The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 877: Encounter the Skeleton Thieves Again

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Several guards suddenly burst into blood mist.

The girl who had wrapped around the prince also died tragically on the spot.


The prince of God Mu Feng was extremely shocked. Even the girl was terrified.

"Who are you guys who dare to kill the people in this palace."

After all, Mu Feng, the prince of the gods, quickly recovered his calmness. In his opinion, this is the **** of the gods of the holy dragon, and these people, no matter how bold, would not dare to do anything against him.

"Not only them, but you also have to die."

Liu Ce smiled coldly.

"you dare."

Feeling the killing intent on Chonglou, the prince Mu Feng looked horrified.


Liu Ce said lightly.


Chonglou slapped Mu Feng with a palm.

In an instant, Mu Feng felt that a terrifying palm print fell on the Void Pat and blinked in front of him.

"Shenzhen Realm?"

Mu Feng was extremely shocked.

As the prince of the gods, Mu Feng was naturally not weak, and he was also a cultivation base that reached the peak of the holy realm, but there was still a big gap with the gods transformed.


Before Mu Feng could shout, he was slapped to pieces.

"Hmm, right?"

Chonglou seemed to sense something.

Sure enough, the next breath. Mu Feng appeared a few miles away.

"Treasure for death?"

Liu Ce was slightly surprised. But thinking that the other party was the prince of the gods, some life-saving treasures couldn't be more normal. However, perhaps it was because the warrior of Chonglou, the God-Transforming Realm, was the one who killed the opponent, and one palm exhausted most of the energy of this treasure, so that the treasure could only be transmitted for less than three miles.

For a high-ranking martial artist, Sanli only took a few breaths.

"If you want to go, I have to ask this seat."

The Chonglou naturally wouldn't let Mu Feng just run away like this. His body shook, and the next breath appeared in front of Mu Feng. At the same time, the power of the heavy building blocked the surrounding space. Worried about what treasure the other party would use to escape.

Chonglou is an expert who plays with the power of space, using the power of space to directly block the surrounding void.

Sure enough, Chonglou's move was still right. Mu Feng immediately took out the Great Moving Talisman and wanted to rely on the Great Moving Talisman to leave, but the heavy building blocked the surrounding space, causing his Great Moving Talisman to fail.

"Ah, how is it possible, why can't my big shifter be used anymore?"

Watching Chonglou slapped his palm to where he was, Mu Feng looked desperate.

"You are merciful."

A stern voice sounded.

But how can Chonglou listen, your majesty's orders are as heavy as Mount Tai.

"Boom!" A sound.

Chonglou slapped the prince to death, and his shattered body fell to the ground with his eyes wide open.

"You **** it."

A voice of despair came from the void.

This is an old man with white beard and hair. The whole body exudes a vast breath.

"You dare to kill the prince, go to heaven and earth, no one can keep you, go to death."

The old man patted the body of the heavy building with a palm.

"Burn the palm!"

A terrifying palm obscures the sky. As if to tear the entire void into pieces.

It seems to sense the breath of the old man. Chonglou was very disdainful.

"Just you, dare to be so arrogant in front of this seat?"

Chonglou smiled disdainfully, and greeted him with a palm.


The palms meet.


The old man's complexion changed suddenly. He felt that his power was swept back by a stronger force in an instant.


The old man flew upside down like a broken kite. The defensive gas shield on his body shattered in an instant. The powerful force hit him fiercely.

"Bang!" there was a sound.

The old man smashed his whole body to the ground, smashing a big hole directly on the ground.


The white-haired old man couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You... Are you a God Transformation Realm?"

The old man looked at the heavy building in shock.

It can be said that the strongest person of the Holy Dragon God Dynasty is only the Transcendent God Realm, but he did not expect that the young man who looked shameless in front of him was the Transcendent God Realm.


Chonglou didn't bother to pat the other side nonsense.


There was a hole in the old man's original place, and he couldn't die anymore.

"A peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm, dare to beep with me?"

Chonglou disdainfully said.

Chonglou flew away immediately.

It was not long after the Chonglou left.

A group of people arrived.

It is Mu Chen, the seventh prince of Shen Dynasty, who is headed.

"Well, what about those people before?"

Mu Chen gritted his teeth.

"Seven princes, there seems to be a big battle here before?"

The Seventh Prince's cronies were a little surprised.

"Look, lots of corpses."

Someone shouted.

Although many people were beaten into blood mist, some of their limbs remained.

"This... is this big brother?"

When the Seventh Prince saw a familiar corpse on the ground, he stepped back a few steps in shock. The look was horrified.

The Seventh Prince Mu Chen knew that his eldest brother was the prince of the Shen Dynasty. There is also the protection of the **** guard of the peak of the holy realm. But now they are all dead.

The Seventh Prince's eyes were wide, and he muttered: "Something has happened, the sky is falling apart."

The seventh prince knew exactly who did it, obviously it was done by the group with whom he had conflicted at the auction house before. It's just that the seventh prince was cautious and asked the people of the Shen family to try the other side's details first. Unexpectedly, the other party ran into his eldest brother. If it was me that I ran into at the time.

