The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 896: Early stage of the Transcendent Realm


The emptiness son threw Hulk towards Shuibi, and Shuibi controlled it.

Looking at You Yufeng who was already embarrassingly landing on the flying boat.


The empty man's figure shook, and the whole person flew towards the flying boat of the heavenly temple like a ghost.

You Yufeng was already frightened and weakened when he saw that Vice-Hallmaster Qi Hao and several of his own guards were killed. At this moment, he was no longer as calm as before. I just hope that Yu can leave here soon.

"Damn Emperor Han, as long as I leave here, I will definitely not let you go, Emperor Han... Emperor Han..." You Yufeng roared bitterly.

"Really? Then you should stay."

The voice of the empty son said.


You Yufeng was shocked.

"Old Wu, stop him quickly."

You Yufeng escorted the only remaining guard around him.

This old Wu was originally an old man next to You Yufeng's father, but he was sent to protect him later in order to protect his safety. The strength is far stronger than the other guards around You Yufeng.


Mr. Wu couldn't help sighing on his thin face. He naturally knew that he would die if he went like this, but You Yufeng's father was kind to him, he let himself take care of his son, and he must complete the task no matter what.

After thinking about it, Wu Lao's face showed determination.


A powerful breath erupted from Old Wu's body.

It turned out to be the early stage of the God Realm. ,

This cultivation base is already very powerful.

The airflow around it seemed to have been greatly affected, and it was surging crazily.

But this can't affect the emptiness at all. Even the slightest wave in his heart could not be caused.


The emptiness took a picture with a palm.

Well, he didn't even display the emptiness swordsmanship that Prince Void was proud of. Because in his opinion, the opponent is not qualified to die under his emptiness swordsmanship.


Old Wu originally thought that he could at least slightly block the opponent by doing his best. But now I didn't expect the other party to be the pinnacle of the Divine Master Realm. The gap between himself and the opponent is really too big, and he is not even qualified to fight.


Under the palm of the other party, Mr. Wu was instantly wiped out.

At this moment, the flying boat in the Temple of Heaven has already taken off from the sky. Fly towards the sky.

"Want to go?"

The emptiness snorted coldly, and patted the sky with a palm.

This palm covers the sky and the sun.

The horrible palm prints stretched across the void, covering the flying boat of the Heavenly Temple.

"Do not……"

You Yufeng, who was in the flying boat, originally thought that the flying boat would fly out with all strength and hope to escape the catastrophe, but unexpectedly saw a palm coming across the void. There was a look of despair on his face.

"Boom!" A sound.

Under this terrifying palm, the flying boat was instantly wiped out.

Since then, the Demon Race and the Heaven Temple and his party have all been wiped out.

Holy City Temple

"How is it possible that the strength of this big man has reached this point?"

Du Qian, the new lord of the temple, looked a little pale.

If it was said that Du Qian had the ambition to compete with Liu Ce before, after all, Du Qian was backed by the Heavenly Temple, with a strong background. But now that the big man, under the joint suppression of the two major forces of the Tiansheng Temple and the Demon Race, is still fighting back, and even wiped out the people of the Tiansheng Temple and the Demon Race, Du Qian's heart is frightened. The original ambitions suddenly extinguished. After all, he knew very well how ridiculous he was in front of Liu Ce when he was proud. The opponent can kill himself by flipping his hands. What he can do now is to keep a low profile and then a low profile, without attracting the attention of Emperor Han. Otherwise, the opponent can kill himself at will.

As everyone knows, Liu Ce at the moment did not pay attention to Du Qian at all.

Although the two offensives of the Tiansheng Temple and the Mozu were eliminated, the big man turned the crisis into peace, and Liu Ce also stated his position. But Liu Ce knew that by doing this, the big man had completely offended the Demon Race and the Heavenly Temple. If so, the Heavenly Temple and the Demon Race might make a comeback. After all, the other party would not easily give up the treasure of the Holy Emperor.

Dahan Han Palace

Liu Ce stood with his hands behind his back and stood in front of the window sill of the Imperial Study Room, his expression still extremely solemn. After all, he is not alone, carrying the entire Dahan and even Huawu Continent on his shoulders.

With a heart move, Liu Ce entered a different space.

The alien space at this moment has already changed a lot, after devouring endless demonic souls, souls, and primordial spirits. This different space is expanding every day.

From the original small town, a small city, now it has expanded to at least one small country laughs. There are even rivers and lakes.

What surprised Liu Ce most was that there seemed to be some stars in the sky. But these stars do not have the sun or the moon. This makes him a little helpless.

Without the sun and the moon, there would be no way for life to appear in this world. Naturally, Liu Ce, who came from a previous life, knew this truth very well.

"It doesn't matter, the progress of this different space is beyond my imagination. It may not be long before this world will become an independent world."

Liu Ce muttered.

On the next breath, Liu Ce returned to the outside world.

During the next period of time, Dahan developed rapidly. Both hard power and soft power have made great progress.

