellar travel is not that simple in this world. First of all, there must be an interstellar ship.

Starship, Huawu Continent is only owned by the Temple. Because of the high cost of the interplanetary flying boat, even in the temple, there is only one flying boat. And it's still a small interstellar boat. And it can't cross the star domain. It can only fly in this star field.

After all, if you cross the star field, the material of the flying boat needs to be more solid.

Liu Ce couldn't help but want to take a flying boat out of the Huawu Continent. After all, he also wanted to know what it was like outside of Huawu Continent. After all, Liu Ce must now start outside Huawu Mainland.

Starcraft, Liu Ce's big man does not have it, but it is sold in the system mall. Although the price is indeed very high.

Liu Ce glanced around and found that these flying boats are all very expensive. Those who can only fly within the local star field require 100 million national transport. If it can fly across the star field, it takes a billion.

One billion to buy a starship? Is it a bit extravagant? Or should I just buy the local Star Territory?

Liu Ce hesitated at this moment.

Forget it, let's do it in one step. There is no point in picking those hundreds of millions. The billion-level interstellar spacecraft is also more capable of resisting space storms.

Liu Ce naturally knew the truth about what you pay for. The biggest difference between the local galaxy flying boat and the interstellar space flying boat is actually the defensive degree of the flying boat. When crossing galaxies, ordinary galaxy flying boats will be directly torn apart by that terrible space storm.

"System, I want to buy Golden Dragon One."

Liu Ce said to the system.

The so-called Golden Dragon One is a one-billion-level flying boat.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the purchase of Golden Dragon One is successful. The goods have been distributed to the host's system space, please check the host."

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce nodded slightly.

This time, Liu Ce was going to explore the way. Explore the way for future interstellar activities.

Of course, even the local galaxy is huge. A little carelessness will get lost in the interstellar. Fortunately, before leaving, Luo Fei gave him a star map, which was regarded as a solution to Liu Ce's troubles.

Next day

Liu Ce took Fei Peng, Shui Bi, Chonglou, and the three of them took an interstellar spacecraft to the Outland.

This time. Liu Ce's goal is the nearest water source star to Huawu Continent.

Because it was the first time to ride a flying boat, Liu Ce was also very excited at the moment, full of curiosity about everything.

When Feizhou came to the outermost periphery of Huawu Continent, a huge barrier appeared.

Of course, this is not a real barrier, just a star ring. This star ring played a protective role on Huawu Continent.


The distance between Feizhou trembles a bit.

Soon, the flying boat broke through the star ring and came to outer space.

"This is Star Field."

Liu Ce was very curious.

The Huawu Continent behind him gradually turned into a huge planet.

But before the flying boat, everything was dark.

But Liu Ce knew that the speed of this interstellar spacecraft exceeded the speed of light.

Five hours later

"Your Majesty, there is a flying boat ahead, which seems to be coming for us?"

Shui Bi pointed forward to Liu Ce.


Liu Ce also spotted a black flying boat ahead. The flying boat is very big, almost several times theirs. Of course, this flying boat looks more crude. It should be a flying boat at the level of this galaxy. Not a flying boat across galaxies.

"Pirate Ship?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

He mentioned this notorious pirate when listening to the Lord of the Temple, Luo Fei, introduced this galaxy. The pirate will rob merchants everywhere. And there are three big thieves in Yunlong Domain. They are the Skeleton Thieves Group, the Black Bear Thieves Group, and the Blood Wolf Thieves Group. These three thieves did evil in the entire Yunlong Domain. Of course, these three thief groups are also very winking, they hardly go to rob the nine major sects and temples. It will only target business groups without any background. Or forces other than the nine major sects.

What, why did you ask Liu Ce until this flying boat is a pirate ship, it is naturally because Liu Ce saw the logo on the flying boat. That is a huge black skeleton, this is not what a pirate is.

"Your Majesty, shall we let go?"

Fei Peng asked Liu Ce.

"Get out? A joke, in my dictionary, I haven't let this word rush up and see what the other party wants to do?"

Liu Ce said coldly.

"According to the purpose."

Scaboo nodded.

"The flying boat ahead stopped, otherwise, did we fire?"

An extremely arrogant voice came from the pirate ship.

The flying boat that Liu Ce was on didn't stop, but still flew forward.


The third head of the Skeleton Thieves, Luo Xun, was a little surprised. The guy on the other side seemed a bit clever, so he dared to face their heads with the Skeleton Thieves?

"Shoot and let the other party know how powerful it is."

Rosen said coldly.

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