The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 874: Desolate Beast Pill

It was still early, and Liu Ce took Fei Peng, Zhonglou, and Shui Bi, strolling around Chaoyang City. This is Liu Ce's first trip to another continent. Nature is fresh to everything.

Chaoyang City was built for thousands of years, and the Holy Dragon Kingdom was also built for thousands of years. Naturally, this urban construction is not comparable to the Han Dynasty. The rise of Handu is only a few short years.

Liu Ce was carrying the flying tent, and Zhonglou learned that Chaoyang City had a full population of 20 million people. A well-deserved giant city.

In Liu Ce's previous life, there were only a few cities on Earth that had this number of people. This world is not on a scientific and technological route, but it also has such a large scale, which surprised Liu Ce.

Seven o'clock in the evening

Liu Ce walked into Tianhai Auction House.

"Guest officer, are you here?"

That Xiaosi was the reception here at the moment, because Liu Ce's previous appearance made him extremely impressed with Liu Ce. Therefore, he recognized it immediately.

"Well, I want a good treasure chest."

Liu Cedao.


The little boy's face was full of joy.

There are many VIP boxes at Haihai Auction House on this day. Sometimes it can't be used up. Take out a few to sell, and you can make a lot of profits. After all, there are not many people who are willing to spend 100,000 spars here to book first-class boxes. Therefore, he is more respectful to Liu Ce at this moment.

For Liu Ce, a hundred thousand low-grade spar is not a mere dime. Therefore, he went out without frowning.

Under the leadership of the young man, he entered a treasure chest on the third floor. Box No. 95.

Liu Ce is still very satisfied with the number of this box.

And it really is the first-class box. Not only is it spacious, but the view is also very good, facing the auction room below.

In the auction hall below, many people were sitting in succession at this moment, almost all of them sitting in the same room. An overwhelming group. The better ones on the side are also some decks.


Liu Ce felt a change in the pet space.

Liu Ce released Xiaohuang.

Xiao Huang lay on Liu Ce's shoulder, his little head looked around curiously.

"Hahaha, you fellow, have you sensed that the surrounding environment is different?"

Liu Ce asked with a smile.

"Yes, boss, where is this place?"

Xiaohuang asked.

"This is no longer the Huawu Continent where we are."

Liu Ce said to Xiaohuangdao.

Xiaohuang became more and more curious.

"Boss, Xiaohuang wants to go out for a stroll, and will come back on time to find you."

Xiaohuang smiled at Liu Ce as if to please.

"Well, you can, but you have to be careful."

Liu Ce didn't hesitate too much.

Although Xiaohuang is nominally his favorite of war, he actually treats Xiaohuang as his friend. The opponent who had been staying in his pet space for many years was indeed a little bored. It is also necessary to let Xiaohuang go out and breathe. After so many years, it seems that this is the first time Xiaohuang made such a request, and Liu Ce naturally has no reason to refuse.

"No problem, boss."

After Xiaohuang finished speaking, he turned and flew away.

Xiaohuang is now also a high-level desolate beast. The strength is not weak, as long as it is not encountered with a warrior above the holy robbery, it is impossible to do it. And Liu Ce didn't worry that Xiaohuang would not find himself. So, I didn't care too much. Anyway, he knew that Xiaohuang had a chance to know the proper measure, and he could not come back if he didn't know how to play.

However, Liu Ce didn't know that the people of the Skeleton Thieves Group were frantically looking for his whereabouts. After all, it was the third master of the Skeleton Thieves group who died, not a normal young man.

After searching for a period of time, the Skeleton Thieves Group also set their sights on Shuiyuan Star.

It's not that this water source star is special, it's just that this water source star is, after all, the nearest human region nearby. Since Liu Ce's flying boat did not appear anywhere else, it is very likely to appear on the water source star.

Therefore, Meng Jie, the second master of the Skeleton Thieves Group, led a dozen masters of the Skeleton Thieves Group, and entered the Holy Dragon Dynasty in disguise.

In fact, Meng Jie didn't know where Liu Ce had gone. After all, this Sacred Dragon God Dynasty was a unified continent. The area is huge, with countless cities. He just follows the thinking of a normal passing passenger. Going to a unified country will definitely go to the prosperous place of the National Organizing Committee. The most prosperous place of the Holy Dragon God Dynasty is naturally his imperial capital, Chaoyang City.

Liu Ce didn't care too much, he was in the auction house now.

Soon, at seven o'clock, the auction began.

The boxes around Liu Ce were almost full of people. Each of them has a strong breath, and it is clear that they are all powerful warriors. He even sensed the existence of martial artists in the Divine Tribulation Realm.

The first round of auctions began.

Liu Ce didn't care too much. Although he has not been to Shuiyuan Xing before, it does not mean that he has not participated in the auction. There will hardly be any good things in the first round. It's just an appetizer.

