The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 893: Celestial Treasure Chest

"This one……"

The deputy master of the Temple of Heaven hesitated.

"Why, there is a problem?"

The young man in white glanced at the deputy hall master faintly.

"No problem, it's just that this matter can be handled by the subordinates, why don't the son go through it himself."

Deputy Hall Master Road.

"It's okay, the treasure of the gods is very important to this son. Don't be careless. It is said that the demons have already heard the wind. Naturally, this son cannot be left behind."

The white-clothed youth said lightly.

"Yes, son."

The deputy master of the Tiansheng Temple is extremely respectful.

Although the Temple of Heaven is the giant of the Yunlong Region, it is the head boss of the Temple. But the Temple of Heaven is actually just a sub-temple. In front of the temple of the real behemoth, it was just ants. But the young man in white is the grandson of the elder of the temple. Although only the grandson of an ordinary elder, the other party still has the right to take the life and death of the lower heavenly temple, which is far from what he can offend.


The deputy head of the Tiansheng Temple suddenly sensed someone outside and immediately shouted.

"Tea delivery."

There was a whistling sound from outside.


The deputy hall master opened the door of the room and found a woman who looked like her thirtysomething standing outside. If Liu Ce were here at this moment, he would definitely recognize that the other party had left the temple master Luo Fei of Huawu Continent before. But never thought that in a short period of time, Luo Fei turned out to be an attendant delivering tea.

"Go down."

The deputy hall master seemed to recognize Luo Fei's identity, and when he found that there was no problem, he waved his hand to let the other party leave.

"Young Master You, this is our best cloud tea in Yunlongyu. It is harvested once in five hundred years. It is extremely rare."

The deputy hall master smiled.


The white-clothed youth nodded faintly, took a sip, and frowned slightly, "It's just ordinary, it's not as magical as you said."

"Yes, yes, our Yunlong Territory is just a remote country. Even if it is the best spirit tea, it is just ordinary in front of the son."

The way of flattery by the deputy hall master.

"Well, make arrangements as soon as possible, this son does not want to delay major events."

The white-clothed youth said lightly.


The deputy hall master hurriedly said.

After Luo Fei walked out of the room, she couldn't calm down. Knowing that the other party was heading for Huawu Continent, she knew that she could not sit idly by. After all, she still owes a lot of favor to the Emperor of Han. The big man who came this time came from the temple and was extremely powerful. And the deputy hall master will also participate. Such a lineup is definitely not something that Emperor Han can resist. Therefore, Luo Fei prepared to warn Emperor Han in advance.

Dahan Han Palace

Liu Ce frowned slightly. This is the second time he has received a warning. The first one is the talisman he sent from the Anzi Chongwei of the Demon Race.

The demons are coming to the Huawu Continent again. This is naturally not a good thing for Liu Ce.

Unexpectedly, misfortunes never come singly. Not only the Demon Race, but this time even the Temple of Heaven has to come here. This time, it was a big figure who came from the temple and fell in love with the treasures of the Saint Emperor of Huawu Continent.

"Huh, Huawu Continent is all taken as a dish. But then you have to ask me."

Liu Ce muttered.

Although Liu Ce did not know the strength of the opponent, he also knew that the strength of the people who came this time was definitely not weak. If this is the case, the big man will be in trouble. The most powerful combat power of the big man now is Young Master Void, the cultivation base of the peak of the God Realm. But the demons and those who came to the Temple of Heaven are likely to surpass this cultivation level.

It seems that we must continue unpacking. I hope that there will be a few warriors who are above the realm of transforming the gods.

"This time, it needs heavy bleeding."

Liu Ce frowned.

If we say that the treasure chest of the Earth God order needs 6.4 billion national fortune. Next time, the treasure chest of the God-level will require 12.8 billion national luck. Doubled again.

This almost consumed more than half of the national fortune that Liu Ce had accumulated. This makes Liu Ce quite helpless.

However, this is a chance out of the box. Otherwise, if Liu Ce wants to buy a warrior in the Divine Realm in the system mall, he should never think about it without a national fortune of more than 100 billion.

Therefore, this time it takes 12.8 billion yuan to unpack the box. But Liu Ce still didn't hesitate.

"System, I want to open the heavenly god-level treasure chest."

Liu Cedao.

"Ding! The host is sure to use 12.8 billion national fortune to open the treasure chest of the gods?"

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce read silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully opening the Heavenly God-level treasure chest."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the Intermediate Doom +1"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the Intermediate Lucky Charm +1"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the chance to increase the great realm of the designated **** and demon +10 (one person is limited to one time, and the promotion is limited to the realm of the god.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the training tower +1"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the Summoning Card of Tu Xing Sun +1"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get Xiao Sheng's summoning card +1"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get Cao Bao Summoning Card +1"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the artifact fragment +1"


Hey, this time the system is so refreshing and gave me three summoning cards?