Especially the cultivation tower has become a place where the big Han gods and demons flock to. Because the first wave of cultivation will be borne by the state, so every day the cultivation tower is full. This also allowed the great man's **** and devil cultivation base to progress extremely fast. After all, even if it is the shortest time, it can reach the level of one day and one year. Stay for ten days, that is ten years. Ten years is not a long time for the gods and demons who need to retreat, but it is not short.

Therefore, even if it is the training room of the training tower for one day and one year, many gods and demons are moved.

Every **** and demon who retreats from the training room of the training tower has made great progress in strength. Especially the gods and demons who came out of retreat in the high-level cultivation room, the weakest cultivation base, can improve the cultivation base of a great realm.

And Liu Ce didn't choose to enter the training room. His biggest problem now is to get the ten rules to Dzogchen. Fortunately, now with Yuanjing, Liu Ce's speed has also entered the fast lane.

Finally, a month later, with the help of hundreds of source crystals, Liu Ce finally made all his ten rules to perfection.

"Finally Dzogchen is complete, which is great."

Liu Ce sat cross-legged on the bed, opened his eyes and looked happy.

At the peak of the Divine Tribulation Realm, Liu Ce had also been stuck for several months. Although a few months is nothing to some powerful warriors, and it is even a kind of negligible amount. But for Liu Ce, it's still a long time, after all, for him, time doesn't wait for me. Naturally, I don't want to waste this time.

I don't know if Liu Ce has mastered his mind after the Dzogchen Dzogchen. His Taishang Demon God Technique actually achieved a breakthrough. Successfully advanced to the peak of the second layer.

Liu Ce immediately checked his attributes

Occupation: Emperor Han

Cultivation methods: Xuanwu Body Forging Jue (the ninth layer of the peak) Emperor Dao Shenglong Jue, the Taishang Demon God Jue (the second layer of peak)

Cultivation: the pinnacle of the gods

Martial Skills: Hundred Sword Jue (Transformation Realm) Dou Zhuan Xingyi (Transformation Realm) Xiao Li Feidao (Transaction Realm) Galaxy Breaking Fist (Transaction Realm) Fengshen Leg (Transmutation Realm) Stealing Heaven, Changing the Sun and Seizing Sword Style (Dacheng)...Sword Twenty-Three (Consummation)

Secret Method: Promise Fury (Dacheng)

Physique 315

Summon Gods and Demons: Guan Yu, Yuhuatian, Lu Bu, Mangui, Sima Buping, Duan Tianya, Dugu Qiuqiu, Gan Mingzhu, Absolute Wushen, Sete, Worshiping the Lord of the Moon, Yuwentuo, Wuming...

Martial arts points: 800

Treasure Box: None

National Transport: 48045423200

Available National Shipping: 6627632000

"Added five physical points, enough to break through."

Liu Ce nodded in satisfaction.

"System, I want to improve my cultivation."

Liu Ce said to the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, I have succeeded in upgrading my cultivation base, my current level, in the early stage of God transformation." The system prompt sounded.


A horrible energy burst into Liu Ce's body. As if breaking some kind of shackles.

This force is new, but extremely powerful.

About an hour later

Liu Cecai finally adapted to this current force.

"At the beginning of the transformation of the gods, I can finally do a big job."

Liu Ce muttered.

Liu Ce had just walked out of the imperial study room and found that Wang Chun had already been outside.

"Well, something?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Your Majesty, please see Xiao En, Shangshu."

Wang Chundao.

"Hube Shangshu?"

Liu Ce nodded and said, "Let him come to the Palace of Qinzheng."

Qinzheng Hall

"Sean, what's the matter, come in such a hurry?"

Liu Ce looked at Xiao En and asked.

"Your Majesty, the amount of spar used in cultivating towers is more than one billion per day, which is equivalent to lower-grade spar. We Dahan Treasury will not last for many days. Your Majesty, if this continues, our Dahan Treasury will not last long."

Xiao En looked at Liu Ce with a wry smile.

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, is it possible to postpone the matter of cultivating the tower?"

Xiao En looked at Liu Ce tentatively.

"No, the matter of cultivating the tower is very important, and it must not be slowed down. Strength is the foundation of everything in the big man."

Liu Ce resolutely said.


Sean is a bit bitter. He naturally knew that the matter decided by His Majesty would rarely be changed.

"Xiao En, tell me honestly, if we follow the consumption of our current cultivation tower, how many days can the Dahan Treasury last?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Well, the Dahan Treasury was still very abundant before, and the daily Dahan had an account. But the consumption of this cultivation tower is still amazing. Forget it, it’s enough to last for a month. This is still added to the temple. The compensation here."

Sean said.

"What, is it only a month?"

Liu Ce frowned.

"Your Majesty, this is the result of the old minister's calculation."

Xiao En said sternly to Liu Ce.

"Okay, you go back as usual. I will think of a solution about this spar."

Liu Ce said to Xiao En.


Xiao En looked at His Majesty very stubbornly and had no choice but to agree.

After Xiao En left, Liu Ce secretly thought: It seems that he can only find a way to find the treasure of the Emperor. If you can find the treasure of the God Emperor, you can at least survive the first wave of consumption of this cultivation tower.

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