Sure enough, the first round was just selling some relatively ordinary martial arts, exercises, and some spiritual weapons. Although Liu Ce did not bid, these things were of little use to Liu Ce.

Not only Liu Ce, but even the VIPs in the boxes around Liu Ce didn't make any moves. Obviously, they didn't like these things. Those who can enter these boxes are either rich or expensive. Naturally, I won't be attracted by these ordinary things.

The second round began. The second round is more distinctive, with some medicinal materials.

In front of Liu Ce's box, there is even a light screen projection.

Liu Ce tut praised. The world is really interesting. It is not a technological civilization, but it is a means that can be used.

Liu Ce didn't care about these medicinal materials. Dahan has no shortage of medicinal materials. And he doesn't have any needs in this regard, he needs medicinal materials, so naturally the following people will do it for him.

However, after auctioning a few medicinal plants, Liu Ce discovered that one of them was familiar.

This is a flaming red medicinal plant, which looks weird. It looks like a hand, a hand that looks weird and deformed.

"Where did you see it?"

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

Liu Ce never forgets, but although he has an impression of this medicinal material, he doesn't know where he has seen it.

"By the way, that guy asked me to find something?"

Liu Ce suddenly thought of something.

The guy who was in love with the younger brother gave him an atlas. There were a lot of medicinal materials in this atlas, and Liu Ce flipped through it almost casually. Therefore, I am not very impressed with these medicinal materials. But remembering it at this moment, it is sure that it is the thing on the atlas.

"Hehe, that's a big boss. Even if I don't need to exchange some law seeds with him, as a big boss who can slaughter the gods wantonly, there should still be a lot to change. As for what to change, let the other party have a headache."

Liu Ce smiled lightly.

Liu Ce also felt very fortunate that the medicinal materials that the other party cherished, in his dimension, were auctioned at random in the business, and it was only the second round. If you let that guy know, it is estimated that the other person will vomit blood.

"This is Demon King's Grass. Have you ever noticed that this Demon King's Grass looks like a Demon King's hand. So, this is where the name of the Demon King's Grass comes from. It is produced in the extremely yin land. It is the best medicine for alchemy."

An auctioneer with a somewhat blessed stature spit out.

"The starting price is 10,000 lower-grade spars, and each increase must not be less than 1,000 lower-grade spars."

The auctioneer said.

"Twenty thousand."

"Thirty thousand..."

Soon, the price rose to one hundred thousand, and the competition was still fierce. Obviously, this devil's grass is indeed a good medicine for alchemy.

However, after 100,000 low-grade spars, there are many fewer bidders.

"Two hundred thousand!"

A low voice said.

The people at the scene were slightly shocked. Soon the auctioneer realized that the bidder had come from Box No. 95. He immediately looked happy.

This is the first time for the nobles of these VIP boxes to bid today. In the past, the joining of these VIP boxes would require after the third round. But it is also good to intervene early.

The 200,000 low-grade spar, obviously in the eyes of these people, greatly exceeded their reserve price. Therefore, the final word.

Liu Ce photographed this medicinal plant as he wished.

Next, dozens of medicinal materials were auctioned off, and Liu Ce fully photographed nine medicinal materials here. These are all that guy needs.

Liu Ce spent a lot of manpower and material resources in Huawu Continent to search, and he didn't expect to find several kinds in this auction house. It seems that the dimension of that guy is really barren. Even this kind of medicinal materials can't be found. Otherwise, with the strength of that big brother, there would be no need to find someone to trade.

However, Liu Ce only found nine medicinal plants. But he didn't care, this was just one of the continents, and he would go to other continents in the future. From the conversation with that big man, Liu Ce knew that the other party should still lack the medicinal materials now, and he won't get it all together for a while, and he still has time. Going to other continents in the future, just pay more attention.

The third round of auctions began.

Originally, Liu Ce thought that in this round, he would not encounter any good things. The auctioneer asked a maid to walk out with a silver-white plate.

"Everyone might be wondering what's on my plate? This is a wild beast pill. As long as your battle pet is still at the level of a wild beast, serving the wild beast pill will be enough to raise your wild beast to a big level. "

The auctioneer smiled.

"Desolate Beast Pill?"

Liu Ce's eyes lit up.

Because Xiaohuang is now a high-level wild beast, isn't it because this pill is also useful for it. At this moment, Liu Ce was already secretly preparing to photograph this desolate beast pill for Xiaohuang.

Now Xiaohuang is a little slow to upgrade his level. Moreover, his current cultivation base has jumped by a large margin, and he has reached the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm, and the current Xiaohuang has already widened the gap in strength relative to himself. If this desolate beast pill was photographed for Xiaohuang, it would be enough to greatly improve Xiaohuang's strength.

The little emperor had helped him a lot before. While Liu Ce improved his cultivation, he would naturally not forget the little emperor who worked hard for him.

"How do we know if this desolate beast pill is real?"

A voice came from VIP Box No. 49.

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