Liu Ce was really taken aback this time. In the previous system, excluding the summoned army, only one Summoning Card of Gods and Demons would be given, but this time three cards were given.

Moreover, the three of Xiao Sheng, Cao Bao, and Tuxing Sun were no longer the same wooden zhas they used to be, they were just playing soy sauce in the Conferred God World. It is a person with a name and a surname in the world of Conferred Gods. Needless to say, Tuxing Sun. Carrying the immortal ropes, however, caused the Xiqi army to suffer for a while.

Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao's money is also very powerful.

Liu Ce looked at the attributes of the three. Sure enough, it was the cultivation base of the Divine Realm. But it was only the early stage of the Divine Realm.

Some people may think that the cultivation system of these three people is too high. How can there be a God Realm? In Fengshen World, these three are not big coffees either?

In fact, Liu Ce also had some doubts at first. But in the end, it occurred to me that the three of them were all true gods after being enshrined.

Tu Xing Sun is Tu Fu Xing Jun. Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao were also named Tianzun Nazhen and Tianzun Zhaobao respectively. It can be said that the three of them are real gods. This moment should be the most powerful time.

Liu Ce checked the other rewards.

Intermediate Doom:

This thing, Liu Ce had gotten an elementary one before. It can be said that although it is only a beginner level, it is used well and the effect is also effective. At that time, he immediately took away the Master Flamingo from the half-step Divine Realm.

Intermediate Lucky Charm: This thing is also extremely valuable, it is of the kind that works well and has infinite effects. It's all a good thing.

Seeing the third thing, Liu Ce's eyes lit up.

The designated gods and demons have ten chances to improve their realm.

And this time, there is no limit to the realm of the gods and demons, which means that all the gods and demons can come to upgrade at once. Of course, the system will not be unlimited. A **** and demon can only be promoted once.

Even so, this reward is definitely not worse than the previous one. Even more practical. For example, Young Master Void can be directly promoted to the Divine Master Realm. Because in the system to improve the cultivation base, there is no half-step, only a complete state. Therefore, the emptiness can be directly promoted from the late stage of the God Realm to the early stage of the God Lord realm.

Cultivation Tower: A place where the vitality of heaven and earth is a hundred times that of the outside world. The time ratio with the outside can be set inside. One day compared to one year (need 10 million lower-grade spars, and each **** and demon can only enter once a month) one day compared to ten years (need 10 million middle-grade spars, every three months, each **** and demon It can be entered once) per day compared to a hundred years (10 million high-grade spars are required. Every six months, each **** and demon can enter once.)

Liu Ce's eyes lit up, this is a good thing. Nowadays, there is no shortage of gods and demons, but what is lacking is the foundation. After all, the time for the rise of the big man is too short. But the strong ones encountered are getting stronger and stronger. There are not too many opportunities for the gods and demons of the big man to grow up. But if there is a training tower, this time cannot be greatly shortened. Therefore, the training tower is no worse than the previous treasures for Liu Ce.

After passing the three gods and demons, Liu Ce saw the fragment of the artifact. In the very early days, when Liu Ce opened the box, he had obtained a lot of it, and he almost forgot that he still had a lot of artifact fragments. It's just that until now, Liu Ce didn't know what was the use of this artifact fragment he got.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has obtained ten artifact fragments. Does it consume 100 million national fortune for fusion repair? After fusion repair, there is a great chance of obtaining the artifact."

The system prompt sounds.

"Can fuse repair?"

Liu Ce's eyes lit up. If this is the case, it is natural to merge. Sacred tool, it's awesome when you hear it.

Although it takes 100 million yuan for the national transport, the value of the input compared to the output is still profitable.


Liu Ce said silently in his heart.


Liu Ce found that in his sea of ​​consciousness, ten clusters of light shining with brilliance were spliced ​​together in the void.

"This fusion repair process will take about ten days, please be patient with the host."

The system prompt sounds.

Ten days?

Liu Ce was slightly surprised.

This system is very fast. Unexpectedly, it will take ten days. It seems that repairing the fusion artifact this time is not trivial, even the system will take a while.

Instead, Liu Ce looked forward to it.

"System, I want to summon Tuxing Sun, Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao."

Liu Ce said to the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, Xiao Sheng, Cao Bao, Tuxing Sun will arrive after a stick of incense."

The system prompt sounds.

Liu Ce suddenly thought that the immortal rope tied to this native grandson was in his own hands. I don’t know if he was summoned by himself, is there any immortal rope tied?

Seems to be aware of Liu Ce's thoughts. The system suddenly took the initiative to answer.

"Host, but don't worry, the Tuxing grandson summoned this time is of another dimension and does not conflict with the host."

System Road.

"Oh, the system means that this native grandson will also have immortal ropes?"

Liu Ce asked.

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