"Febbon, heavy building, you are responsible for stationing at Skeleton Star."

Liu Ce gave orders to Feipeng and Chonglou.

"According to the purpose."

Fei Peng and Chonglou took the lead at the same time.

Now the role of Skeleton Star as an outpost is complete, and there will be scaburi and heavy buildings stationed here. Although not foolproof, in Liu Ce's view, security is still great.

However, Liu Ce still felt a little troublesome every time he had to take a flying boat. If you can get here right away, it would be perfect. To solve this problem, the only way is to interstellar teleportation array.

But Liu Ce would not arrange the interstellar teleportation array.

"System, is there a method for interstellar teleportation in the mall?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Yes, but the host needs to be the formation master of the holy rank peak to be able to set up the formation?"

System Road.

"Um, Holy Order Formation Daoist?"

Liu Ce was speechless.

Daoist formations are divided into mortal ranks and mysterious ranks, holy ranks and gods.

Liu Ce's current formation strength is also the Profound Rank, and it is still the Profound Rank that has just broken through. It seems that there is not much difference with the holy rank, but Liu Ce is very clear. It is temporarily impossible for oneself to break through to the holy robbery. At least in the short term. After all, the reserve of formation knowledge needed by this holy rank is very large. Liu Ce thought of achieving it, which was somewhat difficult.

"System, is there a way for me to become a Saint-Order Formation Daoist in a short time?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Yes, the host can purchase inheritance spar."

System Road.

"Oh, how much national fortune does it take to inherit the spar?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"Three billion."

System Road.

"I'm Cao, forget it, when I didn't ask."

For Liu Ce now, the national fortune is dwindling day by day. How is it possible to use the country in this place.

"Is there a teleportation array? I buy the finished product directly?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Yes, one billion."

System Road.

"I wipe it, just a single finished product needs one billion?"

Liu Ce was speechless.

Forget it, there are too few national fortunes now, so I still need to save some money. It can be said that Liu Ce's current national fortune is not enough for him to open the treasure chest of the Celestial Order again. Let Liu Ce feel very insecure now.

It must be open source. Now the way to get the national luck is very simple, and that is expansion. The greater the expansion, the greater the national fortune.

"Master, master, there are enemies, invading the star field. There are enemies, invading the star field..."

It is an early warning of space satellites.

Liu Ce immediately took out a tablet computer and opened it.

Sure enough, the data from space satellites showed that dozens of flying boats were coming towards the Skeleton Star 800 million miles away. Looking at the sign on the flying boat, this force is the big sand gang.

"Is it here to send the spar, or is it to retaliate?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

"Fei Peng, go and take a walk. Check out the other party's intentions."

Liu Cedao.

"According to the purpose."

Scaboo immediately took a flying boat and brought a bunch of gods and demons to greet him.

Liu Ce sat in Dazhai, monitoring with a tablet.

Worthy of being a space satellite, the picture Liu Ce received with his tablet was extremely clear, as if he was on the scene. The high technology of this certain world has already dumped 10,000 streets of the earth.

Wang Zhen, the gang leader of the Great Sand Faction, is now leading dozens of flying boats under his command towards the Skeleton Star. The flying boat flies at full speed. It won't take a few hours to reach Skeleton Star.

"Helper, there is a flying boat in front of us flying towards us."

A driver of a big sand gang pointed to the road ahead.

"Well, who is it? Is it the group that kidnapped my son?"

Wang Zhen frowned slightly.

"Let the other party stop reporting their identity."

Wang Zhen gave the order.

Never thought that the people of the Great Sand Gang still have to report their identity. The big man's flying boat had stopped hundreds of meters away from them.

"Are you from the Great Sand Gang in front?"

The scabious flew out of the flying boat.

"The spirit of the gang master is not weak, it seems that it is not weaker than the Divine Master Realm."

Standing beside Wang Zhen, a military instructor looked humane.

"Not weaker than the Divine Realm?"

Wang Zhen was slightly surprised. At this moment, he knew why his third son would lose to each other. He naturally knew that his three sons were leading people to destroy the Skeleton Thieves Group. This is what he is supporting. Otherwise, even if Wang Xu was the third son of the Dasha Gang, it would be impossible to bring out so many people without his approval. But Wang Zhen was only silently supporting him. It can be seen how much he loves these three sons. But at this moment, there was news that his three sons had failed to eliminate the Skeleton Thief and had been captured.

Wang Xu is his darling. He doesn't know how his three sons are now, and he wants to destroy the enemy and crush the corpses of those who hurt his three sons.

"Helper, it's not wise to go head-to-head, the third son is still in the hands of the other party, and we will throw the mouse away no matter what. Now this song opportunity, in fact, we can use the trick."

The man who looked like a military commander next to Wang Zhen said to him.