Thinking of this, the Seventh Prince couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"Immediately go back to report to the emperor father, wanted the previous person."

The Seventh Prince gritted his teeth.


At this moment, Liu Ce's flying boat has already taken off.

The airspace connecting the outer domains of the Holy Dragon Dynasty is not controlled. In fact, although the Holy Dragon Dynasty is called the gods, his strength is not strong enough to control the entire water source star's airspace.

"Is it really lingering?"

Liu Ce looked at the skeleton flying boat ahead. The eyes condensed.

The ten flying boats were already surrounded by the Sword Supreme.

"Hahahaha, today|you can hardly fly."

A warrior floating in the void is really Meng Jie, the second master of the Skull Thieves.

Outside Chaoyang City, where the Shuiyuan Star was chased, traces of Liu Ce's landing in a flying boat were found. Therefore, they confirmed that Liu Ce and others had entered Chaoyang City. Although they entered Chaoyang City, they did not find Liu Ce and others. Therefore, they began to sit back and wait.

"Are you going to catch it yourself, or wait for us to do it?"

Meng Jie asked coldly.

This time, Meng Jie mobilized the best players in the Skeleton Thieves Group. Except for the leader who guarded the Skeleton Thieves Group, almost all the strong players in the Skeleton Thief Group came.

The early stage of the three transformations of the gods

Ten Divine Tribulation Realms

Dozens of holy realm peaks.

The vastness of the breath enveloped the void of the entire Holy Dragon God Dynasty.

Mu Zhennan, the great emperor of the Holy Dragon God Dynasty, had just received the news of the fall of the prince. Being extremely sad, ready to mobilize masters to find the murderer. Unexpectedly, he sensed the ruining breath of Void.

This is a few warriors of the God Realm. It made Mu Zhennan's expression extremely horrified, he naturally knew. The warriors outside this region are very strong, although from time to time there are warriors from outside the water source star, but in the final analysis. The Holy Dragon God Dynasty has not yet reached the strength of interstellar. Although his strength is in the realm of transforming gods, it is far inferior to the toughness of the warriors outside the territory.

Mu Zhennan immediately appeared above the palace, looking in the direction that breath came from. Fortunately, Mu Zhennan discovered that the other party didn't seem to be coming for the Holy Dragon God. Two waves of warriors are facing each other.


Mu Chen pointed to one of the figures in the void, and said excitedly: "Father, that person, that person killed the eldest brother, you must avenge your eldest brother."

Originally, Mu Chen thought that his performance would be very gratifying to the emperor, and then immediately summoned the martial artist to avenge his elder brother. But the next scene made Mu Chen dazed.

"Shut up, I won't mention revenge anymore."

Mu Zhennan said with a serious expression.

At this moment, Mu Zhennan's expression was extremely solemn. He naturally knew that neither of these two parties could provoke one of them. If you still seek revenge from the other party, it is purely seeking death for the Holy Dragon God.


Although Mu Chen's heart was horrified, he still hurriedly agreed.

In the void at this moment, Liu Ce and others were suspended outside the flying boat. Feipeng, Zhonglou, and Shuibi surrounded Liu Ce and were responsible for protecting him.

Fluttershy stayed in the Supreme as usual.

"Have you finished talking about the nonsense? You can go on the road after you finish talking."

Liu Ce said blankly.

"Find death, go to me, kill them."

Ten Divine Tribulation Realms and 30 Saint Realm peak warriors gathered around Liu Ce and others from all directions.

At the same time, the two warriors of the transforming gods also locked the murderous aura to Liu Ce and others.

"Holding the sky!"

Shui Bi played the magic trick.

The speed is extremely fast. The holy breath radiated from her body in all directions.


Void energy boiled, and the phantom of a giant city appeared in the void.

The forty warriors who had pounced on Liu Ce and others were all suppressed by the power of the giant city of the void.

Except for the ten martial artists of the Divine Tribulation Realm who were able to move, the other holy realm warriors could not bear the pressure at all, and began to explode into blood mist.


Liu Cezhan's divine sword was unsheathed.


This sword is almost at its extreme. There are no tricks, but it contains extremely terrifying power, as if at that moment, the entire void will be torn apart under this sword.

Thirty temple martial artists, ten Divine Tribulation Realm martial artists, simply do not have any resistance under this sword. Of course, this is also because they are completely under the suppression of the water green magic power.

Liu Ce is the pinnacle of the Divine Tribulation Realm, especially the law of power. This increased his strength a lot. Most of these people are inferior to him in strength, how could they be able to block his sword.


Naturally, Meng Jie and the other two warriors in the transformation of the gods would not watch their own people being killed, they were about to stop them.

"Your opponent is us."

Fei Peng and Zhonglou swayed, intercepting the three of them.

Liu Ce swept down with a sword, and the sword domain enveloped all the warriors of the Skeleton Thieves Group.


The terrifying sword aura swallowed those warriors completely in an instant.

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