"How can it be counted?"

Wang Zhen asked quickly.

"The other party should have discovered us a long time ago. This time, it should be a ransom with us. We can deceive the other party into our flying boat, and then ride the other party's unpreparedness..."

The man who looked like a military commander didn't finish talking, but Wang Zhen already knew what the other party was thinking. His eyes lit up involuntarily, because in his opinion, this method was indeed good. Although he vowed to destroy this group of unknown forces this time. But there are indeed some anti-mouse devices, after all, his own child is still in the hands of the other party.

"Okay, just follow Mr. Han's method."

Wang Zhen nodded and nodded.

"We are members of the Dasha Gang, and we have brought the ransom you asked for. But what about our three sons."

Outside of Feizhou, it was Han Yunsong who was in charge of the negotiations, that is, the person who had previously advised Wang Zhen.

"You hand in the spar, we will naturally release the third son."

Fei Peng smiled.

"Hmph, if you don't let us see the third son, how do we know if the third son has been subject to any accidents?"

Han Yunsong said solemnly.

"You have no choice. If you don't want to hand over the spar, then you can go home. It's a fight or a fight, just listen to it."

Fei Peng said.

"Well, does this billion spar need to be counted?"

Han Yunsong pretended to be disappointed.

"Naturally need to count."

Scaboo nodded.

"Your Excellency on our flying boat to take inventory. Or shall we send someone over?"

Han Yunsong said.

"Fei Peng, let the other party come over. If you pass, there will be danger. Who knows if the other party will deceive?"

Heavy corridor.

"But when the other party comes over, we are not sure if there will be any small actions? After all, this is in the star field."

Fei Peng also has some concerns.

In the star field, if the opponent's person is entering their flying boat and doing small actions, even if they have so many people, it will be very dangerous. For example, if the other party is frantic and blew himself up in their flying boat...

If the flying boat explodes in the interstellar space, it is extremely dangerous, and it will be randomly driven into the space turbulence. At that time, there will be no scum left. Even the martial artist of the Divine Master Realm would not be willing to take this risk.

Although this probability is not high, it is still considered. After all, this time he is the leader in charge and must be comprehensive.

"Let me go."

Fei Peng said.

"I will go with you."

Chonglou does not want scabs to be in danger.

"No, if I really have trouble, then you are the person in charge. How could we not be at the same time."

Fei Peng took it for granted.


Zhonglou thought for a while and nodded, obviously he also felt that Feipeng made sense.

It's just that Chonglou is still a little worried, because the other party has dozens of flying boats, and it doesn't seem to be a ransom, but some people are unkind.

"Febbon, do you think the other side's so many flying boats seem to have come to pay the ransom? Is it because you want to go to war with us?"

Zhonglou narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hmph, their third son is still in our hands. What do you think the other party will reveal. What's more, even if it is a war, do you think our big guys are guilty of each other?"

Fei Peng said disdainfully.

The reason why Scaboo was preparing to get on the opponent's flying boat was not only because he was worried that the other party would be deceived, but also because of his confidence in his own cultivation. The current Fei Peng is the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Divine Master Realm. This cultivation base gave Feipeng great confidence. I feel that even if the other party has some conspiracy, but under the powerful force, everything is a cloud.

"How is your consideration?"

Han Yunsong was a little worried at the moment. In fact, he was also betting that if the other party said to let them pass, all these tactics would be in vain. However, Han Yunsong's appearance is still very calm.

"I'll go, I hope you don't play tricks, otherwise your third son is still in our hands, I hope you will be smarter."

Fei faintly said.


When Han Yunsong heard Feipeng was about to come, he was immediately happy. Based on the opponent's cultivation base, he must be an important figure in the opponent's forces. If you can catch the opponent, take the hostage. Then they don't need to cast rat avoidance devices again.

"be cheated?"

In a flying boat of the Great Sand Gang

Wang Zhen's eyes lit up.


Scaboo walked into the flying boat.

"This is the leader of our big sand gang,"

Han Yunsong pointed to Wang Zhen and introduced.

Scaboo was not surprised. After all, it was the third son of the Great Sand Gang that was caught, and it was normal for the leader to come in person.

"Our spar is handed over, you must guarantee my son's safety?"

Wang Zhen said with a serious look.

"This is natural, we still have this credibility."

Fei faintly said.

Wang Zhen had already remembered the two words Dahan in his heart. This big man will be the next enemy of their big sand gang. He will personally destroy this force that dared to provoke their big sand gang.

"Okay, I hope so. If you can't guarantee my son's safety, this gang leader will definitely let you guys survive and die."

Wang Zhendao.

"Do not worry."

Feipeng disdain for Wang Zhen's provocation. But it feels normal. The other party was like this, but his vigilance was reduced a bit.

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